
 2023-03-13 03:03


原文作者 Bryant Walker Smith 单位 南卡罗来纳大学法学院


关键词:无人驾驶汽车; 合规审查; 最低安全标准;特殊驾照背书








本条例规定的安全要求一般同时适用于测试车辆和运营类车辆。两者都必须有一个单独的数据记录器,“捕捉碰撞发生前至少30秒的动态”,并存储这些数据至“碰撞日期后3年”,同时具备“启动或脱离自动驾驶状态的开关”,“如果检测到技术故障则主动提醒操作员控制车辆”,“不会对任何其他安全功能产生不利影响并接受联邦监管。”此外,测试车辆必须“安全运行”。 运营车辆还必须“能够按照适用的交通法规进行操作”,“表明是否可以在有或没有操作员的情况下进行操作”,能够“安全地离开车辆,并在需要时停下来”,拥有自动驾驶的可视指示器,并“允许操作人员”(如果需要真人在场)“以多种方式控制自动驾驶汽车。”








外文文献出处:网络与社会研究中心 著作《自动驾驶汽车在美国是合法的》第81-85页


Nevada Conditions the Legality of These Vehicles

November 1,2012

Authors:Bryant Walker Smith

In 2011, Nevada became the first state to enact legislation directed at automated vehicles. The primary legislation, passed as Assembly Bill (AB), defines “autonomous vehicle” and directs the statersquo;s Department of Motor Vehicles to “adopt regulations authorizing the operation of autonomous vehicles on highways within the State of Nevada.” These regulations are to include, inter alia, “minimum safety standards” and a special “driverrsquo;s license endorsement” that “must, in its restrictions or lack thereof, recognize the fact that a person is not required to actively drive an autonomous vehicle.” This language suggests that a driverrsquo;s license with such an endorsement could be more or less widely available than a normal license.

Separate legislation, passed as Senate Bill (SB) 140, provides that, for the purpose of the statersquo;s restrictions on the use of cell phones by drivers, “a person shall be deemed not to be operating a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle is driven autonomously through the use of artificial-intelligence software and the autonomous operation of the motor vehicle is authorized by law.” (Notably, the DMVrsquo;s regulation declines to extend this legal conclusion beyond the context of cell phones.)

The DMVrsquo;s initial regulation took effect in March 2012. In that regulation, the DMV sought to: provide more clarification to the stakeholders regarding what is not considered autonomous. Self parallel parking and other systems today require some type of human intervention to successfully operate the vehicle. The autonomous vehicle, per Nevadarsquo;s definition, does not require human intervention to operate the vehicle. There is a clear distinction between the two systems.

Accordingly, the DMV: will interpret the term “autonomous vehicle” to exclude a vehicle enabled with a safety system or driver assistance system, including, without limitation, a system to provide electronic blind spot assistance, crash avoidance, emergency braking, parking assistance, adaptive cruise control, lane keep assistance, lane departure warnings and traffic jam and queuing assistance, unless the vehicle is also enabled with artificial intelligence and technology that allows the vehicle to carry out all the mechanical operations of driving without the active control or continuous monitoring of a natural person

Despite this additional clarification, certain potential technologies could arguably fall on either side of this line. Indeed, other states could conceivably interpret similar language differently.

The regulation also defines the “operator” and “driver” of an autonomous vehicle as “the person who causes the autonomous vehicle to engage, regardless of whether the person is physically present in the vehicle while it is engaged.” This determination reduces, but does n


Nevada Conditions the Legality of These Vehicles

November 1,2012

Authors:Bryant Walker Smith

In 2011, Nevada became the first state to enact legislation directed at automated vehicles. The primary legislation, passed as Assembly Bill (AB), defines “autonomous vehicle” and directs the statersquo;s Department of Motor Vehicles to “adopt regulations authorizing the operation of autonomous vehicles on highways within the State of Nevada.” These regulations are to include, inter alia, “minimum safety standards” and a special “driverrsquo;s license endorsement” that “must, in its restrictions or lack thereof, recognize the fact that a person is not required to actively drive an autonomous vehicle.” This language suggests that a driverrsquo;s license with such an endorsement could be more or less widely available than a normal license.

