Web 2.0时代的旅游业:授权和改变旅客的作用
用户生成的内容影响旅游者的行为:一个在e-word-of-mouth酒店在线预订的影响的实证研究Qiang Yea, , , Rob Lawb, 1, , Bin Guc, 2, , Wei Chend,一个管理学院,哈尔滨工业大学,黑龙江150001,中国酒店及旅游管理学院,香港理工大学,香港,给麦库姆斯商学院,德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校,美国农业部Rady管理学院,加利福尼亚大学,三迭戈92093,CA,USA
Web 2.0时代应用程序的使用增加已经产生了许多在线用户评论。之前的研究已经显示,用户对产品的影响而产生的如CD,销售书籍和电影评论。然而,在线用户的影响产生的旅游业中的评论在很大程度上仍是未知的两个旅游研究者和实践者。为了弥补这方面的知识差距在旅游管理,我们进行了识别在线用户产生的影响,以中国主要的在线旅行社的经营绩效评价中提取数据的实证研究。实证结果表明,旅行者评论在网上销售的影响显著,随着旅行者评论评级百分之五以上提高在线预订增长百分之10。我们的研究结果强调了重要性的在线用户评论对旅游企业的经营绩效。
Web 2.0移动应用的快速增长,这使互联网用户和允许双向信息交流在旅游业产生了大量的在线用户生成内容(UGC)酒店,旅游目的地,旅游服务(Sigala,2008)。同时,越来越多的旅客使用互联网的旅行计划(Litvin等人。,2008和Sigala等人。,2001)。大规模的调查结果表明,搜索旅游的相关信息是最受欢迎的在线活动(Pew互联网和美国生活项目,2006)。此外,公司(2007)发现,三分之一的旅游购买者参观一个留言板,论坛,或在线社区在他们的在线旅游购买因为他们相信网上的评论将有助于他们的购买决策。Forrester研究公司(2006)估计,在线消费总额34.7%相关的旅行,和最近的一项调查表明,超过百分之74的旅客使用其他消费者的意见,作为信息资源规划旅行的快乐时,(gretzel amp; Yoo,2008)。总的来说,在线评论的影响超过10000000000美元的在线旅游消费每年,它是如此重要的评估他们的影响。一些最近进行的研究显示,在线用户评论对消费者的产品销售有显著影响(chevlier和Mayzlin,2006段等人。,2008)。从以往的研究是用户评论的影响经验品尤为显著(克莱因,1998),其质量往往是前所未知的消费(卡茨和拉扎斯菲尔德,1955和纳尔逊,1970)和消费者必须依靠口碑和在线评论使这种商品的推论。大多数的产品和服务的酒店业提供经验品–旅游业务和酒店的质量,例如,是唯一已知的后服务已被消耗(Litvin等人2008)。然而,有一个非常有限数量的以前的研究在现有的旅游文学对在线用户产生的影响,对企业的绩效评价,尽管这方面的研究将有助于旅游从业人员更好地了解他们的业务,在线用户评论的重要性。
Web 2.0时代和UGC一直并将可能日益改变人们的搜索,发现,阅读,收集,共享,发展方式和消费信息。因此,他们提供了巨大的机会(Sigala,电子商务,2008)。在电子商务中,UGC可能作为一种新的产品/服务或供应商的口碑形式。口碑对企业的重要性已经得到了广泛的讨论和研究,特别是互联网技术的全球范围内采用以来,它已经彻底改变了口碑的分布和影响(安德森,1998,戈登伯格等人,2001,斯托克斯和罗马克斯,2002,朱、张,2006)。通过互联网,人们可以把自己的想法和意见,更容易接触到其他互联网用户(Dellarocas,2003)。高达2004,百分之44的美国互联网用户在互联网上发表他们的想法,和广大的消费者说他们相信这是由网上的其他消费者的意见(gretzel amp; Yoo,2008)。
此外,朱、张(2006),以及翔,石,与新加坡航空(2004)指出,在线用户评论的使用给消费者和网上零售商。同样,Dellarocas(2003)表明,网络口碑可以为在品牌建设方面的重要意义,管理产品开发,质量保证。最近的研究结果表明在产品/服务销售在线评论的影响不同。例如,使用差分模型,chevlier和Mayzlin(2006)检查在亚马逊网站的图书销售和消费者的评论的影响,发现口碑显著影响产品的销售。Duan et al。(2008)进行了面板数据分析与电影票房收入的数据,结果表明在线用户评论的价态对电影票房票房收入并没有显著的影响是通过在线量显着影响的评论。在旅游行业,Vermeulen和西格斯(2009)表明,积极的在线评论提高在潜在消费者的感知酒店。由于在线旅行者的评论都是游客和旅游企业的重要信息来源,研究人员试图分析和理解复杂的技术在线旅行者评论(Govers和去,2005,yea等。,2009A和yea等。,2009b)。
方程(1)Ln(e_salesi)=mu; beta;1mean_review_ratingi beta;2variance_review_ratingi beta;3LN(孪斑) Psi;otherfactorsi εILN(e_salesi)=mu; beta;1mean_review_ratingi beta;2variance_review_ratingi beta;3LN(孪斑) Psi;otherfact
如前所述,在测量酒店销售的影响的一个挑战是,房间的销售数据是不可用的研究。我们可以观察到从旅行社网站实际酒店预订,因为这些都是个别酒店有关私人数据。以前的研究已经使用了各种代理其他观测数据推断出产品的销售。当选择一个代理在这项研究中,我们注意到,携程网的政策(在线旅行社从我们获得的数据),谁已成功地实现了在线预订只允许客户发表评论(每一个交易)在他们逗留之后。因此,在一个旅游网站发表评论的数量可能会作为一个代理为酒店的客房销售通过旅行社在研究期间。如果客户有一个恒定的旅行社网站上张贴评论概率,在线评论的酒店我可以表示为酒店的客房销售的线性函数的数量,在number_reviews =ϕlowast;e_salesnumber_reviews =ϕlowast;e_sales。从本质上讲,我们可以采取综述作为一个酒店的预定数量的代理的数量,使用下面的回归模型分析
