Simulation-Based Population Dynamics Analysis: Korean Population Aging
Jang Won Bae(B), Euihyun Paik, and Karandeep Singh
Department of Big Data Intelligence Research,Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
Abstract::Many countries have experienced demographic problems. Population aging in Korea is, for example, considered as the representative and severe one. To analyze such population changes, this paper applied modeling and simulation method from the micro-level perspective. Specifically, this paper introduce Korean population dynamics model, and this model was designed with micro population data and population statistics in Korea. Using the developed model, we performed virtual experiments to estimate future population dynamics. Through the result analyses, this paper presents how the future Korean population would move and suggests socio-economic factors that are related with the progress of Korean population aging.
Keywords:Simulation-based analysis ;Population aging ;Demographic analysis ;Korean population aging
1 Introduction
As social and economic advances in modern times, many countries recently have experienced various demographic problems. One representative problem is population aging. Population aging is a shift in the distribution of a countryrsquo;s population towards older ages due to increasing life expectancy and decreasing fertility rate. This population problem has been widely spread in and Europe regions, and it would affect the form of work, families, health, education, and technology of the worldrsquo;s population [1].
In particular, population aging in Korea has been rapidly progressed: Korea became an aged society (over 65 years population takes 7 % of the overall population) in 2000 and is predicted to become an aging and a super-aging society (over 65 years population takes 14 % and 20 % of the overall population) before 2020 and 2030. Moreover, the period of transferring aging to super-aging society in Korea is estimated as 23 years, which is even faster than other advanced countries (e.g., France, and Sweden took 115 and 85 years). To alleviate Korean population aging, Korean government established economic and welfare policies, yet their effectiveness has been hardly seen.
To tackle population problems, many demographic researchers have been studied about population dynamics. Population dynamics helps to see the futurepopulation and establish political strategies for dealing with future population problems [2]. One approach for the population dynamics analysis is modeling and simulation. In particular, micro-level modeling and simulation provides individual features about how population structures were developed and how they would be evolved in the future. It also means that the micro-level modeling and simulation could also deliver key information for mitigating the population aging problem.
This paper introduces Korean population dynamics model, and the developed model describes behaviors and interactions of individuals in Korean population, i.e., from the micro-perspective. Behaviors and Interactions of an individual are modeled by stochastic process and rule-based interaction based on real-data, such as micro-population data and population statistics. We utilized also the real-data in the model development and initialization.
Using the developed model, virtual experiments were conducted. The virtual experiments were designed with varying parameters of behavioral models and rule-based interactions, and the experiment results are measured by demographic indexes for population aging, such as aging index, elderly dependency ratio, and median age of the population [3]. The result analysis shows Korean population aging has been progressed since 2010, and it becomes far worse after 2030. Also, we performed meta-modeling analysis on the experiment results to investigate significant factors that lead to the population aging. We expect those factors would be used to mitigate or hold Korean population aging.
This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 illustrates previous research about population dynamics and analysis; Sect. 3 introduces the developed model, Korean population dynamics model; Sect. 4 and 5 presents the design and results of virtual experiments; Sect. 6 concludes this paper.
2 Related Works
Population dynamics has been analyzed using analytical and simulation models. One famous example of the analyticalmodels isThomasMalthusrsquo;smodel [4].There has been several methods for the analytical models of population dynamics, such as differential equation, matrix-based model, and the optimization model. Based on these methods, more complex analytical models have been invented for resolving current population problems.
Simulation-based analysis on population dynamics has been also widely used. It is considered as an important method for studying natural population dynamics [5]. The classic method for simulation-based population dynamics analysis is microsimulation model invented by Orcutt [6]. Microsimulation model describes a population by the aggregation of individuals, and each individual is modeled using micro population data, e.g., Census data in US. Another simulation method is agent-based model. Agent-based model is also based on the bottom-up approach for modeling population dynamics, yet it rather focuses on the interaction among individuals in the population. Such simulation methods have been applied to estimated the future population changes and public policies.
There are several studies for the analysis on population aging using the above methods: Prettner investigated the population aging from long-run economic growth perspectives by incorporating endogenous growth models and semi-endogenous growth models [7].
张元培(B) 白义贤 辛格
大数据情报研究部 电子和电信研究所 大田,韩国
图1 利用微观人口数据和人口统计建立韩国人口动态模型
Pij = Pr{Xt = j|Xt-1 = i}···········································································································(1)
图2 韩国人口动态模型中个体的婚姻行为
图3 韩国人口动态模型中个体生命事件结构的每一次模拟状态
表1 具有不同参数和规则的个体行为模型的虚拟实验设计(如婚姻和教育行为模型)。
行为 |
变量 |
情况下 |
影响 |
婚姻年龄差距 |
男方(女方)与女方的结婚年龄不超过5(3)年的伴侣受教育程度差异 |
离婚率 |
无变化,上升30%,下降30%(3例) |
改变离婚概率,上升/下降30%或没有变化 |
教育 |
入口速度 |
无变化,上升15%,下降15%(3例) |
每次改变15%上下或不改变的进入概率,重复10次 |
总病例2times;3times;3times;3 = 54例 |
老龄化指数和老年抚养比分别按每百名人数中65岁以上的人数和15 - 64岁的人口中65岁或以上的人数计算。。最后一个指标是一个种群的年龄中值,它的定义是将一个种群划分为两个相同大小的群体的年龄。
图4 (a)人口增长率,(b)年龄分布(c)老龄化指数,老年抚养比,(d)未来韩国人口中位年龄(年龄差:5岁,教育程度差:不在乎,离婚率:无变化,受教育程度:无变化情况)仿真结果
表2 线性回归模型标准化系数:因变量为人口数量、老龄化指数、老年抚养比、中位年龄;自变量为婚姻和教育行为模型的参数和规则
人口数量 |
老化指数 |
老年抚养比率 |
年龄中位数 |
年龄差异 |
0.017 |
-0.107 |
-0.038 |
-0.054 |
受教育程度差异 |
0.024 |
-0.141 |
-0.051 |
-0.072 |
离婚率 |
0.019 |
-0.051 |
-0.026 |
-0.036 |