The effect of productivity and quality on profitability in US airline industry
An empirical investigation
Mahour Mellat Parast
Department of Economics, Finance, and Decision Sciences,
School of Business Administration, University of North Carolina, Pembroke,
North Carolina, USA, and
Elham (Ellie) H. Fini
Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina Aamp;T State University,
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Purpose – This study aims to investigate the effect of productivity and quality on profitability in the US airline industry.
Design/methodology/approach – Airlines operations and performance data were used to determine the effect of productivity and quality on profitability. Correlation and multivariate regression analysis have been used for data analysis.
Findings – The results show that labor productivity is the most significant predictor of profitability.On-time performance has no relationship with profitability. The findings suggest that labor productivity,gas price, average annual maintenance cost and employee salary are significant predictors of profitability. The relationship between labor productivity and employee salary with profitability is positive, while gas price and average annual maintenance cost have a negative relationship with profitability.
Research limitations/implications – The research could be more detailed by taking into account measures of airline safety. Additional measures for service quality could be considered.
Practical implications – Operational performance (labor productivity) is the main source of profitability in the US airline industry followed by customer satisfaction and service quality.
Originality/value – The study captures the performance of the airline industry based on longitudinal data from 1989 to 2008. Previous studies have used either quarterly or monthly observations. Second, the study examines the significance of productivity and quality on profitability. Previous studies have provided little insight regarding the effect of productivity and quality on profitability.
Keywords Productivity rate, Quality, Profit, Airlines, United States of America
Paper type Research paper.
1. Introduction
In the pursuit of better operational performance and profitability, organizations are looking for strategies to improve their operational performance and boost their profitability. As competition intensifies due to changes in the industry structure and the emergence of new technologies, organizations are determined to reduce their operational cost while enhance their profitability. This holds true for the airline industry as well.
The airline industry is experiencing some tough times. Previous studies has indicated that there are inherent problems in the airline industry due to cyclical and seasonal demand, high labor/capital, fuel intensity, government intervention, and organized labor (Taneja, 1988; Williams, 2002; Taneja, 2003; Raghavan and Rhoades,2008). In addition to the structural changes in the industry, the unpredictable and stochastic nature of demand (i.e. customers) in the airline industry contributes to the complexity of the management of day-to-day operations (Listes and Dekker, 2005).Accordingly, it is important to determine internal factors that contribute to the performance of the airlines. This helps airlines to more effectively allocate their resources and emphasize practices that contribute to the overall organizational performance.
This paper seeks two objectives: First, it investigates the effect of productivity and quality on profitability. Second, it determines the operational factors that affect profitability in the US airline industry. To do so, operational and performance data of airlines during 1989-2008 was used to examine the effect of quality and productivity on profitability.
2. Literature review
The US airline industry was completely deregulated after the Airline Deregulation Act
of 1979. The new environment enabled the airline industry to initiate and develop business practices that could not be easily implemented during the regulated era. The effect of deregulation on improving airline industry is a debatable issue. In fact,productivity of the airline industry was improving before the deregulation due to the technological advancement, even at a higher rate than the entire US economy(Murphy,1969). While there is the presumption that organizations functioning in regulated environments cannot achieve sustainable competitive advantage, empirical findings suggest that in the regulated airline industry firms enhanced their profitability through two sets of practices:
(1) effective utilization of their strategic resources; and
(2) pursuing an efficiency-oriented strategy.
In the US airline industry (during the regulated area) it has been found that the profitability of an air carrier was ultimately determined by organizational leaders(Ramaswamy et al., 1994). Therefore, in the regulated area of the US airline industry managersrsquo; operational and business strategies were significant determinants of Profitability.
