基于AISAS模型的新媒体时代营销策略研究 – 微信营销案例研究外文翻译资料

 2023-08-02 03:08

Research on the Marketing Strategy of the New Media Age Based on AISAS Model: A Case Study of Micro Channel Marketing

Changdong Xu, Quan Hao and Guoyuan Han

Abstract With the arrival of the new media era, the way to the marketing of a enterprise products and brand is being not only more and more innovative, but also more and more depends on the media Compared with the traditional marketing and publicity, the new media marketing contains many outstanding characteristics. Such as the wide audience, the interactive and the entertaining. This paper analyzed the usersrsquo; behavior on the micro channel based on the micro channel marketing, and according to the AISAS model more further explores the optimization of enterprise marketing strategy to be a further study to the marketing transformation of a enterprise in the era of new media, We put forward some specific measures such as the strategy of customer positioning and share marketing, which includes the realization of precision marketing, aggregate user, strengthen interaction, rational integration of marketing channels and the specific measures, in order to improve under the new media era of enterprise marketing level and improve the overall efficiency of enterprises.

Keywords Micro channel marketing AISAS model Marketing strategy User behavior

1 Introduction

In todayrsquo;s world, with the emerging network keeps emerging interactive media, more and more kinds of network information platform. WeChat as more popular in recent years a new type of information exchange platform, has the information release, such as low cost, high accuracy, strong real-time property propagation threshold low, rich in content and interactive features. At the same time due to the increasingly perfect WeChat, its function is also increasing, in addition to meet the basic communication and information transmission, WeChat and carrying out the network marketing provides a new choice for the enterprise, WeChat marketing is gradually accepted by many enterprises and has been widely used. WeChat mar-keting as a new way of network marketing, is to use WeChat platform, promote enterprise culture idea, promote enterprise product promotion, enterprise services, market information collection, interact with customers, thus expanding the brand influence, constantly explore the market potential target customer base, expand market share, get ideal results of low cost, efficient transmission. Development in the era of new media environment, the consumer behavior mode of the customer is from traditional AIDMA model network to the distinct characteristics of AISAS model changes, AISAS model embodies the Internet for people living and con-sumption behavior with the influence of the change. Because WeChat real-time search function, the enterprise can through WeChat established since the media platform, timely release details of various products of the enterprise, and enterprise to carry out various marketing activities, realize the close interaction with cus-tomers, actively mobilize customers consumer interest and consumption concept. This article is based on customer behavior patterns change and AISAS WeChat marketing application of the mode, based on the development of micro marketing in our country at present, based on the AISAS model puts forward some help improve enterprise WeChat strategy of marketing ability.

2 Wechat Marketing Overview

The era of new media, social media marketing has become the main mode of network marketing, which represented by WeChat marketing social media gradu-ally and widely accepted by the masses of enterprise applications. WeChat is tencent company in 2011 launched a graphic information, voice, video, people can send voice function such as mobile social software, users can also share the dribs and drabs of life in your circle of friends. In recent years, WeChatrsquo;s increasing influence in the middle of the customer and is still rising, especially in WeChat social platform, has attracted a large number of enterprises, they expect through WeChat marketing way of starting a new round of online sales boom. Using the circle of friends good word of mouth effect and strong influence, circle of friends as the main marketing channels, at a friendrsquo;s forward and make more friends in the process of thumb up know that introducing the marketing activities of enterprises and to participate in the marketing process. Such a network marketing model made from companies to consumers in a lot of people can benefit from it, thereby greatly reducing the from products to customers in the middle of the chain, enhance the brand marketing ability [1].

ZuoPeiPei (2013) argue that the digital age brings to peoplersquo;s life of great change, such as weibo, WeChat kind of new media application has become one of the interactive platform. At the same time, enterprises also actively use WeChat platform to build their own mobile Internet marketing services is expected to achieve better marketing effect [2]; Thorns wu (2013) argues that social media is a kind of Internet users need to participate in the space of new online tools and platforms, participants can share each other opinions, ideas, experiences and ideas [3]; WeChat Wang Liying (2013) have broad user base, but as a new marketing mode, WeChat marketing its advantage is not obvious [4];

Wang jinrei (2014), from the perspective of the enterprise WeChat marketing, from the multiple perspectives analysis enterprise WeChat marketing present sit-uation and the advantages and disadvantages, put forward emphasis on interactive and personalized marketing strategy, customer maintenance and training strategy [5]; XiaoJian pine (2014)


