
 2022-12-20 10:12

Social capital: An analysis of factors influencing investment

David W. Shideler , David S. Kraybill

Oklahoma State University, 323 Agricultural Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA

The Ohio State University, USA


This paper investigates how individual and community characteristics affect individual social capital investment behavior. We assume a representative individual maximizes her net benefits from social capital by choosing the amount of social capital investment in each period of her lifecycle. The model parameters are estimated by fitting the model to observed data using computational techniques. Simulations determine how perturbations to individual and community characteristics affect individual social capital behavior. The results suggest that social capital investment occurs irrespective of future benefits, personal characteristics affect the level and variance of investment, and institutions matter in determining social capital investment behavior.

Keywords: Social capital;Social interaction;Social networks

  1. Introduction

Recent research on social capital provides new understanding into private and corporate human behavior. Economists have used the concept of social capital to explain phenomena ranging from technology adoption to the formation of informal institutions. At the micro-level, studies of the effect of social capital have focused on agribusiness, international trade, household income, financial transactions, and the knowledge exchange between venture capitalists and new firms. Fafchamps and Minten (2002) show that agricultural traders with a larger network of contacts have higher sales and value added. Wilson (2000) and Rauch (2001) show that social capital enhances the competitiveness of firms by reducing contract enforcement costs, reducing uncertainty, and increasing information sharing. Narayan and Pritchett (1999) find that village social capital stocks contribute more to household income than does own-household social capital stock. Schmid and Robison (1995) demonstrate how social capital affects the probability of receiving a loan, the sale price of assets, and the willingness to share risk. Maula et al. (2003) find that social capital between a corporate venture capitalist and a new firm increases the knowledge exchange between the two organizations, especially when they are in complementary industries. Lyons and Snoxell (2005) examine the roles of inhereted and self-created social capital in the survival strategies of traders in two Nairobi markets. Cainelli et al. (2007) examine firm level research and development decisions and find evidence that social capital inclines firms to engage in innovative activity, though it is not a sufficient condition.

Social capital has been used to explain phenomena at aggregated levels, too, such as regions or nations. Kraybill and Weber (1995), Castle (1998), Barkley (1998) and Rainey et al. (2003) emphasize the importance of social capital in the growth of rural places in the US. Castle argues that social capital substitutes for formal institutions that would otherwise sustain a region and make it prosperous. Kraybill and Weber and Barkley use social capital to explain the success of endogenous development strategies in rural places, while Rainey et al. argue that social capital encourages economies of scale and other efficiencies that make rural places more competitive in a global economy. Rupasingha et al. (2000, 2002) find that positive social capital increases the growth rate of US counties. Knack and Keefer (1997) conclude that social capital manifested as trust and civic cooperation significantly influences a nationrsquo;s economic performance. In an attempt to elucidate a definition of social capital, Chamlee-Wright (2008) uses the concept of social capital to explain the process of economic develoment stemming from entrepreneurial activity. Rupasingha and Goetz (2007) show that social capital decreases county-level poverty rates.

Despite the empirical and theoretical evidence that suggests social capital is a powerful concept to explain economic phenomena, few studies have examined how social capital is formed. The studies that exist use regression analysis in an attempt to identify factors that influence social capital formation. Glaeser et al.(2002), in addition to presenting a theoretical foundation for social capital, provide empirical evidence of factors influencing social capital. Their main conclusion was that more education led to higher social capital stocks; other factors that they analyzed include: age, race, gender, income, peer group effects and homeowndership. Rupasingha et al. (2006) largely validate the results of Glaeser, Laibson and Sacerdote using county level data and an index of social capital consisting of voter participation rates, Census participation, and the numbers of membership and tax-exempt organizations. Bellemare and Kroger (2007) identify factors that relate to Dutchmenrsquo;s social capital behavior by regressing experimental game outcomes on individual characteristics. Iyer et al. (2005) in the US and Fidrmuc and Geuml;rxhani (2008) in Europe both demonstrate the important role of national, economic and institutional factors which influence individual social capital behavior.

