
 2023-08-02 03:08

Small and medium-sized enterprise marketing problems and countermeasures

Small and medium-sized enterprises as an important part of our national economy, the market economic system plays an increasingly important role, is below small make up to collect a the question of small and medium-sized enterprises of marketing to explore the paper model essay, welcome to view. Along with our country market economy system establishing and perfecting continuously, now the market competition environment is also increasingly perfect, at the same time, with the status of small and medium-sized enterprises in the national economy rise, in the market-oriented economy, how the small and medium-sized enterprises in the era of excess production capacity is relative, in the fierce market competition for survival and development, the marketing ability has a vital role. That at present, our country small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) what are the problems in marketing?

The problems of marketing, small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)

1. The lack of scientific marketing concept

As is known to all, thought to guide the action, for small and medium-sized enterprises marketing, what kind of marketing idea will have what kind of marketing plan and action, so as to produce different marketing results. Era in the development, peoples thought is in constant change, especially in modern society, our countrys market economic system has been basically established, under the condition of small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain long-term development, can no longer use the previous backward marketing idea, otherwise in the backward concept under the guidance of the marketing line of cannot make enterprises gain their competitiveness in the market, it will influence the full play of advantages in market competition. For many small and medium-sized enterprises, for example, before a product sales, now is not for this product adopt the scientific method, market survey and marketing positioning. Perhaps, these enterprises can speak, because affected by the financial strength of their own, unable to take care of these things. But I dont know, if marketing is based on a personal experience or the judgment of market, rather than in a scientific market investigation and analysis on the basis of market positioning, no one can guarantee the enterprise products has a good market share. In addition, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, there are serious follow suit, the other companies do, they do, but dont know this is a big hidden trouble, the copycat phenomenon is serious, once the market product homogeneityphenomenon serious, product quality is uneven, the enterprise marketing will also be hard to get good progress.

2. Target market positioning fuzzy

For each product, consumer demand is different, especially in modern society, as the change of people consumption habits, personalized consumption is more and more become a kind of common phenomenon. So, for every enterprise, it produces a certain product is impossible to satisfy all the needs of the market. And each enterprise in the production of a product before, have to do is to analyzes the market demand for certain products, and then to produce products can consistent with certain market demand. But for many small and medium-sized enterprises, not to consumers the demand of the general investigation, analysis, and thus the enterprise in the market without a clear positioning of the phenomenon, which has affected the enterprises marketing ability.

3. The product market positioning the lack of scientific nature

For any enterprise, not only to have a clear orientation to the market, even more of their products in the market positioning for good analysis. Enterprise to analyze the target market should not only analyze the competition on the market at present, at the same time, also want to analyze the potential competitors, and combined with the advantages of their products and other factors make a comprehensive analysis, then, to make their products on the market position has a clear positioning. And this, just right is a universal problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country. Therefore, led to the small and medium-sized enterprises in blindness in marketing is stronger. This is mainly down to small and medium-sized enterprises lack of scientific analysis and positioning of their products, to make themselves at a disadvantage position in marketing.

Second, improve the level of small and medium-sized enterprise marketing measures

For each company, its marketing ability will directly affect the survival and development of the enterprise. In our country, all large group of their own marketing ability cultivation and promotion is very value, some even will marketing ability as one of the most core ability of enterprise. Here the author will use the practice of large groups, the brief analysis of the small and medium-sized enterprises should do what adjustments in marketing.

1. As soon as possible to complete the change of marketing concept

Any enterprise want to survive in the fierce market competition and the long-term development, first of all have to face the fierce competition market, and then, aiming at the condition of the market, to reform itself, resulting in the scientific enterprise own marketing ability of ascension. From the scientific method, for marketing, small and medium-sized enterprise must make a comprehensive understanding of the whole environment of the market, as well as the analysis, and even study, only the enterprise marketing personnel after lurching from the market, to exercise the real marketing ability. So, for small and medium-sized enterprises, must first receive advanced marketing idea, and under the guidance of the advanced ideas, to reform the problems existing in the enterprise itself, the mar


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Small and medium-sized enterprise marketing problems and countermeasures

Small and medium-sized enterprises as an important part of our national economy, the market economic system plays an increasingly important role, is below small make up to collect a the question of small and medium-sized enterprises of marketing to explore the paper model essay, welcome to view. Along with our country market economy system establishing and perfecting continuously, now the market competition environment is also increasingly perfect, at the same time, with the status of small and medium-sized enterprises in the national economy rise, in the market-oriented economy, how the small and medium-sized enterprises in the era of excess production capacity is relative, in the fierce market competition for survival and development, the marketing ability has a vital role. That at present, our country small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) what are the problems in marketing?

The problems of marketing, small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)

1. The lack of scientific marketing concept

As is known to all, thought to guide the action, for small and medium-sized enterprises marketing, what kind of marketing idea will have what kind of marketing plan and action, so as to produce different marketing results. Era in the development, peoples thought is in constant change, especially in modern society, our countrys market economic system has been basically established, under the condition of small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain long-term development, can no longer use the previous backward marketing idea, otherwise in the backward concept under the guidance of the marketing line of cannot make enterprises gain their competitiveness in the market, it will influence the full play of advantages in market competition. For many small and medium-sized enterprises, for example, before a product sales, now is not for this product adopt the scientific method, market survey and marketing positioning. Perhaps, these enterprises can speak, because affected by the financial strength of their own, unable to take care of these things. But I dont know, if marketing is based on a personal experience or the judgment of market, rather than in a scientific market investigation and analysis on the basis of market positioning, no one can guarantee the enterprise products has a good market share. In addition, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, there are serious follow suit, the other companies do, they do, but dont know this is a big hidden trouble, the copycat phenomenon is serious, once the market product homogeneityphenomenon serious, product quality is uneven, the enterprise marketing will also be hard to get good progress.

2. Target market positioning fuzzy

For each product, consumer demand is different, especially in modern society, as the change of people consumption habits, personalized consumption is more and



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