
 2022-12-24 05:12

Photocatalytic reduction of CO2with H2O using perovskite CaxTiyO3


As it is known to all, CO2is a major greenhouse gas over the past few centuries because of its rapid generation from the com-bustion of fossil fuels [1]. So, the effective utilization of CO2 is one of the important projects. However, it is difficult to convert CO2 into useful products because CO2 is a very stable chemical compound [2]. There are various ways used to convert CO2 into fuels. Among them, photocatalytic reduction of CO2with H2O is a promising technology that not only decreases concentration of CO2 but also produces energy source [3]. Inoue et al. [4] reported that HCOOH, HCHO, CH3OH, and CH4 were the major products duringthe photoreduction of CO2with H2O.Titanium oxide (TiO2) [5], tungsten oxide (WO3) [6], zinc oxide(ZnO) [7], gallium phosphide (GaP) [8], cadmium sulfide (CdS) [9],and silicon carbide (SiC) [10] have been used as photocatalyst toconvert CO2into hydrocarbon fuel. In order to improve the pho-toactivity of TiO2, various surface modification methods have beencarried out by the researchers. The reported photocatalysts areincluding Ag/TiO2[11], Pt/TiO2[12], iodine/TiO2[13], Cu/TiO2[14],Rh/TiO2[15], Cu-iodine/TiO2[16], FeTiO3/TiO2[17],kaolinite/TiO2[18],zeolite/TiO2[19],AgBr/TiO2[20],Ti-MCM-41andTi-MCM-48[21],N-TiO2nanotubes[22],CeO2-TiO2[23],CdSe/Pt/TiO2[24],PbS/TiO2[25],Cu-CdS-TiO2/SiO2[26],andCdS/Bi2S3/TiO2nano-tubes [27].

Recently, the peroveskite structured materials, with general for-mula of ABO3, are interested for photocatalysis. In the peroveskitestructure, we can change the composition of A and B. Moreover, thecatalytic abilities of perovskies could be easily altered by changingthe stoichiometry and incorporating with cations [28]. Subama-nian et al. [29] studied the degradation of Victoria blue dye overAg-SrTiO3 under UV–visible light. Zhang et al. [30] studied thephotocatalytic activity of Fe2O3/SrTiO3for the decomposition ofmethanol under visible light. The studies regarding the photo-catalytic performance of perovskites has been mainly focused onSrTiO3. However, CaTiO3(CTO) is one of the best known perovskite.The photoreduction of CO2using CaTiO3 has not been studied so far.Calcium is a good material to absorb CO2. Hence, calcium has beenused for carbon capture and storage (CCS). In this study, we tried toimprove the performance of TiO2 by incorporating with calcium.Herein, we report the synthesis, characterization, and pho-tocatalytic activity of CaxTiyO3(x = 1.50, 1.28, 1.00, and 0.85;y = 0.75, 0.85, 1.00, and 1.28). CaxTiyO3was synthesized by ahydrothermal method. The prepared catalysts were characterizedusing X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2adsorption–desorption is otherm,UV–visspectroscopy,photoluminescence(PL),andCO2absorptiontechniques. The photocatalytic performance of CaxTiyO3 was tested for the reduction of CO2 with H2O.


2.1. Synthesis of CaxTiyO3

The schematic diagram for the synthesis of CaxTiyO3(x = 1.50,1.28, 1.00, and 0.75; y = 0.75, 0.85, 1.00, and 1.12) is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of CaxTiyO3(x = 1.50, 1.28, 1.00, and 0.75; y = 0.75,0.85, 1.00, and 1.12) catalyst synthesis.

Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2·2H2O, 78.0%, Wako Pure Chem-ical, Japan), and titanium isopropoxide (Ti{OCH(CH3)2}4, TTIP,98.0%, Junsei, Chemical, Japan) were used as precursors. Each 1.50,1.28, 1.00, and 0.75 mol of CaCl2·2H2O were dissolved in distilledwater (400 mL) with continuous stirring. After that 0.75, 0.85, 1.00,and 1.12 mol of TTIP were added to the above solution. Then, pHvalue was adjusted to 12 using 3 M NaOH and the mixture wasstirred overnight. The final white solution was thermal-treatedin an autoclave at 453 K for 8 h. The obtained precipitate waswashed with distilled water, ethanol, and dried at 343 K for 24 h.The synthesized samples were labeled as Ca1.50-Ti0.75, Ca1.28-Ti0.85,Ca1.00-Ti1.00, and Ca0.75-Ti1.12, respectively.

