Instagram 让我买了它:时尚行业的 Z 世代冲动购买
原文作者:Elmira Djafarova ,Tamar Bowes
根据文献综述,广告形式的 BGC 被认为是触发冲动购买的有效方式。 这一点得到了当前结果的支持,该结果发现广告是被调查者认为是积极的。受访者认为舆论领袖不可信,他们意识到周围媒体的负面报道。然而,一项重要的发现显示,微名人仍然是 Z 一代女性在引领潮流时冲动购买时尚的主要影响因素。这与文献中发现的观点领袖很 少影响 Instagram 用户的购买决定相矛盾。然而,由于目前的研究仅探讨时尚产品,它表明,由于时尚意识强的消费者广泛使用 Instagram 来获取灵感和购买决策,意见领袖在这个行业仍然具有影响力。
外文文献出处:Djafarova E , Bowes T . Instagram made Me buy it: Generation Z impulse purchases in fashion industry[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021, 59.
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原文作者 :Suha Fouad Salem,Sharif Omar Salem
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原文作者:Paul F. Lazarsfeld,Bernard Berelson,Hazel Gaudet,
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作为产品创新者的意见领袖不太可能从社会上可获得的消费指导中受益,因此,他们更有可能利用自己的认知技能和以往消费情况(Hirschman 1980)。因此,我们可以假设意见领导力与个人创造力/好奇心和多重使用潜力正相关(普莱斯和里奇韦1983)。区别采用创新的第二个个人特征是消费者风险感知(罗杰斯1983)。罗伯逊、齐林斯基和沃德(1984)对过去研究的回顾表明,创新者在购买新产品时感知到的风险较小,并且比其他消费者更具冒险精神。这种关系的间接支持源于观察到的教条主义和创新之间的负面关系(Coney 1972;Jacoby 1971)。教条主义者有一个相对封闭且坚定的信仰体系,不接受新思想,这与创新型个体的情况相反(罗杰斯和鞋匠,1971年)。这些发现表明,意见领导力应该与感知风险和风险偏好呈正相关。第三个调查领域是个人消费者为决策过程带来的个人知识结构和专业知识。
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原文作者:Do-Hyung Park, Jumin Lee, Ingoo Han
本文描述的研究产生了三个主要发现。首先,在线消费者评论的质量对消费者购买意愿有正向影响。合乎逻辑且有说服力的评论,基于产品的具体事实有充分的理由,对购买意愿有很强的积极影响。二、消费者购买意愿随着评论的数量增强。许多评论的存在表明该产品很受欢迎,这就是增加购买意愿的原因。这两个发现可以解释为在线口碑信息的质量和数量的影响。第三,本文显示了显着的评论质量参与交互效应和不显示的评论数量参与交互效应,低参与度的消费者受评论数量而非质量的影响。另一方面,高参与度的消费者受到评论数量和评论质量的影响。评论质量对消费者高参与度的影响在评论数量较多的情况下更为明显,而评论数量的影响即使在评论质量较低的情况下也很显着。这一结果与 ELM 的预测不同,可以通过在线消费者评论作为推荐者的作用来解释。尽管低质量的评论不能提供有关产品的有用信息,但它们会增加高参与度消费者的购买意愿,因为评论数量表明很多人购买并推荐了该产品。高参与度的消费者将评论数量视为产品受欢迎程度的有用信号,而不仅仅是外围线索。这项研究做出了一些实际贡献。其主要结果强调了正确管理在线消费者评论的重要性。由于在线评论既可以作为信息提供者,也可以作为推荐者,因此它们可以战略性地用作沟通渠道。例如,在线卖家可以提供一种评论格式,使评论者能够发布高质量的评论,重点关注在线消费者评论的信息角色(提供面向用户的信息以提高消费者对产品的理解)。如果评论以基于评论者的矩阵格式和属性或产品使用情况的检查系统呈现,消费者可以轻松获得有关产品的信息。
外文文献出处:Park D.H. Lee J. Han I. The effect of on-line consumer reviews on consumer purchasing intention: the moderation role of involvement[J]. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2007,11(4),125-148.
