原文作者 Xu yang
单位 Jiangsu Academy of Macroeconomic Research,Jiangsu,China
目的 - 本文的目的是测试在外国和国内化妆品企业的不同类型,他们在中国市场的战略选择方面的创新,与国内大型化妆品公司和小到中型企业(SMEs)关于在中国市场上不同类型的战略创新的选择。
设计/方法/方式 - 独立样本t检验来对比国外和国内的化妆品企业和国内中小型和大型化妆品企业。
独创性/价值 - 从这个t检验分析,很显然,国外化妆品公司和国内化妆品企业在中国市场选择了不同类型的战略创新。与此同时,国内的大型化妆品企业和中小企业选择了不同类型的战略创新。
- 介绍
全球化改变了中国化妆品行业的环境,使中国的化妆品行业的竞争变地激烈。很多化妆品企业需要重组现有的资源。因此,创新能力已经成为这些公司的核心竞争力之一(Derrick and Soren,2007)。中国大约有4000家本土化妆品生产企业,但在中国化妆品行业,它们只有20%的总市场占有率(Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Review,2010)。中国化妆品行业起步20世纪80年代,是对外国化妆品公司在中国市场的入侵的响应。大多数中国公司都是小型到中型的企业(SMEs),平均年收入低于120万美元(Chen and Xu,2005)。大多数国内化妆品企业瞄准低端市场。此外,中国国内全部的本土化妆品企业的总销售收入低于个别国外大型化妆品公司的销售收入。
外国公司通过快速进入市场和用大量投资来推广品牌来管理中国市场并在中国化妆品市场占取领导地位(Ronald,2002)。这些公司已经能够生成整个行业的大部分收入,并且,相较于国内化妆品企业,消费者更喜欢外国化妆品企业产更为优良的产品品质(Li and Chen,2011)。中国化妆品企业面临全球化带来的竞争压力。简单模仿西方的经营策略是不可取的,而且西方的战略创新有自己的企业文化特色,并不适合中国化妆品企业。中国化妆品企业需要的不仅是企业战略发展的实践经验,而且还要了解其理论基础(Wu,2002)。
生新的公司价值(Derrick and Soren,2007)。
战略创新研究是于20世纪80年代和90年代初进行的(Burgelman et al.,1998)。研究人员研究了战略创新的不同领域。其中一些重点研究了企业的能力来重新定义顾客价值和企业价值链,而有一些考虑了环境压力,还有则提到企业的输入和输出对战略创新的影响(Edwards,2004;Chan and Mauborgne,2004).Graciela(2006)说大型企业的国际化正在逐步发展,并导致在近几十年内于区域和全球层面的整个系统的创新。对于小公司和新开发的市场,战略创新是在面对巨大的资源劣势时想要获得成功的唯一方法(Gary,1998)。“对于正准备承担风险并在质疑现状的企业来说,战略创新可以使企业的利润增长,即使是在萎缩或是已经成熟的市场”(Bertrand and Ortega,2006)。
目前已经对战略创新进行了大量的研究,并已被许多行业所采用(Peter,2001;Luo and Lu,2004;Lin,2008),但没有做有关中国的化妆品行业的研究,也没有证据表明,一个行业的研究结果可以适用于其行业。这项研究的目的是明确国外和国内的化妆品企业在中国市场上是否选择同类型的战略创新,并确定中国国内的中小企业和大型化妆品企业是否选择同类型的战略创新在中国市场上竞争。根据上述的化妆品行业背景,本文讨论的问题是: 中国化妆品能否通过战略创新带来更高的盈利能力和增长?在中国市场上,国外和国内的化妆品企业是否选择同一类型的战略创新?本文的研究结果将有助于现有化妆品市场、商业模式和战略创新的了解。作为这项研究的结果是,化妆品公司在中国市场可能采取的战略不同的创新来寻求未来的业务机会,以提高他们的竞争优势。
战略创新是指企业彻底改变在行业内的竞争的性质,并通过采用不同的战略获得其竞争对手所不具有的优势的过程。许多公司已经使用这种方式。在化妆品行业中比较最突出的创新有:雅芳的送货上门的销售,宝洁公司(P&G)的个人生产,薇姿的药店销售,Body Shop的化妆品零售(Markides,1998)。所有这些成功的案例不只是说明在研发(R&D)新产品上的创新,也对传统的观念提出了挑战(Markides,1997)。这些案例涉及到重新思考目标市场,消费者的需求和整个价值传递方式。他们还重新设计了他们的业务方法,最终,他们专注于市场中能为消费者带来的价值(Govindarajan and Gupta,2001;Markides,1998;Kim and Mauborgne,1996)。有成功的经验告诉我们如何在激烈的商业竞争中获胜,打破规则辅以公司策略创新改变了市场环境。企业只有生存下来,并通过不断创新发展。 Fabrizio and Thomas(2011)认为,公司将投入更多的投资,更多地进行创新来满足更大的市场,因为预期在更大的市场能有更高的盈利。企业通过打破旧的战略模型和重置基本战略要素重新安排战略以创造价值。企业应该能够准确识别他们与竞争对手之间的经营模式的差异,然后利用已确定的差异优势,创造一个不同与竞争对手的竞争策略(Luo and Diao,2007)。
一些从业人员和研究人员曾认为战略创新应是是全方位的为,虽然他们也把不同的事件进行分门别类(Cooper,1990)。 Daft and Becker (1982)对战略创新进行了全面的定义,包括了各种不同类型的创新。Damanpour and Schneider (2006)认为,“创新”可能是指一个新的产品/服务,一个新的结构或行政制度,一种新的生产工艺或新的计划,方案,过程,产品或服务。根据Zain(1995),战略创新始终是成功的匹配与环境变化的组织要求,如输出新理念,流程,技术和服务。战略创新的定义如图表Ⅰ。
战略创新的定义 |
作者 |
公司重新设计经营方案,并专注于带给消费者价值的市场上 |
Govindarajan and Gupta (2011), Markides(1998), Kim and Mauborgne(1996) |
企业应该能够准确识别他们与竞争对手之间的经营模式的差异,然后利用已确定的差异优势,创造一个不同与竞争对手的竞争策略 |
Luo and Diao (2007) |
战略创新应是全方位的过程,虽然它可以分成不同的事件和过程 |
Cooper(1990) |
一个组织的战略创新在引进新的产品/服务,或一个新的结构、行政系统,或新的生产工艺观察 |
Damanpour and Schneider (2006) |
战略创新始终是成功的匹配与环境变化的组织要求,如输出新理念,流程,技术和服务 |
Zain (1995) |
- 研究方法
中国化妆品市场为国内企业与跨国企业提供了机会。跨国公司如P&G目前领跑中国市场,他们的产品相较于国产化妆品公司生产的产品更得消费者的青睐(Ronald,2002)。据中国咨询报告(2008年),国内大多数的化妆品企业都是中小企业,缺乏有知名度的产品。 Stieglitz and Heine (2006)认为,互补性资产对创新的发展起到了至关重要的作用。国内化妆品企业想要在市场上获得竞争优势方面存在困难都(Liand Chen,2011),且这些大多都只是在模仿大型企业和国外企业的战略创新,以提高他们的业绩和盈利能力。中国大型的化妆品公司与跨国公司在中国市场上建立了合资企业来获得高质量的产品品牌的许可证以吸引消费者。与国内的大型化妆品企业联合经营的同时,跨国公司也从中国廉价的资源、专业知识和交付网络中受益。国内产业因为其在低层次市场的发展而受挫(Liand Chen,2011)。
