关键词:作者专有权; 署名作品; 作者财产权;合理使用; 衍生作品专有权
- 版权的转换问题
- 版权转换的两种方式
- 内部方法
我们可以大致确定两种在何处划定所需界线的方式。一种是笔者所说的内部方法,即内部版权原则及其表达的概念。按照这种思路思考意味着要认真对待像“衍生作品”和“转化使用”这类的术语,对于我们观察现实世界中的现象,并以可容忍的一致性确定他们属于哪一个框,而不必果断地求助于关于我们选择哪一个框的更广泛后果的政策观点有重大的意义。另一种方式,笔者将其称为“外部框架法”即主要侧重于判断某一特定裁决的实际后果是否符合版权法的广泛政策目的,这是由我们认为相关的任何竞争性政策问题所界定的,并将指定理论标签视为我们宣布这些判决结果的唯一手段。 所有的律师都明白,这两种方法并不互相排斥,法律推理通常包括试图找到一个答案,并在两者之间提供最舒适的反思平衡。
- 外部方法
- 财产是争议的根源
- 版权与普通财产
外文文献出处:韦拉诺瓦大学 查尔斯.维格法学院数字存储库出版,2011年
Christopher M. Newman*
L Introduction
A. The Transformation Problem in Copyright
Copyright law grants ownership rights in 'works of authorship,and copyright disputes frequently require us to distinguish between two different ways in which a work of authorship may be transformed. On one side of the line are changes whose end result is termed a deriva- tive work,' and which are therefore subject to the exclusive rights of the author. On the other side are changes resulting in a transformative fair use which fall outside those rights.
It can be very difficult to distinguish between the two with confidence, because the boundary between them is determined by the interplay between two open-ended doctrines. The first is 'substantial similarity,M which describes the relationship two works must have if one is to be regarded as constituting either a “repToduaion' or a derivative work of the other.[1] Though one would expect the category of reproductions to be much narrower than that of derivative works, in practice the two have largely merged, and are governed by the same standard of substantial similarity.5 The meaning of reproduction has thus expanded to include both
252 Villanova Law Review [Vol. 56: p. 251
works that have no literal similarity to the original,[2] and ones that incorporate only a small amount of literal copying.[3] Given that any work in which an original copyrighted work has been 'recast, transformed, or adapted55 may thus be regarded as a reproduction, it has even been suggested that the exclusive right to prepare derivative works is superfluous.[4]
Once a work has been found to be substantially similar to a copyrighted work, the question then becomes whether this (presumptively infring
Transformation in Property and Copyright
Christopher M. Newman
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Christopher M. Newman, Transformation in Property and Copyright, 56 Vill. L. Rev. 251 (2011).
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Christopher M. Newman*
L Introduction
A. The Transformation Problem in Copyright
cOPYRIGHT law grants ownership rights in 'works of authorship,and copyright disputes frequently require us to distinguish between two different ways in which a work of authorship may be transformed. On one side of the line are changes whose end result is termed a deriva- tive work,' and which are therefore subject to the exclusive rights of the author. On the other side are changes resulting in a transformative fair use which fall outside those rights.
It can be very difficult to distinguish between the two with confidence, because the boundary between them is determined by the interplay between two open-ended doctrines. The first is 'substantial similarity,M which describes the relationship two works must have if one is to be regarded as constituting either a “repToduaion' or a derivative work of the other.[1] Though one would expect the category of reproductions to be much narrower than that of derivative works, in practice the two have largely merged, and are governed by the same standard of substantial similarity.5 The meaning of reproduction has thus expanded to include both
252 Villanova Law Review [Vol. 56: p. 251
works that have no literal similarity to the original,[2] and ones that incorporate only a small amount of literal copying.[3] Given that any work in which an original copyrighted work has been 'recast, transformed, or adapted55 may thus be regarded as a reproduction, it has even been suggested that the exclusive right to prepare derivative works is superfluous.[4]
Once a work has been found to be substantially similar to a copyrighted work, the question then becomes whether this (presumptively infringing) work is to be regarded a “fair use” and therefore exempted from liability. Fair use, in turn, is defined through a multifactor ad hoc balancing test,[5] [6] in which decision makers tend to grope toward two pieces of terra that seem comparatively firma, though they are not. One is the concept of “transformative” works, emphasized by the Supreme Court in Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Musick The other is the statutory directive to consider the effect of the new work on “the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
Neither formulation solves the problem so much as restates it. The Campbell decision described a transformative work as one that lt;4adds something new, with a further purpose or different character, altering the first with new expression, meaning, or message. The difficulty is that the statute expressly defines derivative works as encompassing any ... form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted/ including the addition of 'editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifica- tions We therefore need a theory to tell us which wfurther purposes authors should control, and which they should not. The market effect test is no more help, because the potential market' for a work always includes the possibility of charging license fees to engage in whatever pu-
tatively transformative use is at issue.[7] To decide whether a given work illicitly curtails an authors market, we first have to decide which market is rightfully hers. In the absence of a clear answer to this question,[8] any risk-averse actor (i.e., one unwilling to rely on an uncertain affirmative defense as