Separate legislation, passed as Senate Bill (SB) 140, provides that, for the purpose of the statersquo;s restrictions on the use of cell phones by drivers, “a person shall be deemed not to be operating a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle is driven autonomously through the use of artificial-intelligence software and the autonomous operation of the motor vehicle is authorized by law.” (Notably, the DMVrsquo;s regulation declines to extend this legal conclusion beyond the context of cell phones.)

The DMVrsquo;s initial regulation took effect in March 2012. In that regulation, the DMV sought to: provide more clarification to the stakeholders regarding what is not considered autonomous. Self parallel parking and other systems today require some type of human intervention to successfully operate the vehicle. The autonomous vehicle, per Nevadarsquo;s definition, does not require human intervention to operate the vehicle. There is a clear distinction between the two systems.

Accordingly, the DMV: will interpret the term “autonomous vehicle” to exclude a vehicle enabled with a safety system or driver assistance system, including, without limitation, a system to provide electronic blind spot assistance, crash avoidance, emergency braking, parking assistance, adaptive cruise control, lane keep assistance, lane departure warnings and traffic jam and queuing assistance, unless the vehicle is also enabled with artificial intelligence and technology that allows the vehicle to carry out all the mechanical operations of driving without the active control or continuous monitoring of a natural person

Despite this additional clarification, certain potential technologies could arguably fall on either side of this line. Indeed, other states could conceivably interpret similar language differently.

The regulation also defines the “operator” and “driver” of an autonomous vehicle as “the person who causes the autonomous vehicle to engage, regardless of whether the person is physically present in the vehicle while it is engaged.” This determination reduces, but does not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the application of rules of the road to the automated vehiclersquo;s user.

In understanding the remaining portions of the regulation, it is important to distinguish between (1) the testing of autonomous vehicles for research and development and (2) the sale and consumer operation of these vehicles by state residents. Although both are addressed in the regulation, testing receives more detailed treatment. As the DMV explains in its informational statement, “since the autonomous technology will not be available to the public immediately, the Department will be implementing the certification of compliance facilities and vehicle registration program requirements directly after completing the testing phase of this project.”

The safety requirements specified by the regulation generally apply to both test vehicles and consumer vehicles. Both must have a separate data recorder that “captures sensor data for at least 30 seconds before a collision occurs” and stores that data “for 3 years after the date of the collision,” have a “switch to engage and disengage the autonomous vehicle,” “safely alert the operator to take control hellip; if a technology failure is detected,” and “not adversely affect any other safety features hellip; subject to federal regulation.” In addition, a test vehicle must be “safe to operate.” A consumer vehicle must additionally be “capable of being operated in compliance with the applicable traffic laws,” “indicate whether it may be operated with or without the physical presence of an operator,” be able to “safely move out of traffic and come to a stop” as required, have a visual indicator that it is operating autonomously, and “allow the operator,” should the physical presence of one be required, “to take control of the autonomous vehicle in multiple manners.”

A person that wishes to test a vehicle must obtain a one-year license by completing the appropriate DMV form (currently available online), affirming that the vehicle meets the relevant safety requirements above, showing insurance coverage, proving that its vehicles “have been driven by the applicant for a combined minimum of not less than 10,000 miles in autonomous mode” and “in various conditions for a number of miles that demonstrates the safety of the hellip; vehicles in those conditions,” demonstrating the technology for approval, proposing geographic locations and establishing the capability of its vehicles in those conditions, providing a surety bond or cash, providing other information required by the DMV, and applying for special license plates. The DMV may deny, suspend, revoke, or not renew a testing license.

A testing licensee may only test its vehicles in the general areas and conditions for which it has received approval. These currently include six geographic categories (interstate highways, state highways, urban environments, complex urban environments, residential roads, and unpaved unmarked roads) and five environmental types (night driving, rain, fog, snowice, and wind); more d



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