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Based on modernization, urbanization, industrialization and intensification, HeNan food group is to realize the economic rise of HeNan structure adjustment, promote rural development, increasing farmers income, agricultural efficiency important platform. HeNan is a microcosm of China, to solve the 'three rural issues' in HeNan, the typical exemplary role. HeNan province total population of 105 million, of which rural population actually accounted for three quarters. Look from the industry general characteristics: the grain production of HeNan province and even the production scale and intensive degree is not high, agricultural output is big, and low per capita income is the basic situation of HeNan province. Look from the general characteristics of agricultural production, give priority to with traditional way of dispersed, production level is uneven, standardization technology penetration is low, causing food quality differences. Look from the industry scale general characteristics: do not have a high level of industrialization, agriculture, new operators to cultivate food deep processing value-added ability is not strong. Look from the general characteristics of industry market circulation, lack of leading enterprises in the large grain circulation market guide and drive, a one grain and modernization, industrialization, industrialization of the market is not effective docking, food production and processing business, from the general characteristics of industry organization: farmers lack of policy, information, technology, market guide, not according to the standardization, specialization, the varieties, organic organization and the market demand of the entire society lack of food chain. From the basic business industry: food mixed mix storage, is difficult to meet the market demand of quality and food deep processing of raw materials quality consistency and stability requirements, affecting the utilization and effective transformation of grain and grain farmers income. HeNan grain economy structure adjustment become HeNan province agriculture and rural areas of rapid economic development an important factor.

The Current Situation of Innovation Management

HeNan food group is bigger and stronger food industry in HeNan province, the effective way to increase the competitiveness of food. HeNan is a big province of grain, grain output reached Advanced Materials Research Vols 926-930 (2014) pp 3838-3841 Online: 2014-05-23 copy; (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/ All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans Tech Publications, (ID:, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom-15/05/15,18:10:48) 112.772 billion in HeNan province in 2012 jins, nine years in a row, for seven years steady at more than 100 billion catties, not only satisfy the province nearly hundred million population eating problem, and a year to the fujian association of foreign languages and raw grain output and manufactures more than 40 billion catties, to ensure the stability of grain, and made great contributions to ensure national food security.

The advantages of innovation management HeNan has the advantage of the unique innovation strategy management, as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 HeNan Food Group Advantage of Innovation Management

Innovation management experience Yanjin, HuangChuan in HeNan province to'The order food' 'The food bank' as the carrier, actively explore new way of industrialization of grain, grain departments and farmers form a consortium and formed a 'company association base farmers' the industrialization of organization form, has realized the agricultural development and farmers income, enterprise benefit is outstanding, has the typical significance. Relying on stimulating the development of agricultural circulation market, develop the industrialization of grain, to thousands of small farmers and ever-changing market, and reduce the blindness of market price fluctuation and adverse effects, such as promoting to build a more closely between agribusiness benefit coupling mechanism, improve the organization scale of food industry, can promote the farmers income, agricultural efficiency.

The Innovation Management Policy Recommendations HeNan grain group innovation management strategy: steady economic growth for the whole industry, adjust the structure of HeNan grain economy, realize the scale, intensive, modernization and industrialization, build a upgrade of HeNan grain economy; HeNan local food in integrating enterprise resources, food enterprises in HeNan province should play the role of aggregation, adjust the industrial structure of HeNan local food, make HeNan grain core; To ensure national food security, give play to the role of local grain reserves and the local government grain macro-control ability; Actively participate in international and domestic market competition, formation of HeNan grain industry value chain, improve HeNan food industry and the effect of the enterprise, play the advantages of HeNan grain;the mechanism of formation of HeNan grain industrialization to promote rural economic development in HeNan, guide the HeNan farmers get rich, promote the construction of the central plains economic zone; Rich urban and rural residents 'directly', service advantage competitive advantage collaborative advantage Resource advantage Management Advantage Advanced Materials Research Vols. 926-930 3839 'vegetable basket', meet the demand of the people increasingly affluent society food products.Innovation management strategy.

Conclusion The powerful country and competitive enterprise groups together, it is not necessary. With Chinas further economic development, competitiveness has become the government, industry, enterprise group leaders the


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