
 2023-07-21 10:07

The Cultural Psychological Motivations and Strategies for the Development of Cultural lndustry : an Interpretation of Social Cultural Psychology Based on the Engels Theorem
Jianing Chen

School of Psychology, School of Education, Shenzhen University Teachers College, Shenzhen 528000, ChinaEmail: 704923214@qq.com
Abstract: The cultural industry is an industry that takes culture and creativity as the core of product design, faces the masses, and takes the cultural identity of the masses and the cultural and psychological characteristics of social groups as reference factors for marketing and development. The key to its success lies in the perception and use of its social and cultural psychology. And Engelrsquo;s theorem is a typical theory that reflects the economic and cultural level and the psychological state of of the country and local people. The analysis of cultural industries based on it can also help contemporary cultural creative workers to more intuitively understand the social market needs and maintain the healthy growth of the cultural industry. Keywords: culture industry, Engelrsquo;s theorem, sociocultural psychology
1. Introduction The emergence of the cultural industry comes from the demand for cultural consumption generated by the masses on a certain economic basis and the psychological desire for social identity and communication behavior based on cultural images. As an industry that grasps the psychological and cultural needs of the masses, the design and dissemination of cultural products and the scale development of the cultural industry are inseparable from the grasp of the common characteristics of regional social culture and psychology. [1] The generation of social and cultural psychology is a complex process, and the characteristics embodied by social and cultural psychology also affect the development of the cultural industry from various aspects.
2. Cultural psychological factors in the cultural industry Cultural psychology is a subject that crosses cultural studies and psychological studies. It was first proposed by Davos and Shipler. The richness of culture and the initiative of directors make it extremely close to peoples psychological state. [2] The cultural industry that regards 'cultural value' as the core of product and industry development will inevitably reflect clear cultural psychological factors, which are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: The first is the consumption of cultural products and the psychology of cultural awareness. The core of cultural psychology research is the process of human cognition of the world. The formation of cultural awareness requires a practical approach, and cultural products are drawn from the national historical and cultural background and contemporary human society. The commodity of life is the embodiment of the cultural consciousness of social groups. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of cultural products will also affect the development of the cultural awareness of the masses. [3] The second is the cultural product consumption and cultural emotional psychology. The creator of the book 'Clash of Civilizations and Reconstruction of the World Order' Huntington once proposed that 'cultural identity is one of the most important things for people'. [4] The masses consumption of cultural products is largely due to the 'cultural identity' brought about by the inclusion of regional or national cultural traditional imagery symbols in products, following a certain type of social and cultural boom. Third, the cultural industry development and cultural innovation psychology: In addition to expanding the scope of cultural industries, Throsby will highlight the concept of 'creativity' and use the concentric circle model to combine 'creativity', 'cultural symbolic value' and 'business' The analysis of the adaptation relationship between the proportion of the proportion of cultural creativity and the development of industrial commercialization is interconnected, showing the intuitive relationship between the 'cultural value' and 'economic value' of cultural industry products [5]. Marx and Engels clearly emphasized the inevitability of cultural progress in the development of the country and the fundamental role of social practice in the promotion of cultural innovation, and the cultural creative industrys emphasis on 'creativity' is a direct manifestation of this concept.
3. Engelrsquo;s theorem and the embodiment of social and cultural psychology in cultural industry 3.1 The economic foundation determines the driving force of regional cultural consumption Engelrsquo;s theorem is considered as one of the “most scientific theories of social development analysis”, and its importance to cultural consumption factors is clearly stated. Engelrsquo;s theorem mainly includes two parts. The first point is that the proportion of a familyrsquo;s expenditure on food purchases to the total expenditure will decrease as the total household income increases; the second point is the expenditure of a family on cultural consumption. The proportion of total expenditure will increase with the increase of total household income [6]. Engels believes that the economic development of society is the basis for the development of spiritual civilization in the country, such as politics, culture, art, religion, etc., and the development of economy and spiritual civilization is not independent. It reflects various social ideologies, upper levels Interactive relationship between building and economic foundation [7]. The impact of different economic foundations on social ideological trends will also lead to different social and cultural conditions, thus reflecting the differences in demand for cultural consumption in different regions. The generation of culture comes from a certain socio-economic foundation and a specific social system. Therefore, the development of the cultural industry must match the local econo


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