2.2. Characterization

The structure and crystallinity were determined using pow-der X-ray diffraction (XRD, model MPD from PANalytical) withnickel-filtered CuK radiation (40.0 kV, 30.0 mA). The morphologywas examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM, H-7600,Hitach, Japan) operated at 100 kV. The existence of elements in thesample were analyzed with the help of an energy dispersive X-rayspectroscopy (EDS-250, Horiba) attached to the SEM. The BET sur-face area was measured using a Belsorp II mini (BEL, Japan Inc.).The UV–visible absorption spectra were obtained using a SCINCONeosys-2000 spectrometer with a reflectance sphere. Photolumi-nescence (PL) profiles were obtained using a SCINCO FluoroMateFS-2 (room temperature using a He–Cd laser source at a wavelengthof 325 nm). CO2absorption isotherms under static conditions wereobtained by a Belsorp II mini (BEL, Japan Inc.) at 343 K.

Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of experimental set-up of a circulated photo-reactorfor CO2reduction.

2.3. Measurement of photocatalytic activity

The photocatalytic tests for reduction of CO2with H2O werecarried out in a closed quartz vessel (length of 7.50 cm, widthof 1.04 cm, and total volume of 7.00 cm3). The schematic dia-gram of the photo reactor is shown in Fig. 2. A total of 0.2 g ofcatalyst and 11.30 mg of distilled water were taken in the photo-reactor. Supercritical fluid-grade CO2with a certified hydrocarbon(less than 1 ppm) was used as reactant. Before irradiation, CO2gas was initially introduced into the reactor chamber. Then, thereactor was closed and the lamp was switched on. One UV-lamp(6 W cmminus;2, 20 cm length times; 2.0 diameter, Shinan, Korea) emittinglight at 365 nm was used as the irradiation source. The reactiontemperature and pressure were maintained at 303 K and 1 atm,respectively. The gas products were an



  1. 介绍

众所周知,二氧化碳是几个世纪以来主要的温室气体,它是化石燃料的迅速发展带来的产物[1],因此,CO2的有效利用是重要的项目之一。然而,由于CO2是非常稳定的化合物,因此将CO2转化为有用的产品是非常困难的[2]。将CO2转换成燃料的方式多种多样。其中,CO2与H2O的光催化还原是一个新兴起的技术,这项技术不仅可以降低二氧化碳的浓度,而且还可以产生能源[3]。 Inoue等人的[4]报道称光催化还原CO2和H2O的产物主要是甲酸,甲醛,甲醇,甲烷等。二氧化钛(TiO 2)[5],氧化钨(WO3)[6],氧化锌(ZnO)[7],磷化镓(GaP)[8],硫化镉(CdS)[9]和碳化硅(SiC)[10]都已被用作光催化剂将CO2转化为烃燃料。为了提高TiO2的光活性,研究人员已经开展了各种表面改性方法。经报道的光催化剂包括Ag / TiO2 [11],Pt / TiO2 [12],碘/ TiO2 [13],Cu / TiO2 [14],Rh / TiO2 [15],Cu-碘/ TiO2 [16],FeTiO3 / TiO2 [17],高岭石/ TiO2 [18],沸石/ TiO2 [19],AgBr / TiO2 [20],Ti-MCM-41和Ti-MCM-48 [21],N-TiO2纳米管[22],CeO2- 23],CdSe / Pt / TiO2 [24],PbS / TiO2 [25],Cu-CdS-TiO2 / SiO2 [26]和CdS / Bi2S3 / TiO2纳米管[27]。

近来,ABO3型的钙钛矿材料在光催化还原CO2上表现出了活力。在ABO3型材料的结构中,我们可以改变A和B的组成。此外,通过改变化学计量和掺入阳离子,可以轻易地改变钙钛矿的催化能力[28]。Subama-nian等人研究了紫外-可见光下维蓝染料对Ag-SrTiO3的降解。张等人 [30]研究了Fe2O3 / SrTiO3在可见光下甲醇分解的光催化活性。 关于钙钛矿光催化性能的研究主要集中在SrTiO3上。然而,CaTiO3(CTO)是最著名的钙钛矿之一。迄今为止我们还没有研究CaTiO3的CO2的光催化还原。钙是吸收二氧化碳的好材料。 因此,钙被用于碳捕集和封存(CCS)。 在本研究中,我们尝试通过掺入钙来改善TiO2的性能。.Herein和我们报告了CaxTiyO3的合成,表征和光催化活性(x = 1.50,1.28,1.00和0.85; y = 0.75,0.85,1.00和1.28)。 CaxTiyO3是通过水热法合成的,通过使用X射线衍射(XRD),N2吸附 - 解吸附等温线,紫外 - 发射光谱光致发光(PL)和CO 2吸收技术对所制备的催化剂进行了表征然后对CaxTiyO3的光催化性能进行了测试。



