关键词:中投公司; 投资策略; 外汇储备;中国
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中投公司最初将境外投资聚焦于美国金融行业主要有以下几个原因:第一,在2006年,中投公司建立之前,石油和资源的价格处于历史新高,这使得金融行业从投资收益最大化的角度成为了最具有吸引力的行业(国家亚洲研究局,2008,第14页)。第二,美国拥有最大且最成熟的股权市场;因此,这是一个合乎逻辑的地理选择。第三,次贷危机的开始使得美国市场对买入陷入困境的金融公司更有吸引力。第四,中投公司为了向中国财政部偿还其初始资金而需要产生14%的年收益率的结构负债而产生的压力,导致了中投公司对高风险、高收益的投资策略的接受(Brown, 2008,第19页; Eaton amp; Zhang,2010,第497页)。最后,中投公司与大多数亚洲主权财富基金一样,将其金融投资指向了西方的成熟的金融市场。
中投公司最初在美国金融行业的投资可以分为以下几类:(a)首次公开募股基础投资;(b)外包给外界资产管理者;以及(c)对被次贷危机打击的公司的投资(Wuamp;Seah,2008a,第52页)。即使是在中投公司成立之前,中投公司也在2007年的5月获得了美国私募股权公司黑石价值30亿美元的无投票权股份。这些股份在几个月之内损失了其价值的一半,这使得中投公司在国内招致了恶意的批评(国家亚洲研究局,2008,第13页)。中投公司又在2007年12月以50亿美元投资了摩根斯坦利的9.9%的股份。然而 ,中投公司对摩根斯坦利的、9%收益率的可转换证券形式而非直接股权形式的投资,说明了中投公司在黑石中的损失中吸取了教训(Wuamp;Seah,2008a,第55页)。在2008年,中投公司认购了Visa公司在三月首次公开募股的1亿美元股权,并在9月对货币市场Reserve Primary Fund,投资了54亿美元。
2008年的全球性金融危机促使中投公司重新思考其策略。来自彭博的历史数据说明,中投公司投资的几家公司的股价在2008年11月处于最低点,黑石和摩根斯坦利的股价比购入价格低82%,而Visa公司的股价比2008年3月的购买价格低24%。由于Reserve Primary Fund对雷曼兄弟的投资额巨大,Reserve Primary Fund的净资产值在2008年10月跌破每股1美元并在雷曼兄弟倒闭后冻结了其赎回,Reserve Primary Fund也由此成为第一个“跌破1美元”的货币市场。由于JC·弗劳尔斯对一家德国公司的投资贬值,中投公司也在对JC·弗劳尔斯的投资中损失了不确定的比例。这些巨额财物损失在中国激起了国内政治的激烈反对。由于批评是指责中投公司在金融衰落时期挥霍国家资金来投资国外企业,中投公司的损失一直是中国政府的一个问题。
表1 投资管理队伍数据表
年份 |
高等学位 |
海外工作经历 |
海外教育 |
海外公民 |
总数 |
截至2008.5.30 |
66 |
47 |
48 |
10 |
67 |
截至2009.12.31 |
199 |
115 |
132 |
31 |
246 |
截至2011.6.30 |
313 |
154 |
217 |
43 |
378 |
- 外文文献出处:
Wu, F., Goh, C. and Hajela, R. Transformation of Chinas sovereign wealth fund since the 2008-2009 global crisis[J]. Thunderbird International Business Review,2012, 54(3):347–359.
- 附外文文献原文
Transformation of Chinarsquo;s Sovereign Wealth Fund Since the 2008-2009 Global Crisis
With its huge official foreign exchange reserves mostly in low yielding US Treasuries and bonds, the Peoplersquo;s Republic of China (PRC) government set up a new sovereign wealth fund (SWF), China Investment Corporation (CIC), in September 2007. The main purpose of CIC is to obtain higher
Wu, F., Goh, C. and Hajela, R. Transformation of Chinas sovereign wealth fund since the 2008-2009 global crisis[J]. Thunderbird International Business Review,2012, 54(3):347–359.