附录A 基于AISAS模型的新媒体时代营销策略研究 - 微信营销案例研究

摘要 随着新媒体时代的到来,企业产品和品牌营销方式不仅越来越多的创新,而且越来越依赖于媒体与传统营销宣传相比,新媒体营销包含许多突出特点。如广泛的观众,互动和娱乐。本文分析了用户在微信渠道营销中的行为行为,并根据AISAS模型进一步探索了企业营销策略的优化,进一步深入研究了企业在新时代的营销转型媒体提出了客户定位和股份市场营销策略等具体措施,包括实现精准营销,总体用户,加强交互,合理整合营销渠道和具体措施,以提高新兴市场媒体时代企业营销水平提高企业整体效益。

关键 词微信道营销AISAS模型营销策略用户行为


在当今世界,随着新兴网络不断涌现的互动媒体,越来越多的网络信息平台。 WeChat近年来更受欢迎,是一种新型的信息交换平台,具有信息发布的低成本,高精度,强实时性能传播门槛低,内容丰富,互动功能强大。同时由于WeChat日益完善,其功能也在不断增加,除了满足基础通信和信息传输之外,WeChat和进行网络营销为企业提供了新的选择,WeChat营销逐渐被许多人接受企业已被广泛应用。 WeChat作为网络营销的新途径,是利用WeChat平台,促进企业文化理念,促进企业产品推广,企业服务,市场信息收集,与客户互动,扩大品牌影响力,不断探索市场潜力瞄准客户群,扩大市场份额,取得理想的成本低成本,高效率的传输。在新媒体环境时代的发展中,客户的消费行为模式是从传统的AIDMA模型网络到AISAS模型变化的明显特征,AISAS模型体现了互联网对人们生活和娱乐行为的影响, 。由于WeChat实时搜索功能,企业可以通过WeChat建立媒体平台,及时发布企业各种产品的详细信息,企业开展各种营销活动,实现与客户的紧密互动,积极动员客户消费者的兴趣和消费观念。本文是基于客户行为模式的变化和AISAS WeChat营销应用的模式,基于我国微型营销的发展,基于AISAS模型提出了一些有助于提高企业WeChat营销能力的策略。


新媒体时代,社交媒体营销已成为网络营销的主要模式,以WeChat营销社交媒体为代表,被广泛接受企业应用。 WeChat是腾讯公司在2011年推出的图形信息,语音,视频,人们可以发送语音功能,如移动社交软件,用户还可以在您的朋友圈中分享生活中的烦恼。近年来,WeChat在客户中间的影响力不断增加,尤其是在WeChat社交平台上吸引了大批企业,他们预计通过WeChat营销方式开始新一轮的在线销售热潮。使用朋友圈友好的口碑效应和强大的影响力,圈子的朋友为主要营销渠道,在朋友的向前,让更多的朋友在大拇指的过程中知道介绍企业的营销活动并参与营销过程。这样的网络营销模式由公司向消费者提供的许多人都可以从中受益,从而大大减少了从产品到客户中间的链条,提升了品牌营销能力。

左佩佩(2013)认为,数字时代给人们带来了巨大变化的生活,如weibo,WeChat等新媒体应用已成为互动平台之一。 同时,企业还积极利用WeChat平台构建自己的移动互联网营销服务,有望实现更好的营销效果; 荆棘(2013)认为,社交媒体是一种互联网用户需要参与新的在线工具和平台的空间,参与者可以分享对方的意见,想法,经验和想法; 王立英(2013)有广泛的用户群,但作为新的营销模式,WeChat营销的优势并不明显。


根据上述现有研究成果,本文将对WeChat的定义如下。 WeChat营销是一种新型的网络营销模式,与传统营销不同,WeChat营销通过与客户的沟通和互动产生,以刺激客户购买欲望和购买人性化营销行为。 WeChat营销信息传播方式非常温和,企业与客户的WeChat互动,不仅减少了企业与客户之间的距离,而且使企业品牌变得更加真实。 WeChat营销为企业和品牌,它是为了促进品牌和客户关系的保持发挥越来越重要的作用。所以要了解客户的需求,即时通讯和反弹推动,WeChat营销对增加互动来说非常重要。


















WeChat作为移动互联网即时通信产品的典型代表,不仅具有很大的社会价值和传播价值,而且还包含了非常实质的商业价值。企业在WeChat营销过程中,以客户购买行为模式为指导,充分考虑客户对心理倾向等产品的兴趣,以及信息传递的内容,以满足客户的心理倾向。因为营销的本质是满足客户的需求,并且要充分满足客户的需求,必须了解客户的行为。 WeChat用户作为WeChat潜在客户,他们的行为与营销的效果直接相关。公司希望最大化WeChat营销效应,我们必须在WeChat用户购买行为模式的背景下深入分析网络。