No. |
类型 |
解释 |
作者 |
1 |
产品创新 |
产品创新通过动态和互惠关系提高公司的竞争力 |
Goldenberg and mazursky (2002) |
2 |
包装创新 |
包装创新在企业使用新包装、新商标、全新的品牌设计、有新内涵的产品广告和独特的组织结构时被证明 |
Matusow (2012) |
3 |
研发创新 |
公司通过建立研发中心,在现有产品的基础上提高产品技术 |
Martin (1994) |
4 |
通信创新 |
通信创新可使企业更好地倾听与反应,从而克服对消费者、员工和股东传递信息的障碍 |
Chua and morris (2009) |
5 |
金融创新 |
金融创新是一个企业的金融体系的发展,以提高运营效率,降低风险和成本 |
Bhattachary and Nanda (2000) |
6 |
人力资源创新 |
人力资源创新是在怎样更好地招聘和留住员工方面的创新 |
Holbrook and Hughes (2000) |
7 |
材料创新 |
这是产的材料质量的提高 |
Parker (1986) |
8 |
联盟和网络 |
这被认为是当公司利用合资伙伴制定具体的市场方案,在特定的区域推出合作品牌的产品/服务或建立合资基金相互投资 |
Cooke (1996) |
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附外文文献原文 Different choice of strategic innovation among companies in China market Abstract Purpose—The purpose of this paper is to test the different among foreign and domestic cosmetics firms in terms of types of strategic innovations they chose in the Chinese market,and the difference between domestic large-sized cosmetics firms and cosmetics small-to medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)about types of strategic innovation they choose in Chinese market. Design/methodology/approach—The independent-sample t-test was used to compare foreign and domestic cosmetics firms and domestic SMEs and large-sized cosmetics firms. Findings—Foreign and domestic cosmetics firms should not choose the same type of strategic innovations,and it also showed that Chinese domestic large-sized firms and SMEs should not choose the same types of strategic innovations. Research limitations/implications—China is the exclusive place of focus. Only 19 types of strategic innovations were analyzed. There may be other variables that have not been addressed in the study. Practical implications—Though other large-sized companies achieved considerable profitability or growth by using some types of strategic innovations,the same types may not contribute to the same profitability or growth for SMEs.Although foreign cosmetics companies had great growth and profitability in the Chinese market,domestic large-sized companies should not blindly follow them as their needs and situations are different. Originality/value—From this t-test analysis,it is clear that foreign cosmetics firms and domestic cosmetics firms choose different types of strategic innovation in Chinese market. Meanwhile,domestic large-sized cosmetics firms and SMEs chose different types of strategic innovation. Keywords Strategic innovation,Domestic cosmetics firms,Foreign cosmetics firms, Large-sized cosmetics firms,Medium-sized cosmetics firms,Small-sized cosmetic firms Paper type Research paper 1.Introduction Cosmetics businesses in China have become intensely competitive since globalization has changed the environment for them.Many cosmetics firms need to recombine available resources. Thus,innovation capability has become one of the core competitiveness measures for these firms(Derrick and Soren,2007). There are around 4000 local manufactures in the Chinese cosmetics sector,which capture just 20 per cent of the total market share(Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Review,2010). The Chinese cosmetics industry was started up in the 1980s as a response to