原文作者 Abdulhameed Kayode Agboola*1, Lambe Mustapha2
单位Department of Information and Media Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, MINNA
摘要: 互联网广告是指以互联网为平台的广告。它是一种营销策略,是指吸引网络流量并利用互联网作为媒介将营销信息传递到适当的目标。毫无疑问,互联网广告已经彻底改变了商业领域。它使得企业家及其潜在客户之间的沟通更加有效和简洁。除此之外,本研究还在其他方面讨论了互联网广告的优势,其中包括:对于大型企业,尤其是国际企业,与传统广告媒体相比,以更低的价格吸引了更多的人。但是相反,互联网广告可以暴露竞争对手的营销材料,任何人都可以复制该营销材料,并将其用于有损该竞争对手业务的目的。本文认为,由于互联网上缺乏有效的审查制度,因此很难或最不可能在网上进行审查和采取规范广告的措施,这使得少年和儿童容易受到不良信息内容的伤害。这项研究表明,互联网广告可能面临的最大威胁是政策。但这并不意味着互联网广告是非法的,而是意味着随着政策制定的改变,与之相关的广告自由随之受到限制。同样,从另一个角度来看,由于对未经请求的消息和特定广告采取新兴的遏制和控制的措施,互联网本身已成为互联网广告的威胁。因此,本文的结论是,随着互联网广告对技术进步的迅速响应,市场对于互联网广告的未来发展抱有越来越高的期待。当互联网遍及全球的角落时,隧道尽头似乎充满了耀眼的光芒。到目前为止,互联网广告的投资回报率最高,并且有望进一步提高。因此,除了潜在的挑战之外,互联网广告还拥有光明的未来。
关键词:新媒体; 互联网广告;传统广告;线下广告;媒体企业
试图增强自己在贸易获利能力的意图与贸易本身一样古老。 “贸易是指为了获得金钱或金钱价值从而开展买卖商品和服务的活动”(Gaurav,2011年)。 当人们向他人提供任何可以接受的东西以满足他们本身需求的时候,贸易就发生了。人类的需求与欲望在人类社会出现之初就已经存在,正是这种需求和欲望促使着贸易的出现与发展。在货币发明之前就已经出现了以物易物的贸易形式,这种贸易形式是人们在交换商品和服务时所采用的古老方法(Nair,2013年)。
在这一点上,重要的是要指出,贸易一词可以在不同的语境中解释,因为它不仅仅是指商业有关。从广义上讲,它是与交换有关。每一天人们都在互相彼此问候; 我们和他人之间的互动是言语交易的一种形式。 因此,就非常有必须去声明一点,这些所有活动对于商业环境的构成都非常的重要。
广告是商业世界的一种沟通交流方式。当然,还有许多其他信息沟通方式方式,例如公共关系。公共关系作为一种商业传播方式,它无疑与广告有所不同,尽管公关与广告都是商业传播方式。广告商利用大众媒介从信息传输到信息抵达到接受者的全过程进行完全的控制,但公共关系专业人员对消息的控制只限于决定是否将消息发布给媒体把关人,并以哪种形式传递给观众(安东尼,2013年)。 除了作为工作基础的广告以外,在商业范围内进行交流的各种方式也不是本文的范围。
广告是“通过直接邮件,电话,印刷品,广播,电视和互联网等方式进行的有关原因,商品和服务,思想,组织,人和地方的有偿非个人公共沟通”(在线商务词典,2014)。 仅通过互联网连接才能实现的广告形式称为互联网广告。本文重点介绍了互联网广告的概念及其发展方式,讨论了互联网广告的不同类型,并简要探讨了互联网广告的优点和缺点。通过研究对互联网广告的威胁及其未来发展得出结论。
根据PC杂志的百科全书(2014)的定义,互联网广告涉及通过网站,电子邮件,支持广告的软件,文本消息和支持互联网的手机等方式向用户投放广告。不同的学者以不同的方式定义描述了互联网广告,但是仔细研究这些定义可以发现它们之间存在某些联系。 它们具有共同的一些参数,而不管选择哪种定义,从何处以及在何种情况下进行选择,沟通都是他们必然共有的参数。这些共同的参数包括发送者,消息和接收者。发送者是指广告商,而广告商通常是想要与接收者联系的企业家,对于媒体来说即目标客户或潜在客户,而接受者则可能是匿名的大众受众或已知的目标群体。总的来说,广告就是信息。连接其信息意义表达的渠道是互联网。如果在没有“有网状结构的网络”启用远程传递的情况下,广告可以成功地传达信息,那么它就不是互联网广告。互联网的出现将原本的商务沟通转变为今天的互联网广告。第三个共同参数就是交流的目的或意图。每个广告都针对特定的目标来传达相应的信息,但是这些目标因来源而异。大多数企业家的主要目标是获利。他们做广告是为了影响顾客和潜在顾客对他们的商品和/或服务的看法,说服他们进行购买决策。还有其他一些非营利性机构在宣传其产品和/或服务。他们中的大多数是慈善非政府组织(NGO)和政府机构,而利润不是他们进行广告活动的驱动力。尽管获得其商品和/或服务可能需要付款,但是其售价是等于或低于生产成本的,他们是非营利性的。因此,将此类非营利性机构的所谓广告活动称为“敏感”或“意识”,以便与其他众所周知的以利润为导向的广告区分开来。
例如,尼日利亚政府国际网站上的横幅广告显示“在尼日利亚大学学习的今天!” 盟约大学网站上的另一面横则幅显示“来自您舒适地带的盟约研究!”,两者的动机各不相同。 虽然政府的目标是使人们对机构的存在有所了解,同时改善公民的生活,但《公约》网站的标语将旨在吸引更多潜在的学生,以增加利润,因为这是为了私人利益。尼日利亚的制作机构的广告背后的动机,要么是牟利,要么是其他非牟利的。本文将以收益为导向的广告称为广告,将以非收益为导向的广告称为意识或敏感。
谈论互联网广告的发展而不提及互联网的发展是不合适的。互联网是所讨论广告的内容和背景的传递者。由于互联网的出现而诞生的互联网广告是对传统广告的一种转变。 Barry&Vinton(2014)指出:“当今的互联网是一种广泛的信息基础设施,是所谓的国家(或全球)信息基础设施的初始原型。它的历史是复杂的,涉及许多方面,包括技术,组织和社区。 随着我们越来越倾向于使用在线工具来完成电子商务,信息获取和社区运营,它的影响力不仅会影响计算机通信技术领域,还会影响整个社会。”
互联网诞生于在美国通过计算机进行信息共享的协议的追求。互联网是在1969年美国高级研究计划局(ARPA)大学和国防部的代表进行商讨研究之后所产生的。ARPANET是连接加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校,加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校,斯坦福研究所和犹他大学四个站点的第一个协议。当时,这个协议用于连接大学,军事和政府机构中的主机。在1983年,进一步开发了TCP / IP协议,并在威斯康星大学引入了名称服务器,并于第二年建立了域名服务器(DNS)。 1986年,NSFNET得以发展,以连接数量迅速增长的主机。互联网的发展和繁荣在1989年(在1990年引入HTTP之前)并于1989年终止了ARPNET。新的协议为实现互联网用户的指数式增长奠定了基础。
外文文献出处:International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 3(6), 7–16. 2017
Abdulhameed Kayode Agboola*1, Lambe Mustapha2
*1, 2Department of Information and Media Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, MINNA
