
 2023-05-21 07:05

Exploring the Motivation and Barriers in Way of Pakistani Female Entrepreneurs

Aims: Many women are entrepreneurs worldwide however the global impact of female entrepreneurs is just beginning to achieve intensity and concentration. The number of female business owners continues to increase steadily worldwide, today women in advanced markets and economies own more than 25 per cent of all businesses (NFWBO, 1998). Women are struggling hard to bear the risk of new venture for chance of profit. There exists a short literature truly addressing opportunities and challenges of female entrepreneurs in developing countries like Pakistan which calls for an enquiry. This paper aims to explore the factors responsible for motivation and hindrance in the way of female entrepreneurs and also address the pertinent gender issues in context of Pakistan.

Study Design: Qualitative... approach was employed according to the nature of sample available.

Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in four major cities of Pakistan i.e. Faisalabad, Lahore, Sargodha, Sialkot. The duration of study was from January 2011 to June 2012. Methodology: Qualitative approach was employed according to the nature of sample available. Focus group discussion was used as data gathering instrument. A sample of 160 respondents was gathered. Results: The findings of the study illustrate that female entrepreneurs are motivated to earn money for personal use, to contribute to family income, Personal ambition, and for self satisfaction. In addition, the perceived barriers for female entrepreneurs are inadequate education, Lack of guidance, Capital unavailability and Customs and local culture. Conclusion: The study has revealed that females taking part in entrepreneurial activities in Pakistan are mostly married with low education level. Female entrepreneurs in Pakistan seem to be motivated to become entrepreneurs mainly from factors like “due to earn money for personal use, to contribute to family income, Personal ambition, and For self satisfaction. The findings of study indicated that factors such as “Inadequate education, Lack of guidance, Capital unavailability and Customs and local culture appear to be as barriers in the way of female entrepreneurial activities in Pakistan.


The economy of Pakistan is still distinctly agricultural in character and farming is the most important employment sector in the countryside. More precisely, agriculture contributes to 21.2 per cent of the Pakistanrsquo;s GDP. However, the devaluation of farming as a profession, the low income earned by farmers and the worsening problem of urban unemployment are the prime issues faced by most of the population of this country. Entrepreneurship is an influential factor for a country to attain a competitive position in world economic market. Governments and academics appear to be concentrating on encouraging entrepreneurship as it symbolizes innovation and is a vital contributor to todayrsquo;s economy, and has been characterized as a major force for job creation and a vital determinant of economic growth [1]. Women are a major part of population which is suffering with unemployment and low level of professional education. In case of achieving formal education they lack adequate skills to be good professionals or to start a new business. There is obvious gender bias embedded in this society at all levels which are legitimized by social, cultural and religious values. Many women are entrepreneurs worldwide; however the global impact of female entrepreneurs is just beginning to gain intensity. The number of female business owners continues to increase progressively worldwide, today women in advanced market economies own more than 25 per cent of all businesses [2].

In some regions of the world, transformation to a market economy threatens to sharpen gender inequality. Some of these changes are simply the legacy of a gender imbalance that exists prior to political and economic reforms. Other changes reflect a return to traditional norms and values that downgraded women to a secondary position and lowered their status by all aspects of their lives. As countries become more democratic, gender inequalities lessen, thus, offering a more productive atmosphere for both sexes [3]. But this is not the situation for all countries.

In many societies women do not enjoy the same opportunities and prospects as men. In many transitional economies progress has been achieved in opening doors to education and health protection for women, political and economic opportunities for female entrepreneurs have however remained limited. Determined efforts are needed to enable female entrepreneurs make better economic choices and to transform their businesses into competitive enterprises, generating income and employment through improved production [4]. Whether they are involved in small or medium scale production activities, or in the informal or formal sectors, womenrsquo;s entrepreneurial activities are not only a means for economic survival but also have positive social repercussions for the women themselves, their families and their social environment [5]. Entrepreneurship represents an appropriate opportunity for women entrepreneurs all over the world, as entrepreneurship respond flexibly to entry, change and innovation. This potential has not yet been realized in an optimal manner in most developing countries. Pakistan is an obvious example lacking all those opportunities which can assist women

entrepreneurship especially. A large number of women work in the informal sector but their contribution is not included in national accounts [6]. There are a variety of constraints on women and the ability of women to upgrade their production continuously. These include poor access to market information, technology and finance, poor linkages with support services and an unfavorable policy and regulatory environment. These constrai


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