4.4结果与谈论 研究问题4
The Effects of Group Leader on College Studentsrsquo; Self-regulated Learning in a Small Cooperative Learning Group
I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis.
I am honored to express my deepest gratitude to my dedicated mentor, Prof. Liu Qixuan, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She had offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and criticisms with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated. Besides, she always put high priority on our dissertation writing and was willing to discussion with me anytime available.
Thanks were also due to my classmates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions.
The Effects of Group Leader on College Studentsrsquo; Self-regulated Learning in a Small Cooperative Learning Group
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of group leader on college studentsrsquo; self-regulated learning (metacongnitive self-regulation and effort regulation) in a small cooperative group. The researcher collected and analyzed two perspectives of data, the quantitative data by a questionnaire derived from the original version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the qualitative data by semi-interviews and classroom observation notes. 23 universities students (23 girls) participated in this research. A paired-sample experimental design was utilized. 23 students were asked to finish course work through cooperating in five small cooperative groups before the midterm exam week and in the left courses students kept cooperative work with the same group in which had a self-selected group leader. The research has indicated that college students performed passively on their self-regulated learning (metacognitve self-regulation and effort regulation) under the effects of group leader in the cooperative learning group.
Keywords: cooperative learning; group leader; self-regulation; metacognitive self-regulation; effort regulation; college students
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 3
2.1 Cooperative learning 3
2.1.1 The importance of cooperative learning 3
2.1.2 Complex elements of cooperative learning 4
2.1.3 Group leader 5
2.2 Self-regulated Learning 6
2.2.1 Metacognitive self-regulation 6
2.2.2 Effort regulation 6
3. Research design 8
3.1 Research Questions 8
3.2 Design 8
3.3 Participants 8
3.4 Research instruments 9
3.4.1 The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire 9
3.4.2 Semi-interviews and classroom observation notes 9
3.5 Data analysis 10
3.6 Procedure 10
4. Results and Discussion 12
4.1 Results and discussion of Research question 1 12
4.2 Results and discussion of Research question 2 13
4.3 Results and discussion of Research question 3 14
4.4 Results and discussion of Research question 4 15
5. Conclusion 18
Cooperative learning (CL) is group learning activity in which learners depend on each other to exchange information and to be accountable for his or her own learning and also be motivated to increase the learning of others(Olsenamp;Kagan,1992). Johnson and Johnson (1989) had made a meta-analysis of 352 of studies which comparing competitive or individualistic learning with CL (Slavin,1990) and found that students got higher achievement in CL. In addition, hundreds of studies have reached the general consensus is that CL can and usually does result in positive student outcomes in all domains ((Johnson amp; Johnson, 1999). To be specific, in language classes, Bejarano(1987) stated CL was better than whole class instruction for developing integrative and discrete language skill. Because of its flexibility and general benefits, it follows that cooperative learning groups in EFL classes would be used as a logical teaching method.
Although, there are many positive CL methods existing in these decades, one study found that most teachers who use these methods have been self-taught (Sparapani, Abel, Easton, Edwards, amp; Herbster,1997) and that teachers are likely to use a combination of methods. To be more productive in EFL classes, when “Work in groups. Discusshellip;” or “With your partner, exchangehellip;” appears on most recent EFL textbooks, teachers are used to making group work among students. Additionally, roles of students are usually distinguished with group leader and other members. Homan and Poel (1999) stated several key reasons of why groupwork is often less effective than it could be and one of them is lack of clearly defined roles for the group members. When highly formal and structured, CL has been criticized for high teacher control and low learner autonomy(Panitz,1997) in which a teacher exercises control over groups by setting group goals, distributing the roles, and supplying all the material necessary to complete the work (Corliss, 2005),Obviously, low student autonomy causes less opportunity for self-regulated learning in CL(GUuml;VENCcedil;*,2010). However, Homan and Poel (1999) expressed that being a good group leader need to open a discussion, ask for an opinion, respond, summarize and closing a discussion. It indicates that a group leader can be a simi-teacher in the group processes. There comes a doubt what role a group leader can play in affecting other group membersrsquo; self-regulated learning in CL group. It is similar to the teacher-control effects which cause less opportunity for self