
 2023-09-25 04:09

Study on the Brand Construction of Regional Agricultural Products

Guanzhu Wang

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130000

Keywords: agricultural products; brand construction; development and application

Abstract: The branding of agricultural products is the inevitable result of the marketization, specialization and socialization of agricultural production. The agricultural product brand is the extension and application of the brand concept in agricultural products. It refers to the identification mark of the origin and quality of agricultural product operators and their products, represents the credibility of agricultural product operators and their commitment to consumers, and is the intangible asset of agricultural product operators, which is the bridge between agricultural product operators and consumers. Compared with the brands of industrial products and other service products, the main features of the agricultural product brands are agricultural products. The agricultural production process is carried out in a vast natural space. The influence of labor methods on product quality is difficult to monitor, and thus it is necessary to realize the agricultural industry and standardized production management. The agricultural product brands represent the advantages of natural resources. The creation of most agricultural product brands is often based on the original characteristics. The brand value of agricultural products is greatly affected by original technology. The quality and efficiency determined by the level of science and technology have become the leading factor in enhancing the brand value of agricultural products.

1. Introduction

After Chinas accession to the WTO, a large number of foreign brands of agricultural products have entered Chinas market, resulting in Chinas agricultural products 'to stay at home' must participate in international market competition. In this context, whether Chinas agricultural products can achieve competitive advantages in similar products depends to a large extent on how hard the brands of agricultural products are. In this sense, the future market competition is the competition between brands and brands. If our countrys agricultural products have no brand, or are only branded and lack of independent intellectual property rights, it will not only affect the export of agricultural products in China, but also will not be conducive to the sustainable development of Chinas foreign trade in agricultural products. Under the new circumstances in which green barriers have become new means of trade protection, developed countries continue to enact new technical regulations, raise standards, impose stringent requirements for packaging and labeling, and implement strict quality certification systems and inspection procedures to ensure national security. , Protecting the environment and safeguarding the interests of consumers as legitimate reasons constitute export obstacles to exporting countries [1]. This requires us to create a brand of agricultural products, and continue to enhance the brand value, to break the barriers to trade barriers in developed countries, and improve the international competitiveness of Chinas agricultural products.

2. Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Products Brand Value

Agricultural products refer to humans conscious use of plant and animal growth mechanisms to obtain food and other material information necessary for life. In terms of its product characteristics, it can be divided into animal products and plant products. For their use, they can be divided into three categories of daily necessities that meet the direct needs of humans, such as food, oil, vegetables, fruits and meat, eggs, milk, etc. The daily necessities that meet the indirect needs of humans, such as feed grain, forage grass, crop straw, etc., can be converted into necessities for

Copyright copy; (2018) Francis Academic Press, UK 130

industrial processing such as meat, eggs, milk, aquatic products, etc., such as those used in the textile industry. Cotton, hemp, cigarettes produced in cigarettes, food, meat, vegetables and fruits used in food processing. The agricultural products involved in this article include various fresh and active animal and plant products and their processed products [2].

The agricultural product brand is the extension and application of the brand concept in agricultural products. It refers to the identification mark of the origin and quality of agricultural product operators and their products. Representing the credibility of agricultural product operators and their commitment to consumers are the intangible assets of agricultural product operators and the bridge between agricultural product operators and consumers. Compared with the brands of industrial products and other service products, there are mainly one of the following characteristics. The carrier of agricultural product brands is agricultural products, which is the material products that human beings use animal and plant as the labor object and use the solar energy and biological organisms life processes to obtain labor products. Agricultural production is a production in which the natural reproduction process and the economic reproduction process are intertwined, so that the agricultural product has a different characteristic from the industrial product brand, namely, the agricultural product brand represents the natural property of the agricultural product. It is closely related to the health of human beings. The quality of products directly affects the realization of brand value. The agricultural production process is carried out in a vast natural space. The influence of its labor mode on product quality is diffi