It has been argued that the deregulation of the US airline industry has resulted in improving productivity, efficient management practices and higher quality services to customers (Adrangi et al., 1997). After deregulation, the competition in the airline industry shifted from emphasis on frequency of flights, geographical coverage and in-flight service to focus on operational excellence (Treacy and Wiersema, 1995). Operational excellence was considered as an effective business strategy business strategy before the deregulation
航空业正在经历一些艰难的时刻。先前的研究表明,由于周期性和季节性需求,高劳动力/资本,燃料强度,政府干预和有组织的劳动力,航空业存在固有问题(Taneja,1988 ; Williams,2002 ; Taneja,2003 ; Raghavan and Rhoades ,2008)。除了行业的结构变化,航空业中需求(即客户)的不可预测的和随机的性质导致了日常运营管理的复杂性(Listes和Dekker,2005)。因此,重要的是确定有助于航空公司业绩的内部因素。
本文寻求两个目标:第一,它调查生产力和质量对盈利能力的影响。第二,它决定了影响美国航空业盈利能力的运营因素。为此,使用1989 - 2008年期间航空公司的运营和绩效数据来检验质量和生产力对盈利能力的影响。
1.有效利用其战略资源; 和
在美国航空业(在监管区域),已经发现航空承运人的利润最终由组织领导决定( Ramaswamy 等人,1994年)。因此,在美国航空公司行业的管制区域,管理者的经营和业务战略是盈利能力的重要决定因素。
有人认为,美国航空业的放松管制导致提高生产力,有效的管理实践和为客户提供更高质量的服务(Adrangi 等人,1997年)。在放松管制之后,航空公司的竞争从强调飞行频率,地理覆盖和飞行服务转移到注重运营卓越(Treacy和Wiersema,1995)。在撤销管制之前,卓越运营被视为有效的商业战略业务战略(Ramaswamy 等人,1994年)。这表明航空业已经认识到卓越运营和效率驱动战略在盈利能力方面的作用。
虽然放松管制对美国航空业的影响已被广泛讨论(例如Trapani和Olson,1982 ; Moore,1986 ; Bailey和Williams,1988 ; Adrangi 等人,1997),但很少注意到效应操作性能航空公司的盈利能力。本研究旨在通过调查运营因素对航空公司盈利能力的影响来弥合文献差距。更具体地说,这项研究解决了生产力和质量对美国航空公司盈利能力的影响。
运营绩效对盈利能力的影响已在制造和服务组织中广泛讨论。从质量管理的角度来看,一些研究表明,某些实践,如员工培训,员工参与和过程改进提高了盈利能力(例如Douglas和Judge,2001 ; Kaynak,2003 ; Yeung 等,2006)。实证结果表明,制造业和服务业组织的质量和盈利能力之间存在着直接的联系(Buzzell et al。,1987)。在服务组织的情况下,几个研究已经解决了服务质量,客户满意度和业务绩效的作用(Zhao 等人,2004 ; Voss et al。,2005)。Smith和Reece(1999)发现了分销部门的生产力和财务业绩之间的联系。有人建议,了解服务质量和盈利能力之间的关系需要同时调查生产力和盈利能力之间的联系(Zeithaml et al。,1996)。
很少有研究解决了运营绩效对航空公司的盈利能力的影响。Schefczyk(1993)研究了全要素生产率对国际航空业的财务绩效的影响。研究结果表明生产力与股本回报率相关。根据Schefczyk(1993),仅仅利用生产率会在解决盈利能力方面造成误导,因为在航空业的背景下,生产率可能不考虑运营方面(如准时起飞,航班服务,行李处理等) 。)对客户很重要。Lapreacute;和Scudder(2004)表明,航空公司的业绩改善取决于他们的业务与其资产边界的接近程度1。他们的研究结果表明,靠近其资产边界的航空公司不能同时提高质量和成本。或者,那些远离其同意边界运行的航空公司可以同时实现质量和成本的提高。在另一项研究中,Tsikriktsis(2007)经验性地调查了运营绩效和盈利能力之间的关系。利用“聚焦工厂”的概念,结果表明航空公司的盈利能力取决于组织的运营模式。聚焦的航空公司显示晚抵达之间的负面联系(即 新进入者)和盈利能力,而全方位服务航空公司没有显示这样的联系。此外,与集中的航空公司相比,全业务航空公司的能力利用率是盈利能力的更强驱动力。在业绩方面,重点航空公司的表现优于全服务航空公司。