the intrusion of foreign cosmetics firms in the Chinese marketplace. Most Chinese corporations are small-to medium-sized enterprises(SMEs),with average annual revenues of less than USD1.2 million(Chen and Xue,2005). Moreover,most domestic cosmetics firms target the low-end market. In China, the combined sales revenue of all domestic cosmetics firms is less than the sales revenues of individual large foreign cosmetics firms. Foreign firms have managed to dominate the Chinese cosmetics market by entering the market quickly and introducing their brands backed by heavy investments (Ronald,2002). These firms have been able to generate the majority of the whole industryrsquo;s revenue and consumers prefer them over domestic cosmetics firms in hope of better performance(Li and Chen,2011). Chinese cosmetics enterprises face competitive pressures caused by globalization. Simple imitation of Western business strategies is not advisable,and Western strategic innovation with its own corporate cultural characteristics is not a good fit for Chinese cosmetics firms. They need not only practical experience of business strategy development but also support to understand its theoretical foundation(Wu,2002). With deeping globalization,a cosmetics enterprise in a dominate position could expand its market share further and try to create something novel to create a unique market space. At such a point,the traditional strategic model faces severe problems and the traditional mode of operation is unable to meet the requirements for a businessrsquo;s survival. The absolute importance of strategic innovation in the modern competitive climate has also been tested widely. Strategic innovation is believed to create strategies,and come up with unique products or services and new processes to improve growth to change the game and produce new value for corporations(Derrick and Soren,2007). Strategic innovation research was conducted during the 1980s and early 1990s (Burgelman et al.,1998). The researchers studied different areas of strategic innovation. Some focused on corporate capability to redefine customer value and the corporate value chain,whereas a few considered environmental pressure,and others mentioned strategic innovations influence on corporate input and output(Edwards,2004;Chan and Mauborgne,2004).Graciela(2006) commented that the internationalization of large firms developed gradually and resulted in whole systems innovation at the regional and global levels in recent decades. For small firms and newcomers to the market,strategic innovation is the only method to be successful when facing enormous resource disadvantages(Gary,1998).“For corporations who are preparing to take risks,and questioning the status quo ,strategic innovation could make profitable growth even in shrinking or mature markets”(Bertrand and Orlega,2006). There has been much research conducted on strategic innovation,as it has been adopted by different industries(Peter,2001;Luo and Lu,2004;Lin,2008),but nothing has been done concerning Chinarsquo;s cosmetics industry,and there was no evidence that results from 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料 资料编号:[286891],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word |