Study on the Brand Construction of Regional Agricultural Products

Guanzhu Wang

Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130000

Keywords: agricultural products; brand construction; development and application

Abstract: The branding of agricultural products is the inevitable result of the marketization, specialization and socialization of agricultural production. The agricultural product brand is the extension and application of the brand concept in agricultural products. It refers to the identification mark of the origin and quality of agricultural product operators and their products, represents the credibility of agricultural product operators and their commitment to consumers, and is the intangible asset of agricultural product operators, which is the bridge between agricultural product operators and consumers. Compared with the brands of industrial products and other service products, the main features of the agricultural product brands are agricultural products. The agricultural production process is carried out in a vast natural space. The influence of labor methods on product quality is difficult to monitor, and thus it is necessary to realize the agricultural industry and standardized production management. The agricultural product brands represent the advantages of natural resources. The creation of most agricultural product brands is often based on the original characteristics. The brand value of agricultural products is greatly affected by original technology. The quality and efficiency determined by the level of science and technology have become the leading factor in enhancing the brand value of agricultural products.

1. Introduction

After Chinas accession to the WTO, a large number of foreign brands of agricultural products have entered Chinas market, resulting in Chinas agricultural products 'to stay at home' must participate in international market competition. In this context, whether Chinas agricultural products can achieve competitive advantages in similar products depends to a large extent on how hard the brands of agricultural products are. In this sense, the future market competition is the competition between brands and brands. If our countrys agricultural products have no brand, or are only branded and lack of independent intellectual property rights, it will not only affect the export of agricultural products in China, but also will not be conducive to the sustainable development of Chinas foreign trade in agricultural products. Under the new circumstances in which green barriers have become new means of trade protection, developed countries continue to enact new technical regulations, raise standards, impose stringent requirements for packaging and labeling, and implement strict quality certification systems and inspection procedures to ensure national security. , Protecting the environment and safeguarding the interests of consumers as legitimate reasons constitute export obstacles to exporting countries [1]. This requires us to create a brand of agricultural products, and continue to enhance the brand value, to break the barriers to trade barriers in developed countries, and improve the international competitiveness of Chinas agricultural products.

2. Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Products Brand Value

Agricultural products refer to humans conscious use of plant and animal growth mechanisms to obtain food and other material information necessary for life. In terms of its product characteristics, it can be divided into animal products and plant products. For their use, they can be divided into three categories of daily necessities that meet the direct needs of humans, such as food, oil, vegetables, fruits and meat, eggs, milk, etc. The daily necessities that meet the indirect needs of humans, such as feed grain, forage grass, crop straw, etc., can be converted into necessities for

Copyright copy; (2018) Francis Academic Press, UK 130

industrial processing such as meat, eggs, milk, aquatic products, etc., such as those used in the textile industry. Cotton, hemp, cigarettes produced in cigarettes, food, meat, vegetables and fruits used in food processing. The agricultural products involved in this article include various fresh and active animal and plant products and their processed products [2].

The agricultural product brand is the extension and application of the brand concept in agricultural products. It refers to the identification mark of the origin and quality of agricultural product operators and their products. Representing the credibility of agricultural product operators and their commitment to consumers are the intangible assets of agricultural product operators and the bridge between agricultural product operators and consumers. Compared with the brands of industrial products and other service products, there are mainly one of the following characteristics. The carrier of agricultural product brands is agricultural products, which is the material products that human beings use animal and plant as the labor object and use the solar energy and biological organisms life processes to obtain labor products. Agricultural production is a production in which the natural reproduction process and the economic reproduction process are intertwined, so that the agricultural product has a different characteristic from the industrial product brand, namely, the agricultural product brand represents the natural property of the agricultural product. It is closely related to the health of human beings. The quality of products directly affects the realization of brand value. The agricultural production process is carried out in a vast natural space. The influence of its labor mode on product quality is diffi



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