Internet advertising implies advertising using the internet as a platform. It is a marketing strategy which deals with attracting web traffic and delivering marketing messages to appropriate targets using the internet as a medium. Internet advertising has no doubt positively revolutionized the sector of commerce. It has simplify and made more effective the communication between entrepreneurs and their potential customers. This study discusses among other things the advantages of internet advertising which include: reaching significantly more people than the traditional advertisement media at a cheaper rate for large scale businesses especially the international ones. But on the contrary, internet advertising can expose marketing materials of a competitor which can be copied by anyone and use for purposes detrimental to such competitorrsquo;s business. This paper argues that since there is no censorship on the internet, it is difficult or at worst impossible to scrutinize and regulate advertisements online making teenagers and young children to be vulnerable. This study proffers that one major threat that internet advertising may need to combat is policy. It is not that internet advertisement is illegal, but the freedom associated with it becomes limited when policies are formulated day by day. Also, from another perspective, the internet itself has become a threat to internet advertising due to emerging measures to curb and control unsolicited messages and adverts to be specific. This paper concludes that the level of optimism as regards the future of internet adve
Abdulhameed Kayode Agboola*1, Lambe Mustapha2
*1, 2Department of Information and Media Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, MINNA
Internet advertising implies advertising using the internet as a platform. It is a marketing strategy which deals with attracting web traffic and delivering marketing messages to appropriate targets using the internet as a medium. Internet advertising has no doubt positively revolutionized the sector of commerce. It has simplify and made more effective the communication between entrepreneurs and their potential customers. This study discusses among other things the advantages of internet advertising which include: reaching significantly more people than the traditional advertisement media at a cheaper rate for large scale businesses especially the international ones. But on the contrary, internet advertising can expose marketing materials of a competitor which can be copied by anyone and use for purposes detrimental to such competitorrsquo;s business. This paper argues that since there is no censorship on the internet, it is difficult or at worst impossible to scrutinize and regulate advertisements online making teenagers and young children to be vulnerable. This study proffers that one major threat that internet advertising may need to combat is policy. It is not that internet advertisement is illegal, but the freedom associated with it becomes limited when policies are formulated day by day. Also, from another perspective, the internet itself has become a threat to internet advertising due to emerging measures to curb and control unsolicited messages and adverts to be specific. This paper concludes that the level of optimism as regards the future of internet advertising is on the rise as it responds rapidly to technological advancement. There seem to be a very bright light at the end of the tunnel as internet is reaching to the nooks and crannies of the globe. So far, internet advertising has the highest ROI and is promising to improve, and at worst to maintain the status quo. Therefore, there is no doubt that alongside potential challenges, internet advertising holds for a bright future.