CaxTiyO3(x = 1.50,1.28,1.00和0.75; y = 0.75,0.85,1.00和1.12)的合成示意图如图1所示。

图1.caxtiyo3(x = 1.50,1.28,1,和0.75;y = 0.75, 0.85,1,和1.12)催化剂合成的示意图

使用氯化钙二水合物(CaCl 2·2H 2 O,78.0%,和光纯药,日本)和异丙醇钛(Ti(OCH(CH 3)2)4,TTIP,98.0%,Junsei,Chemical,Japan)作为前体。 将每个1.50,1.28,1.00和0.75mol CaCl 2·2H2O在连续搅拌下溶解在蒸馏水(400mL)中。之后,向上述溶液中加入0.75,0.85,1.00和1.12mol TTIP。 然后,使用3M NaOH将pH值调节至12,将混合物进行搅拌并将最终的白色溶液在453K的高压釜中热处理8小时。所得沉淀物用蒸馏水和乙醇洗涤,在343K干燥24h,合成样品为Ca1.50-Ti0.75,Ca1.28-Ti0.85,Ca1.00-Ti1.00, Ca0.75-Ti1.12。

2.2. 表征

使用X射线衍射(XRD,来自PANalytical的MPD模型)和镍 - 过滤的CuK 3测定结构和结晶度。 辐射(40.0 kV,30.0 mA)。 通过在100kV下运行的透射电子显微镜(TEM,H-7600,Hitachi,Japan)检查形态。 借助于附着在SEM的能量色散X射线光谱仪(EDS-250,Horiba)来分析样品中的元素的存在。 使用Belsorp II mini(BEL,Japan Inc.)测量BET表面积,使用具有反射球的SCINCONeysys-2000光谱仪获得UV-可见光吸收光谱。使用SCINCO FluoroMateFS-2(室温下使用He-Cd激光源,波长325nm)获得光致发光(PL)谱。 静态条件下的二氧化碳吸收等温线由Belsorp II mini(BEL,Japan Inc.)在343K获得。


2.3. 光催化活性的测定

用H 2 O还原CO2的光催化试验在封闭的石英容器(长7.50厘米,宽1.04厘米,总体积7.00厘米3)中进行。 光电反应器的示意图如图1所示。 在光反应器中取出总共0.2g催化剂和11.30mg蒸馏水。使用具有认证烃(小于1ppm)的超临界流体级二氧化碳作为反应物。 在照射之前,首先将CO 2气体引入反应室。 然后,反应器关闭,灯被打开。 使用365nm的发光的一个UV灯(6Wcm-2,20cm长times;2.0直径,Shinan,Korea)作为照射源。 反应温度和压力分别保持在303 K和1 atm。 使用配备有热导检测器(TCD)和火焰离子化检测器(FID)的气体色谱(iGC7200,DS Science,大韩民国)对气体产物进行分析。

  1. 结果与讨论

CaxTiyO3(x = 1.50,1.28,1.00和0.75,y = 0.75,0.85,1.00和1.12)的XRD图谱示于图3中。对于Ca1.28-Ti0.85而言,它的波峰在二倍角为 23.08, 25.89, 32.62, 32.98, 47.19,59.08, 69.13,和78.93◦ 分别提供给CaTiO 3(JCPDS 01-082-0229)的(110),(111),(020),(112),(220),(312),(224)和(332)面。 CaCO3的峰值(JCPDS 01-086-2334)出现在二倍角为29.40℃,此时表达式为Ca1.50-Ti0.75。 金红石TiO2(JCPDS 01-076-0325)的峰值出现在二倍角为27.16。 位于10.39°处的峰(图3c和d)归因于钛(乙醇)(C 6 H 15 O 3 Ti)(JCPDS 00-044-1983)的形成。 这表示



过量的钛离子不掺入钙钛矿骨架中,并且它们作为TiO 2在表面上暴露。

图4显示了Ca1.50-Ti0.75,Ca1.28-Ti0.85,Ca1.00-Ti1.00和Ca0.75-Ti1.12的TEM图像。 可以看出,所制备的部分是正交的形状。在CaTiO3的边缘观察到CaCO3(图4a);在Ca1.00-Ti1.00(图4c)和Ca0.75-Ti1.12(图4d)的情况下,TiO 2颗粒掺杂在CaTiO 3中。 含有CaCO 3或TiO 2的Ca1.28-0.85(图4b)。 TEM结果与XRD数据吻合良好。 通过EDS验证催化剂中元素的原子百分比。表1显示了Ca,Ti,C和O的原子百分比。

图5和图六显示了CaxTiyO3的紫外 - 可见吸收光谱和Tauc图。催化剂的最大吸收值出现在350nm处,其随着钛组分的增加从0.75变为1而红移。然而,320nm处的吸收强度随着钛组分的增加而降低。使用Tauc方程计算带隙[31]。h = A(h minus; Ebg )2