方程(2)Ln(number_reviewsi)=mu; beta;1mean_review_ratingi beta;2variance_review_ratingi beta;3LN(孪斑) beta;4city_gdp_rank beta;星 εILN(number_reviewsi)=mu; beta;1mean_review_ratingi beta;2variance_review_ratingi beta;3LN(孪斑) beta;4city_gdp_rank
本研究中所使用的数据来自Ctrip.com(携程国际,公司,纳斯达克股票代码:CTRP),这是酒店住宿,全球最大的在线旅游服务提供商的机票,和旅行社在中国有一个净收入1120000000元人民币(2007美元)164400000(crtip.com国际有限公司,2008)。我们开发了一个爬虫使用Ruby on Rails(http://www.rubyonrails.org)自动下载包含从携程的酒店及其他信息消费者的评论网页,并创建一个基于Ruby的系统解析HTML和XML数据从网页到我们的数据库。研究是在2008年年中进行数据采集、处理与试点。我们使用的爬虫检索所有可用的信息,从携程酒店预订的十随机选择在中国大城市,包括上海,北京,广州,深圳,重庆,成都,哈尔滨,西安,兰州,拉萨。携程旅行网拥有2205家酒店,在这些城市的信息(详见表1)。在这些酒店,566不再是可用的在线预订,因此我们无法删除这些酒店从数据集。我们最终的数据集包含1639家酒店。
上海703 1<!--
Computers in Human Behavior
Volume 27, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 634–639
Web 2.0 in Travel and Tourism: Empowering and Changing the Role of Travelers
Edited By Marianna Sigala
The influence of user-generated content on traveler behavior: An empirical investigation on the effects of e-word-of-mouth to hotel online bookings
Qiang Yea, , , Rob Lawb, 1, , Bin Guc, 2, , Wei Chend, a School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang 150001, Chinab School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Chinac McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, USAd Rady School of Management, The University of California, San Diego, CA 92093, USA
Available online 14 May 2010
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doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.04.014Get rights and content
The increasing use of web 2.0 applications has generated numerous online user reviews. Prior studies have revealed the influence of user-generated reviews on the sales of products such as CDs, books, and movies. However, the influence of online user-generated reviews in the tourism industry is still largely unknown both to tourism researchers and practitioners. To bridge this knowledge gap in tourism management, we conducted an empirical study to identify the impact of online user-generated reviews on business performance using data extracted from a major online travel agency in China. The empirical findings show that traveler reviews have a significant impact on online sales, with a 10 percent increase in traveler review ratings boosting online bookings by more than five percent. Our results highlight the importance of online user-generated reviews to business performance in tourism.