New media, internet advertising, traditional media, advertising online, media entrepreneurship
Cite This Article: Abdulhameed Kayode Agboola, and Lambe Mustapha, “IMPLICATIONS
BANE?” International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, Vol. 3, No. 6(2015): 7-16.
Efforts to enhance profitability in trade are as old as trade itself. “Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services for money or money‟s worth” (Gaurav, 2011). When people give out anything acceptable to the other party in exchange for their wants, trade has taken place. Human wants and the desire to satisfy them date back to the existence of humans resulting in the advent of trade. The earliest form of trade known as trade by barter has been in use before the invention of money, it is an age-old method that people adopted in exchanging goods and services (Nair, 2013).
It is important to state at this point that the word trade can be interpreted in different context as it has not only to do with commerce. In the broadest sense, it has to do with exchange. Everyday people exchange greetings; our interaction with each other is a form of trading in words. It is therefore important to state that the whole of this work is set to the context of commerce.
As trade took shape over time it became very important for vendors and producers to communicate effectively with their consumers in order to foster effectiveness of the commerce intention of both the vendors and the consumers. The communication may be targeted at different reasons which includes; fostering sales, improving consumer-producer relationship, assessing consumer needs, sensitizing consumers on latest products and services, etc. and through different media ranging from oral and face-to-face to the conventional and emerging new communication media. It is for this reason that the importance of communication in commerce cannot be over emphasized. It is paramount to achieving desired effect.
One of the ways in which this communication takes place in the world of commerce is advertisement. Of course, there are many other ways one of which is public relations. Public relation as a way of business communication is no doubt different from advertisement, although they are both commerce communication approaches. While the advertiser has full control of the message all the way to the recipient which is usually the mass media, the public relations professionals‟ control of the message is only to the limit where the message is released to the media gatekeepers who decide whether or not to pass it to the audience and in which form (Anthony, 2013). The various modes in which communication takes place in the confine of commerce are not the scope of this paper except for advertisement which serves as the basis for the work.
Advertisement is a “paid non-personal public communication about causes, goods and services, ideas, organizations, people and places, through means such as direct mail, telephone, print, radio, television and internet” (Online Business Dictionary, 2014). The form of advertisement that is possible only by means of internet connectivity is called internet advertisement. This