原文作者:Min Jeong Seo, Minjeong Kim
摘要:Previous studies have demonstrated the applicability of the SOR model and planned behavior theory to consumer behavior research, which has reference significance for this paper to explain the influence mechanism of clothing opinion leaders on consumer behavior. In addition, scholars research on the definition, personal characteristics, information characteristics and identification of opinion leaders has been very mature, and a large number of empirical results have been obtained. Previous studies have shown that opinion leaders influence consumers attitudes through personal characteristics and information characteristics, thereby influencing consumers decision-making behavior. According to the previous research results, this paper will construct a research model in line with the clothing online shopping market from the perspective of the personal characteristics and information characteristics of opinion leaders, and conduct further research on the basis of the above literature research.
关键词:SOR model; planned behavior theory; opinion leaders
Instagram made Me buy it: Generation Z impulse purchases in fashion industry
According to the literature review, BGC in the form of advertisements is considered effective in triggering impulse purchases. This was supported by the current results which found advertisements to be positively perceived by the respondents. Opinion leaders were deemed untrustworthy by respondents, who were conscious of negative press from the media surrounding them. However, a significant finding revealed that micro-celebrities are still the primary influence on Generation Z femalesrsquo; impulse fashion purchases as they set the trends. This contradicted the literature which found opinion leaders to rarely influence Instagram usersrsquo; purchase decisions nowadays. However, as the current study explored solely fashion products, it suggests that opinion leaders are still influential in this industry due to a wide use of Instagram by fashion conscious consumers for inspiration and purchase decisions.
The theory of planned behavior
In this article I have tried to show that the theory of planned behavior provides a useful conceptual framework for dealing with the complexities of human social behavior. The theory incorporates some of the central concepts in the social and behavior sciences, and it defines these concepts in a way that permits prediction and understanding of particular behaviors in specified contexts. Attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms with respect to the behavior, and perceived control over the behavior are usually found to predict behavioral intentions with a high degree of accuracy. In turn, these intentions, in combination with perceived behavioral control, can account for a considerable proportion of variance in behavior.
How fashion influencers contribute to consumers purchase intention
Based on a sample of 610 Moroccan respondents, we empirically confirmed that consumersrsquo; attitudes toward influencers are significantly biased by perceived credibility, trust, perceived expertise, perceived congruence, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms, as was suggested in previous studies. Perceived credibility was demonstrated to be the major factor persuading attitudes toward the influencer, followed by expertise and trust,while subjective norms had the weakest impact on consumersrsquo; attitudes toward the FI. Our results reveal that FIs perceived as credible and trustworthy are more likely to influence followersrsquo; attitudes and purchase intention. It has been illustrated that a large share of the variation in the attitude toward the brand comes from attitudes toward FIs. This implies that consumers are more likely to appreciate or recommend a brand that has been recommended by popular influencers. Finally, our results suggest that attitudes toward FIs and toward the brand have a significant impact on consumersrsquo; purchase intention. This research adds to the body of the literature by understanding consumersrsquo; perceptions of FIs and their impact on purchase intentions and behaviors. The findings are of significant relevance to the ongoing debate concerning influencer marketing and how influencers shape perception of brands through their endorsements.
Self-identity and social identity as drivers of consumersrsquo;purchase intention towards luxury fashion goods and willingness to pay premium price
This study has developed a conceptual framework that may help us to understand the antecedents and consequences of purchase intention behavior towards luxury fashion products within the Malaysian context. Specifically, this study integrates variables namely social identity, self-identity, and price premium into the TPB to provide valuable theoretical insights into existing knowledge. This research makes several contributions to the literature on marketing. Firstly, it enables marketing scholars to realize the importance of social identity construct and how it significantly influences consumersrsquo; decision to buy luxury products through shaping favorable attitude towards these products in the Malaysian context. Secondly, the current research demonstrates the role self-identity has on consumer decision and that consumers have strong motivation to buy luxury products when the products reflect their self-image and match one of their characteristics. Thirdly, this study investigates the influence of consumersrsquo; purchase intention towards luxury fashion goods on their willingness to pay premium price for those products. Examining this relationship provides better understand of the antecedents of consumersrsquo;
willingness to pay price premium.
The Peoplersquo;s Choice: How the voter makes up his Mind in a Presiden