
 2022-12-29 01:12






New marketing strategy for the upgrading of e-commerce strategy(电子商务战略升级的营销策略分析)

作者:Simone Guercini 文献出处:Journal of Global Fashion Marketing(2018)

国内零售业会员营销管理现状 会员卡一般都是实体卡,消费者手中卡太多。如今的消费时代,会员卡已经在消费领域各类店铺成功普及,顾客也在这股浪潮中进入“会员卡时代”,每个人的卡包里都装着各色会员卡。为“网罗”会员,各个商家开始在“会员制营销”上发力,办理会员卡的门槛越来越低,只要提供姓名、电话就可以办理会员卡,这也导致后期会员维护困难。很多顾客在办理了会员卡之后,没有像商家预期的那样,形成持续消费,比如:某顾客手里有各类会员卡十几张,其中经常用的只有 2 张,其余的都成了“僵尸卡”,这就导致会员制的发展陷入尴尬境地。 会员享受权益单一。大部分的零售门店的会员享受的权益仅仅是积分,打折部分随着竞争加剧,商场促销力度加大,已经失去意义了。会员层级没有根据消费的多少进行划分,导致消费多少和享受的权益无关,造成会员顾客没有继续消费的欲望,忠诚度降低,造成商场客流的下降。 商场提供的商品或服务同质化太严重,缺乏对会员的吸引力。零售业开店数量增多,但经营的商品或服务同质化严重,且由于竞争因素,促销打折力度基本一样,导致商家难以靠会员卡形成忠诚的多次购物消费行为。 会员渠道单一,线上线下无法打通,往往线下的顾客享受不到线上店的会员权益,线上店的会员也享受不到线下实体店的会员权益。在多元化的消费时代,人们已经习惯于网上消费,虽然有些零售门店建立了线上会员体系,但往往线上的会员在多个接触点消费时未被准确识别其会员身份,即线上线下会员系统是分离的,不能同步识别线上线下会员。顾客希望在线上线下可以无缝连接,但由于传统零售企业信息设备落后、技术水平和管理能力滞后,所以线上线下的会员系统并未统一,这就导致会员在线上线下的消费积分不能合并,也不利于后期大数据分析。 没有有效利用会员消费的大数据进行深入分析挖掘,从而进行精准营销。在当今时代,许多企业尚未认识到会员数据的重要意义,更没有对会员数据进行科学的管理,加上技术、设备、人员的限制,很多零售商的会员数据还仅限于会员的一些基本特征数据(会员的基本概况、消费的时间、地点、金额、频次等),缺乏会员的大数据的精准分析,当然也就缺少对会员进行有针对性的营销。


Status Quo of Membership Marketing Management in the Domestic Retail Industry Membership cards are generally physical cards, and consumers have too many cards in their hands. In todays consumer era, membership cards have been successfully popularized in various shops in the consumer field, and customers have also entered the 'membership card era' in this wave. Everyone has various membership cards in their card bags. In order to 'recruit' members, various businesses have begun to make efforts in 'membership marketing'. The threshold for membership cards is getting lower and lower. As long as you provide your name and phone number, you can apply for membership cards, which also makes it difficult to maintain membership in the future. After applying for a membership card, many customers did not form continuous consumption as expected by the merchants. For example, a customer has more than a dozen membership cards of various types, of which only two are frequently used, and the rest have become 'zombies.' Card', which has led to an embarrassing situation in the development of the membership system. Members enjoy a single right. Most members of retail stores only enjoy points. The discounted part has become meaningless as competition intensifies and mall promotions increase. The membership level is not divided according to the amount of consumption, which leads to the fact that the amount of consumption has nothing to do with the rights and interests enjoyed, resulting in the lack of desire of member customers to continue to consume, the reduction of loyalty, and the decline of shopping malls. The homogeneity of goods or services provided by shopping malls is too serious and lacks attractiveness to members. The number of stores opened in the retail industry has increased, but the products or services they operate have become more homogeneous, and due to competitive factors, the promotion and discount efforts are basically the same, making it difficult for merchants to rely on membership cards to form loyal multiple shopping and consumption behaviors. There is a single membership channel that cannot be connected online and offline, and offline customers often do not enjoy the membership rights of online stores, and members of online stores do not enjoy the membership rights of offline physical stores. In the era of diversified consumption, people have become accustomed to online consumption. Although some retail stores have established an online membership system, often online members are not accurately identified when they consume at multiple touch points, that is, online and offline. The membership system is separate and cannot identify online and offline members simultaneously. Customers hope that online and offline can be seamlessly connected. However, due to the backward information equipment, technical level and management ability of traditional retail enterprises, the online and offline membership systems are not unified, which leads to the fact that the online and offline consumption points of members cannot be combined. It is also not conducive to the later big data analysis. There is no effective use of big data of member consumption for in-depth analysis and mining, so as to carry out precision marketing. In todays era, many companies have not yet realized the importance of membership data, let alone scientific management of membership data. Coupled with the restrictions of technology, equipment, and personnel, the membership data of many retailers is limited to some basic characteristic data of members. (Basic profile of members, consumption time, place, amount, frequency, etc.), lack of accurate analysis of members big data, of course, lack of targeted marketing to members.