User-generated content; Traveler behavior; Hotel; Online bookings
1. Introduction
The rapid growth of web 2.0 applications, which empower Internet users and allow two-way information communications in travel and tourism, has generated an enormous number of online user-generated contents (UGC) on hotels, travel destinations, and travel services (Sigala, 2008). At the same time, an increasing number of travelers are using the Internet for travel planning (Litvin et al., 2008 and Sigala et al., 2001). Results of large-scale surveys have shown that searching for travel-related information is one of the most popular online activities (Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2006). In addition, Complete, Inc (2007) found one-third of travel purchasers visited a message board, forum, or online community before their online travel purchasing because they believed online reviews would be helpful to their purchase decision. Forrester Research (2006) estimated that 34.7 percent of total online spending is related to travel, and a recent survey indicated that more than 74 percent of travelers use the comments of other consumers as information sources when planning trips for pleasure (Gretzel amp; Yoo, 2008). In total, online reviews influence more than US$10 billion in online travel purchases every year (Compete, 2007), and it is thus important to assess their effect. A few recently conducted studies have demonstrated that online user-generated reviews have a significant influence on sales of consumer products (Chevlier and Mayzlin, 2006 and Duan et al., 2008). A key insight deduced from previous studies is that the influence of user reviews is particularly significant for experience goods (Klein, 1998), as their quality is often unknown before consumption (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955 and Nelson, 1970) and consumers have to rely on word-of-mouth and online reviews to make inferences about such goods. Most services and products offered by the hotel industry are experience goods – the quality of tour operations and hotels, for example, is only known after the service has been consumed (Litvin et al., 2008). However, there is a very limited number of prior studies in the existing tourism literature on the impact of online user-generated reviews on the performance of firms, despite the fact that studies on this topic would help tourism practitioners to better understand the importance of online user reviews for their businesses.
Using data extracted from major online travel agencies in China, we conducted an empirical study to bridge this research gap in tourism management. The data, which consisted of consumer-generated reviews, were retrieved from www.ctrip.com (NASDAQ: CTRP), a major online travel agency in China. One of the challenges in the study was that it is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain private booking data of online travelers. In previous studies, a variety of proxies have been used to infer product sales from observed data. Ghose and Ipeirotis (2006), as well as Chevlier and Mayzlin (2006), for example, used Amazon.comrsquo;s sales rankings to infer product sales.
In our study, a unique feature of ctrip.com that allows only travelers who book hotel rooms through its website to post reviews is leveraged. As such, the number of reviews is expected to be closely correlated to the number of room sales. We, therefore, use the number of reviews as a proxy for hotel room sales (Ghose and Ipeirotis, 2006, Ye et al., 2009a and Ye et al., 2009b). To further investigate the applicability of the approach, empirical data with actual online sales were collected and analyzed to test the model robustness in this study.
The aim of the study was to identify the impact of online word-of-mouth on sales in the tourism and hotel industries. We tested the influence of the valence and variance of online consumer-generated reviews based on the number of online bookings for the hotels included in this study. Our work was designed to extend current resea