Transformation of Chinarsquo;s Sovereign Wealth Fund Since the 2008-2009 Global Crisis
原文作者: Friedrich Wu, Christine Goh, Ruchi Hajela
单位: 新加坡南阳理工大学拉加拉特纳姆国际学院
With its huge official foreign exchange reserves mostly in low yielding US Treasuries and bonds, the Peoplersquo;s Republic of China (PRC) government set up a new sovereign wealth fund (SWF), China Investment Corporation (CIC), in September 2007. The main purpose of CIC is to obtain higher investment returns on Chinarsquo;s rapidly growing foreign exchange reserves. As CIC reports directly to the State Council of the PRC government, it has attracted international scrutiny concerning its political motivations, in spite of a relatively small amount (US$90 billion out of its initial total capital of US$200 billion) initially allocated for overseas investments.
CICrsquo;s initial investment strategy of focusing mainly on the US financial sector during 2007–2008 has been transformed into a new strategy of diversified investments across geography and sectors from 2009 till to date. This transformation is evident in CICrsquo;s overseas investments over three periods: first, 2007 to early 2008; second, 2008 to early 2009; and third, early 2009 to the present (Martin, 2010, pp. 4–6). In the first period, CICrsquo;s investments were focused on the financial sector in the United States (Wu amp; Seah, 2008a,b,c). However, these investments were ill-timed as the US subprime mortgage crisis and collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 triggered the global financial meltdown. Consequently, massive financial losses and domestic political backlash gave CIC the impetus to rethink its investment strategy. In the second period, CIC engineered a reorganization to reposition itself for a new strategy amid a more receptive global investment climate for SWFs. CIC managed to emerge as one of the most aggressive sovereign wealth funds as global markets recovered. In the third period from May 2009 onward, CICrsquo;s new strategy of diversification is characterized by continued investments in the financial sector, but with new investments increasingly directed to real sectors in energy, natural resources, and real estate in both developed and emerging economies. CICrsquo;s new strategy of diversification successfully has steered the sovereign wealth fund through persistent uncertainties in the global recovery as is evident from its consistent returns on global investments during 2009 and 2010.
This article focuses on the shift in CICrsquo;s overseas investment strategy after the global financial crisis. It aims to answer three key questions: First, what prompts the shift in CICrsquo;s investment strategy amid the global financial crisis? Second, in CICrsquo;s new strategy, what has been done to reduce risks and enhance returns? Third, has the new strategy been successful and what are the factors that would affect CICrsquo;s sustainability in the medium to long term?
The establishment of CIC arose from Chinarsquo;s concern about the value of its official foreign exchange reserves in the context of a depreciating US dollar. By 2007, China had accumulated huge foreign reserves worth US$1.5 trillion arising from large current ac- count surpluses since the 1990s. About two-thirds of these reserves were in depreciating US dollar holdings, of which a further half was in the form of long-term US securities (Wu amp; Seah, 2008a, p. 49). Global financial services firm UBS estimated that between 2003 and 2006, China earned a mere 2%–4% returns on reserves (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2008, p. 12). With a higher domestic rate of investment (4.0%) than returns from US dollar holdings (3.5%), maintaining large US dollar assets for China meant living with losses in value of its holdings (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2008, p. 12). Alternatively, moving investments out of the US dollar would have led to depreciation of remaining US dollar holdings and hence was not viable. As the PRC government was cognizant of the need to be proactive about protecting its reserves, CIC was set up as a new sovereign wealth fund. To this end, CIC was capitalized with US$200 billion in reserves purchased from the Peoplersquo;s Bank of China (PBOC) in exchange for RMB1.55 trillion in government bonds is- sued by Chinarsquo;s Ministry of Finance (CIC, 2008, p. 10). Only US$90.0 billion of the initial capital was available for overseas investments, while a third was allocated for the recapitalization of domestic financial institutions, and another third deployed for the purchase of state-owned investment firm Central Huijin Investment Corporation (Wu amp; Seah, 2008a, p. 52).
CICrsquo;s initial overseas investments were focused on the US financial sector due to a number of reasons: First, in 2006, before CIC was set up, oil and resource prices were at a record high, making the financial sector the most attractive from the point of maximizing return on investment (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2008, p. 14). Second, the United States had the largest and the most well developed equities market; therefore, it was a logical geographical choice. Third, the onset of the subprime crisis made the US market more attractive for buying into distressed financial firms. Fourth, the pressure arising from CICrsquo;s structural liability to generate 14% annualized return to repay its initial capital to MOF led to the adoption of a high-risk, high-yield investment strategy (Brown, 2008, p. 19; Eaton amp; Zhang, 2010, p. 497). Finally, CIC, like most of Asia-based SWFs, directed its financial inv
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