
 2023-01-10 04:01







从农村转移到城市地区的人口的就业,使得就业从农村农业部门转移到城市的制造业和服务业,这一状况一直持续到从农村国变成工业国以及从落后的国家转变为现代化国家(Chenery Syrquin,1975)。





中国作为世界上增长最快的经济体,目前正处于城市化的进程当中。城市化的可持续发展是中国迫切需要的,由于城市的扩张,城市和农村向城市流动被人为的限制。尽管1970年代后期以来的经济改革见证了劳动力流动的限制逐步放宽,在规划期内存在一定的旧制度,以防止城市失业,这是国家户籍制度的一部分(今后户籍制度)尚未从根本上改革,行政区域仍然是永久乡-城迁移和流动的障碍 (Au和亨德森2002)当农民转移到城市找工作,甚至当他们大规模的就业,他们中的大多数依旧被当作二等公民对待。城市官员制订了严格政策限制农民永久从农村迁移到城市地区。农民工不能获得同样水平的社会保障福利,住房补贴以及他们的孩子不能够接受高质量的教育他们的孩子,正因为有些人被户籍制度视为“城市居民”(王,2004)。












Urbanization, Rural Land System and

Social Security for Migrants in China


*University of Oxford, UK and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China,

**Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China

Final version received October 2005

ABSTRACT Temporary migration due to lack of social security for migrants, rural land tenure insecurity due to frequent land reallocation and abusive land requisition due to lack of functioning land markets are all major policy challenges that China is facing in its yet-to-be finished economic transition. Although there have been intensive studies and various policy recommendations on these issues, most discussions have so far neglected the close interrelationships between these issues and have failed to analyse them in an integrated framework. The paper aims to establish such an analytical framework. By taking into account the impacts of Chinarsquo;s characteristics, that is a large developing country in transition, on the countryrsquo;s migration and rural land policies, we propose a policy package to address these challenges in a holistic manner.

I. Introduction

One of the key steps in the development process is urbanisation: the growth of cities that allows for the building of factories and urban residential communities. Urbanisation shifts the population from rural to urban areas, allowing employment to shift from rural-based agricultural sectors to the primarily urban-based manufacturing and service sector, and continues until rural nations turn into urban ones and backward countries become modern (Chenery and Syrquin, 1975).

For this to happen, three conditions need to be met:

(1) Conversion of agricultural land that allows the building of factories and urban housing and infrastructure, meaning the displacement of farmers from land around the cities in the process of urbanisation.

(2) A set of institutions that encourage farmers to move from rural to urban, and from agriculture to manufacturing and service sectors. This would require a way to finance such migration and insure the migrating farmers throughout what is inherently a risky process (Todaro, 1969; Stark, 1991).

(3) Since the process of development is a gradual and long one, the system must allow those who are left behind in the first wave of migration to be able to access resources (income) that they need, in order to be able to get themselves ready to move in the coming years, either in this or even the next generation.

China, with the fastest growing economy in the world, is currently in the middle of its drive to urbanise. Sustainable urbanisation is especially needed in the case of China, given its legacy in which the expansion of cities and rural to urban mobility were artificially limited. Though economic reforms since the late 1970s have witnessed a gradual loosening of labour mobility restrictions that used to exist during the planning period to prevent urban unemployment, the old institutional arrangements that were part of the nationrsquo;s Household Registration System (henceforth, the Hukou system) have not been fundamentally reformed and have remained as obstacles to permanent rural-urban migration and to movement across administrative regions (Au and Henderson, 2002)1 When farmers moved to the city looking for work, even when they found productive employment, they mostly were treated as second class citizens. Urban officials place strict limits on permanent migration from rural to urban and across regions. Rural migrant workers cannot have access to the same level of social security benefits, housing subsidies and access to high quality education for their children, as people who are officially classified by the Hukou system as lsquo;urban residentsrsquo; (Wang, 2004).

Under a problematic legal framework for land use change, state-led land requisitions became pervasive in a process of faster urbanisation, which has left tens of millions of farmers under-compensated and jobless, and has resulted in bitter complaints from the displaced farmers (Han, 2005).2 At the same time, rural development has been undermined by existing problems in the rural land system. Owing to demographic pressure within villages, frequent agricultural land reallocation has to be carried out (Rozelle et al., 2002).

Consequently, for Chinarsquo;s urbanisation process to unfold in a way that will facilitate the nationrsquo;s modernization, it has to overcome the particularly challenging set of issues it is facing in the process of urbanisation. Migrating farmers need to settle down in cities on a permanent basis and obtain equal access to public services provided by city governments for their urban counterparts. The purchasing of land for urban development is also needed, and such transactions need to be carried out at market prices and in a way that obtains the approval of the rural collectives and the farmers who own land. Since the rise in land value in the rural-urban land use changes can be, at least partly attributed to urban growth and infrastructure development, there is a rationale to tax the proceeds from such land development and the collected revenue can be spent on urban infrastructure and even social security for migrating farmers from other regions, as well as locally dispossessed farmers. There is also a need for policies that will allow for the smooth shift of assets (especially land) from those that moved out to those that are staying in rural areas, so that extra lands can be released to reduce the pressures on rural land reallocation.

Surprisingly, despite the necessity of addressing these issues, there has been, up to now, very little literature that examines the policy process that would have to be put into place to ensure that Chinarsquo;s urbanisation proceeds in a healthy way. To overcome the absence in literature of a dis



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