通过1/2倍光子能量和与X轴的切线的曲线给出带隙。Ca1.50-Ti0.75,Ca1.28-Ti0.85,Ca1.00-Ti1.00和Ca0.75-Ti1.12的带隙分别为3.51,3.53,3.44和3.45eV,分别见(表2) 当钛组分增加时,催化剂的带隙减小。

PL光谱测量(图7)用于了解电子 - 空穴复合过程 在468nm处,cata-lysts的PL光谱显示出强信号。当钛组分增加时,催化剂的PL强度降低。这归因于俘获电子向Ti离子的转变。 通常,通过金属掺杂产生新的氧基空位,导带中的光生电子最初到达空位。



然后与价带中的光生孔重组以产生荧光发射[32]。 对于C1.00-Ti1.00观察到最小的PL强度。 这意味着当钙和钛含量为C1.00-Ti1.00时,电子 - 空穴组合速率最小化。PL强度的降低归因于在结构中产生的缺陷(不管化学计量学或非运动学)。

N2吸附 - 解吸等温线和CaxTiyO3的BET表面积如图8和表2所示。 该等温线类似于III型曲线,因此,制备的催化剂是无孔材料[33]。 除了Ca1.28-Ti0.85外,钛含量增加,Ti表示面积增加,表明形成TiO 2或C 6 H 15 O 3 Ti,如图1所示,钙钛矿结构在Ca1.28-Ti0.85中完全形成,并且以比其他催化剂更高的密度状态存在。


吸附等温线和吸附在CaxTiyO3at 374 K上的二氧化碳量如图9所示。 CO2吸附等温线低压区斜率的陡度表明,二氧化碳和单层催化剂之间进行强吸附[34,CO2吸附的趋势与催化剂的BET表面积类似。它证实了表面积在二氧化碳吸附中是非常重要的。实验分别在Ca0.75-Ti1.12和C1.00-Ti1.00上获得了2.1834和1.2943 cm3g-1的吸收。因此,很明显,钛的添加增加了CO2和催化剂之间的相互作用。

使用甲烷和氧气产量来评估催化剂的性能。 图10a总结了CaxTiyO3光催化剂的甲烷转化率。 甲烷刚刚在1或2小时后产生。7h后,催化剂的甲烷产率按照Ca1.00-Ti1.00gt; Ca0.75-Ti1.12gt; Ca1.28-Ti0.85gt; Ca1.50-Ti0.75的顺序排列。图10b显示了氧 光催化剂的产率。 5小时后,氧的生成迅速增加。氧气的产率约为甲烷的两倍。Ca1.00-Ti1.00显示出最佳的光催化性能(约17mol / gcatal)。二氧化碳还原中甲烷生成的机理如下[35]:

  1. 从H2O光破坏产生生产

  1. CO自由基产生从CO2焦化

图8.催化剂的N2吸附 - 解吸等温线。

  1. 甲烷生产由CO原子和质子之间的光反应

  1. 总反应

图11提出并展示了使用Ca1.00-Ti1.00催化剂将CO 2转化为CH4的反应机理。 首先,二氧化碳可以很容易地被钙吸收,钙是一种电子供体。 水(H2O)可以通过TiO2的孔分解成氢离子(H )和羟基(OH)。 氢离子


图10.用CaTiO3对H2O2的光催化还原CO 2还原。 (a)CH4的产率; (b)O2的产率。


用于将CO 2还原成CH 4。 在Ca1.50-Ti0.75的情况下,催化剂表面CaCO 3的形成中断了光反应,因此OH和H 的形成降低。 Ca1.28-Ti0.85复合物在Ti六角结构边缘处的光电反应,因此只有较少的表面积可以被光活化.Ca0.75-Ti1.12含有更多的TiO 2,因此含有二氧化碳吸附的钙离子的可用性少了,这是使用Ca1.00-Ti1.00.4会造成CH4生产产量最高的原因。


在本研究中,CaxTiyO3纳米颗粒已经使用水热法成功合成。 CaxTiyO3催化剂由CaTiO3,TiO2,CaCO3和C6H15O3Ti组成。 CaxTiyO3的光催化活性取决于钛含量。然而,过量的钛可以阻止钙和钛之间的协同作用。 C1.00-Ti1.00显示了最佳的光催化活性,甲烷产率约为17mol / g。 光合作用是将二氧化碳转化为有用化合物的最公正的方法之一。 然而,进一步的研究需要提高甲烷产量。


[1] J. Guo, S. Ouyang, T. Kako, J. Ye, Mesoporous In(OH)3for photoreduction of CO2into renewable hydrocarbon fuels, Appl. Surf. Sci. 280 (2013) 41



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