The present study differs from the above in its approach; rather than utilize regression techniques, which face well documented endogeneity and heteroskedasticity problems, we use computational techniques to model individual behavior over time. In addition to avoiding the stochastic problems associated with regression techniques, the method affords us two distinct benefits. First, intertemporal decisions are explicitly modeled, so that investment and stock levels are deterministically linked. Second, using computational techniques enables the researchers to perform counterfactual simulati




David W. Shideler,David S. Kraybill

俄克拉荷马州立大学323农业学院,Stillwater,OK 74078,美国



关键词:社会资本 社会互动 社会网络

  1. 引言

最近对社会资本的研究为私人和企业行为提供了新的认识。经济学家利用社会资本的概念来解释从技术采用到形成非正规机构的现象。在微观层面上,社会资本效应的研究侧重于农业企业,国际贸易,家庭收入,金融交易以及风险投资家和新企业之间的知识交流。 Fafchamps和Minten(2002)表明,具有较大联系人数的农业贸易商销售额和增加值都较高。 Wilson(2000)和Rauch(2001)表明,社会资本通过降低合同执行成本,减少不确定性和增加信息共享来提高企业的竞争力。 Narayan和Pritchett(1999)发现,村民社会资本存量对家庭收入的贡献大于自己家庭社会资本存量。 Schmid和Robison(1995)展示了社会资本如何影响收到贷款的可能性,资产的售价和分担风险的意愿。 Maulaetal(2003)发现企业风险资本家和新公司之间的社会资本增加了两个组织之间的知识交流,特别是在互补行业时。里昂和斯诺克斯(2005)在两个内罗毕市场上研究了交易者生存策略中被动和自我创造的社会资本的作用。Cainelli等人(2007)审查了企业层面的研究与开发决策,并发现社会资本倾斜企业从事创新活动的证据,尽管这不是一个充分条件。

社会资本也被用来解释集体层面的现象,如区域或国家。Kraybill和Weber(1995),Castle(1998),Barkley(1998)和Raineyetal(2003)强调了社会资本在美国农村发展中的重要性。Castle认为,社会资本取代了维持一个地区并使其繁荣的正规机构。Kraybill和Weber和Barkley利用社会资本来解释农村地区内生发展战略的成功,而Rainey等认为社会资本鼓励规模经济和其他效率,使农村地区在全球经济中更有竞争力。Rupasingha等(2000,2002)发现,积极的社会资本增加了美国的增长率。Knack和Keefer(1997)得出结论,表现为信任和公民合作的社会资本显著影响了一个国家的经济表现。为了阐明社会资本的定义,Chamlee Wright(2008)利用社会资本的概念来解释创业活动产生的经济发展过程。 Rupasingha和Goetz(2007)表明社会资本减少了县级贫困率。




  1. 理论基础

很多人书面批评了社会资本的概念,试图严格界定它并确定代理人的衡量标准(Chamlee-Wright,2008; Durkin,2000; Durlauf,2002; Glaeser等,2000; 2000年,Robison等,2002; Schmid,2003; Wallis等人,2004)。经济学家们认识到,社会资本最好被描述为不纯的公共利益,因为个人面临创造和保护社会资本的私人激励,但这种行为会产生社区内共享的公共利益或外部性。本节将回顾对社会资本理论基础的若干重大贡献,并提出了本分析中使用的理论模型。

Collier(1998)是第一个将微观经济理论应用于社会资本分析中的关键人物,侧重于社会互动的外部效益。Collier认为,社会资本最好被描述为产生外部性的社会互动,其中互动或外部性是持久的。Collier的一个重要贡献是他的定义将社会资本的相关社会互动隔离开来:那些产生外部成本或收益的社会资本。此外,科利尔强调社会资本的外部性组成部分,提供了个人层面的社会资本形成行为与社区层面的社会资本总量之间的联系。科利尔并不把社会资本分类为一种不纯的公共物品,但是他对社会资本的概念化肯定预示着这种思路。 Mancinelli和Mazzanti(2004)正式将社会资本分类为不纯的公共物品,利用Cornes和Sandler(1986)的开创性工作。批评以前在微观经济框架内一贯界定社会资本的尝试,他们将社会资本定义为“通过一套私人激励持续的”不纯公共产品的公共部分的均衡存量“(312)。他们强调,它的生产是由一个代理人所产生的私人利益所驱动的,因此它是自我执行的(即不依赖集体行动)。不过,他们指出,由此产生的合作环境有助于维持这种激励。结果是,Mancinelli和Mazzanti在理论上一致的框架中阐述了将个人投资行为与公共资源相结合的社会资本形成和维护过程。



从社会资本中获取市场和非市场利益的净收益被模拟为个人社会资本存量St与社会资本乘数之间的相互作用,Rt,减去社会互动的成本,wtC(It),其中C是凸函数。其他个人的社会资本存量(即其行为)对代理人的效用和社会资本投资决策的外部效应表示为St。社会资本转移函数由三个组成部分组成:移动参数(phi;),折旧(delta;)和投资(I))社会资本以delta;的比率保留,因此(1-delta;)表示折旧率流动性对社会资本的影响被两个参数所抵消:搬迁概率theta;和搬迁后保留的社会资本比例gamma;,流动性对社会资本投资的预期影响总结为empty;-(1-theta; theta;gamma;)。参数empty;delta;可以解释为社会资本的预期保留。



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