WeChat(A)用户分布的数量,从性别(包括A“男”B“女”),年龄(包括A为B lt;= 18 19-25 C表示26-35 D表示36-50 e表示gt; = 50),专业(代表“学生”B“代表老师和公务员”C“个体工商经营者”D代表“专业人员”E“企业中层管理者”F代表“企业高层管理人员” G“自由职业者”H代表“其他”),教育(包括A“中学和以下”B“技术中学或高中”C“本科”D“硕士”E“博士及以上)开展了调查四个方面,结果如图A所示,结果表明:从性别的角度来看,在WeChat用户中,58%以上的男性,女性用户从年龄排列,19-35岁的WeChat用户占66 %,WeChat用户拥有良好的营销环境和基础设施。从点位置。从教育形式,技术中学,本科以上学历占76人以上,硕士以上24%以上。用户积分结构一般呈现出受过高等教育,年轻化发展的趋势。


表1 WeChat用户分布结果汇总表平台上的WeChat用户总结表(2)操作行为分析:从联系WeChat圈的朋友的时间(A小于0.5年B 0.5-1 C在1-2 D 2年以上2年以上),最常用的单词或图片功能(A发布状态B见朋友C复制转发D其他),发布企业信息的一些产品,您将对主动搜索产品感兴趣更多细节(A,可以,B,可能,C,不D,不清楚)三个方面进行说明,结果如表2所示,具体使用中,70%以上的人实现使用时间2年以上在运营方式中,40%的用户喜欢用个人兴趣爱好和文字或图片“发布”功能给她的评论,45%的用户喜欢基于个人兴趣在“浏览模式”中别人看别人的心情,超过4%的用户喜欢使用A copy forward capabili分享自己喜欢的东西。当公司发布产品信息使客户感兴趣时,35%的人会积极搜索产品更多细节。


WeChat用户(3)关注企业WeChat的内容和分布:最常用的是用户内容的类型(A时尚哲学B philos-ophy C八卦D笑话E其他),在市场的一面,企业通过朋友圈发布销售类型的信息,您将被吸引购买(A,可以B,可能C,不D,不知道),用户将被发布到以下对Bell感兴趣的企业:什么样的信息和前进(A,新产品信息,促销产品信息B,促销产品信息C,生活哲学,爱情,短语,D,时尚信息E,其他),用户将重点关注企业规划WeChat营销产品秒杀活动A,新穗活动B,折扣促销C,购买活动D,比赛活动E,团体活动公益活动)结果如表3所示,可以清楚地看到,大多数WeChat用户时尚类是最常关注的类型的信息。根据调查,商场或企业经常会发布销售信息(促销或新产品上市)信息来吸引客户,67%的客户表示可以咨询。为了同时吸引客户的关注,大多数公司将会在WeChat上规划各种活动来刺激客户的兴趣,34%的人会更加注重折扣信息,20%的人喜欢参与在集体购买类型的活动中,而20%的人一般都热衷于砍价。

WeChat用户可信度(4)调查数据统计:从用户是否可以浏览企业官方WeChat平台(A,B,偶尔C,不会D,不知道),如果你必须发布商品链接用户将选择点击进入(A,将B,偶尔C,不会D,不清楚),比淘宝,天猫电子商务平台,通过朋友推荐商品是否让用户更多的信任(A,可以B,可能是C ,不会D,不清楚),用户通过企业圈的朋友将链接到品牌满意产品中购买与朋友分享的推荐(A,可以B,可能C,不D,不清楚),是否用户愿意通过WeChat与企业沟通和信息反馈(A,不愿意B不太愿意,C,普通D,更愿意E,非常乐意)结果如表4所示,清楚地显示了企业WeChat相对于广大客户的信誉高于其他平台,一半以上的人都可以ta ke主动浏览企业发布的信息WeChat,如果公司发布货物链接,超过70%的人愿意点击进入。客户购买商品后,经过满意的商品评级,40%的人愿意转发WeChat,并与他们的朋友分享,大多数用户也表示愿意通过WeChat反馈与商家通话。总之,WeChat用户无处不在的心理需求将成为营销计划的重点。用户一般不注意情感的统一可以成为一个很大的潜力,抓住用户的心理需求是WeChat营销的关键成功。




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