Content marketing in e-commerce platforms in the internet celebrity economy (互联网名人经济中电子商务平台中的内容营销):

作者:Ruibin Geng







New marketing strategy for the upgrading of e-commerce strategy(电子商务战略升级的营销策略分析)

作者:Simone Guercini 文献出处:Journal of Global Fashion Marketing(2018)

国内零售业会员营销管理现状 会员卡一般都是实体卡,消费者手中卡太多。如今的消费时代,会员卡已经在消费领域各类店铺成功普及,顾客也在这股浪潮中进入“会员卡时代”,每个人的卡包里都装着各色会员卡。为“网罗”会员,各个商家开始在“会员制营销”上发力,办理会员卡的门槛越来越低,只要提供姓名、电话就可以办理会员卡,这也导致后期会员维护困难。很多顾客在办理了会员卡之后,没有像商家预期的那样,形成持续消费,比如:某顾客手里有各类会员卡十几张,其中经常用的只有 2 张,其余的都成了“僵尸卡”,这就导致会员制的发展陷入尴尬境地。 会员享受权益单一。大部分的零售门店的会员享受的权益仅仅是积分,打折部分随着竞争加剧,商场促销力度加大,已经失去意义了。会员层级没有根据消费的多少进行划分,导致消费多少和享受的权益无关,造成会员顾客没有继续消费的欲望,忠诚度降低,造成商场客流的下降。 商场提供的商品或服务同质化太严重,缺乏对会员的吸引力。零售业开店数量增多,但经营的商品或服务同质化严重,且由于竞争因素,促销打折力度基本一样,导致商家难以靠会员卡形成忠诚的多次购物消费行为。 会员渠道单一,线上线下无法打通,往往线下的顾客享受不到线上店的会员权益,线上店的会员也享受不到线下实体店的会员权益。在多元化的消费时代,人们已经习惯于网上消费,虽然有些零售门店建立了线上会员体系,但往往线上的会员在多个接触点消费时未被准确识别其会员身份,即线上线下会员系统是分离的,不能同步识别线上线下会员。顾客希望在线上线下可以无缝连接,但由于传统零售企业信息设备落后、技术水平和管理能力滞后,所以线上线下的会员系统并未统一,这就导致会员在线上线下的消费积分不能合并,也不利于后期大数据分析。 没有有效利用会员消费的大数据进行深入分析挖掘,从而进行精准营销。在当今时代,许多企业尚未认识到会员数据的重要意义,更没有对会员数据进行科学的管理,加上技术、设备、人员的限制,很多零售商的会员数据还仅限于会员的一些基本特征数据(会员的基本概况、消费的时间、地点、金额、频次等),缺乏会员的大数据的精准分析,当然也就缺少对会员进行有针对性的营销。


Status Quo of Membership Marketing Management in the Domestic Retail Industry Membership cards are generally physical cards, and consumers have too many cards in their hands. In todays consumer era, membership cards have been successfully popularized in various shops in the consumer field, and customers have also entered the 'membership card era' in this wave. Everyone has various membership cards in their card bags. In order to 'recruit' members, various businesses have begun to make efforts in 'membership marketing'. The threshold for membership cards is getting lower and lower. As long as you provide your name and phone number, you can apply for membership cards, which also makes it difficult to maintain membership in the future. After applying for a membership card, many customers did not form continuous consumption as expected by the merchants. For example, a customer has more than a dozen membership cards of various types, of which only two are frequently used, and the rest have become 'zombies.' Card', which has led to an embarrassing situation in the development of the membership system. Members enjoy a single right. Most members of retail stores only enjoy points. The discounted part has become meaningless as competition intensifies and mall promotions increase. The membership level is not divided according to the amount of consumption, which leads to the fact that the amount of consumption has nothing to do with the rights and interests enjoyed, resulting in the lack of desire of member customers to continue to consume, the reduction of loyalty, and the decline of shopping malls. The homogeneity of goods or services provided by shopping malls is too serious and lacks attractiveness to members. The number of stores opened in the retail industry has increased, but the products or services they operate have become more homogeneous, and due to competitive factors, the promotion and discount efforts are basically the same, making it difficult for merchants to rely on membership cards to form loyal multiple shopping and consumption behaviors. There is a single membership channel that cannot be connected online and offline, and offline customers often do not enjoy the membership rights of online stores, and members of online stores do not enjoy the membership rights of offline physical stores. In the era of diversified consumption, people have become accustomed to online consumption. Although some retail stores have established an online membership system, often online members are not accurately identified when they consume at multiple touch points, that is, online and offline. The membership system is separate and cannot identify online and offline members simultaneously. Customers hope that online and offline can be seamlessly connected. However, due to the backward information equipment, technical level and management ability of traditional retail enterprises, the online and offline membership systems are not unified, which leads to the fact that the online and offline consumption points of members cannot be combined. It is also not conducive to the later big data analysis. There is no effective use of big data of member consumption for in-depth analysis and mining, so as to carry out precision marketing. In todays era, many companies have not yet realized the importance of membership data, let alone scientific management of membership data. Coupled with the restrictions of technology, equipment, and personnel, the membership data of many retailers is limited to some basic characteristic data of members. (Basic profile of members, consumption time, place, amount, frequency, etc.), lack of accurate analysis of members big data, of course, lack of targeted marketing to members.


Content marketing in e-commerce platforms in the internet celebrity economy (互联网名人经济中电子商务平台中的内容营销):

作者:Ruibin Geng



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