可以使用几个理论框架来解决服务质量,生产率和性能之间的联系。“服务利润链”认为,一定的人力资源管理实践可以提高客户满意度从而提高生产效率和服务作为回报提升财务业绩的质量(赫斯克特等,1997 ; 拉夫曼,1998)。这个视角是与公司,该公司认为,资源和组织能力可以成为竞争优势的来源的资源基础观线(巴尼,1991年,1995年,赖特等人,1994年)。
以前的研究已经解决了生产率在提高绩效中的作用(Roth和Jackson,1995 ; Anderson 等,1997)。在航空业中,有一些研究显示生产力和绩效之间的联系(Murphy,1969 ; Schefczyk,1993 ; Tsikriktsis,2007)。虽然上述研究采用了不同的形式和/或定义的生产力,一般发现表明生产力与航空业的表现有关。关于“服务利润链”,人们可以认为,航空业中的人力资源做法与盈利能力直接相关。能够捕获人力资源做法和生产力的措施之一是劳动生产率。因此,假设:
在服务组织中,质量与盈利能力直接相关(Roth和Jackson,1995)。经验证据表明,服务质量和盈利能力之间存在联系(Nelson 等,1992 ; Anderson 等,1994 ; Rust 等,1995 ; Loveman,1998 ; Voss 等,2005)。在服务范围内,客户满意度和生产力都提高了盈利能力(Anderson et al,1997)。此外,在航空业的背景下,预期一致性质量(即,准时性能)将与利润率相关,因为它导致成本降低并且消除重做/重新计划(例如由于缺少原始和/或连接航班而重新预订)。铃木(2000)发现,航空公司的市场份额随着准时性能的提高而增加。因此,假设:
最后,为了解释航空公司之间的相似性和/或差异(例如,Delta和Airtran),我们利用制度理论。根据制度理论,为了对环境不确定性和复杂性更具适应性和灵活性,公司倾向于模仿一个优势制度的结构,过程,规范,规则和做法。这种适应过程的结果将导致组织同构 - “一个焦点组织与其环境中的其他组织的相似性(Deephouse,1996)。从这个角度来看,具有共同规范和实践的公司将随着时间的推移而变得相似。因此,我们可以说,美国航空业中的航空公司通过观察和标杆行业的最佳实践开发类似的组织流程和日常工作随着时间的推移。此外,在相对同质的行业(例如航空业),平均值可能是组织典型绩效的良好指标(Lenox 等人,2005 ; Peteraff和Reed,2007年)。总的来说,我们可以说,使用行业水平数据可以是一个典型航空公司的表现的好代表。Peteraff和Reed,2007)。总的来说,我们可以说,使用行业水平数据可以是一个典型航空公司的表现的好代表。Peteraff和Reed,2007)。总的来说,我们可以说,使用行业水平数据可以是一个典型航空公司的表现的好代表。
资源的利用与盈利能力直接相关(D Aveni ,1989 ; Hammesfahr et al,1993)。乘客负载系数是资源利用的衡量标准,并被建议用作航空业的盈利能力衡量标准(De Vany,1975 ; Spiller,1983 ; Baltagi et al,1998)。以前的研究表明,负载因子的一个百分比的差异可能导致利润率差异高达5%(Wyckoff和Maister,1977)。 有人认为,当使用来自次要来源的财务数据( Venkatraman和Ramanujam,1986)时,会计政策的差异可能会提供误导性信息。使用乘客因素作为盈利能力的衡量标准为盈利能力提供了一致的衡量标准。在质量方面,以前的研究使用准时性能作为服务质量的度量(Mazzeo,2003)。因此,这些操作变量可以是航空业中生产力,质量和盈利能力的可接受的度量。使用乘客因素作为盈利能力的衡量标准为盈利能力提供了一致的衡量标准。在质量方面,以前的研究使用准时性能作为服务质量的度量(Mazzeo,2003)。因此,这些操作变量可以是航空业中生产力,质量和盈利能力的可接受的度量。使用乘客因素作为盈利能力的衡量标准为盈利能力提供了一致的衡量标准。在质量方面,以前的研究使用准时性能作为服务质量的度量(Mazzeo,2003)。因此,这些操作变量可以是航空业中生产力,质量和盈利能力的可接受的度量。
该数据集的优点是其提供各种操作措施的丰富性。此外,客观的绩效衡量标准没有偏差。使用对单个行业的性能的客观测量是适当的,因为它允许精确确定性能来源(Venkatraman和Ramanujam,1986 ; Garvin,1988 ; Tsikriktsis,2007)。因此,本研究中使用的数据适合于解决正在研究的研究问题。
已经计算了每个变量的平均值和标准偏差以及偏度和峰度的测量值,结果示于表I。在0.01的显着性水平(alpha; = 0.01),偏度的临界值为plusmn;1.174。对于峰度,在-1.21和2.86