
 2023-01-06 11:01


原文作者 Ru-Jen Lin a, *, Kim-Hua Tan b, Yong Geng c

单位 a台北市立大学工商管理研究所


摘要:本研究考察了市场需求如何影响绿色产品创新,以及越南摩托车行业的公司业绩。 本文试图回答两个关键问题:(a)市场需求如何影响公司的绿色产品创新? (b)绿色产品创新如何影响企业绩效? 本研究共收集了越南四家主要外国摩托车公司的有效问卷208份。 实证结果表明,市场需求与绿色产品创新和企业绩效呈正相关; 而绿色产品创新绩效与企业绩效也呈正相关。 此外,本研究还对绿色产品创新的三种类型进行了分类,并讨论了它们对市场需求和企业绩效的影响。


1 介绍

近年来,对绿色产品创新的争论和兴趣日益明显。 Pujari(2006)指出,绿色产品创新越来越被描绘成一个机会;而有些人则认为这是“绿色和竞争”的葡萄酒和葡萄酒逻辑(Porter and Linder,1995)。成功故事的例子是Body Shop的化妆品系列和丰田的混合动力汽车。然而,Hall和Vredenburg(2003)认为,这些公司的可持续产品创新要么是公共政策诱导的,要么是市场驱动的。然而,关于什么是可持续或构成绿色产品的争论仍在继续(Chen,2001; Berchicci和Bodewes,2005)


1990; Koellinger,2008; Tseng等人,2008)。此外,Wei和Morgan(2004)也有争议说,市场需求可能是诱发绿色产品创新的重要因素。 Berthon等人(1999)也补充说,市场需求在公司的创新绩效中起着关键作用。但是,他们也指出,倾听顾客的声音可能会损害企业的创新绩效。 Inkpen和Pien(2006)认为,与竞争对手合作的公司更有可能在创新方面表现优于其他公司,并且企业可以通过研发合作加速其能力开发,这有助于他们减少产品创新所涉及的时间和风险。


a)市场需求如何影响公司的绿色产品创新? (2)绿色产品创新如何影响企业绩效?这些问题对可持续经营和新产品引进领域具有相当重要的意义。从本质上讲,绿色压力可能为102 R.-J.提供了一个关键渠道。 Lin等人/清洁生产杂志40(2013)101e107企业运营演变和新产品导入(NPI)策略。因此,了解市场需求,绿色非营利机构和企业绩效的战略影响是运营管理背景下的一个重要方面。




在20世纪90年代之前,越南几乎所有的摩托车都是进口的,市场相当小。 20世纪90年代以后,当外国公司开始投资越南时,摩托车行业获得了显着的增长势头。 1992年,在越南成立的第一家摩托车公司是越南制造和出口加工公司(VMEP),该公司是三阳汽车工业公司的子公司。DucTho(2011)指出,越南拥有巨大的摩托车市场潜力,是继中国之后世界第四大摩托车,印度和印度尼西亚。意识到市场潜力,铃木,本田和雅马哈等日本企业在越南市场上占据强势地位。

此外,政府的友好本地化政策进一步鼓励了摩托车行业的发展,尤其是2000年初中国摩托车制造商的出现(Jalaluddin,2002; Tseng,2011a,b)。因此,越南成为日本,台湾和中国摩托车制造商的激烈竞争市场。中国摩托车制造商的出现为摩托车市场格局创造了前所未有的变化。 DucTiep(2007)指出,中国摩托车是基础的,但低价格的普通大众都能买得起。因此,间接有助于提高越南摩托车的所有权。

相比之下,摩托车使用量的增加,即污染,还有一定的代价。摩托车产品生命周期的所有阶段都存在环境问题。对原材料的需求导致资源稀缺(Zhu et al。,2007)。此外,废气排放,汽油消耗,废物的回收和处置,给自然环境带来很大压力。最近的全球绿色和可持续消费倡议唤醒了越南消费者,即选择最环保的摩托车。从某种意义上说,绿色行动已经将摩托车市场的竞争标准从价格转向“绿色”,并为摩托车行业创造了相当多的机会。

一些研究人员(Hoffmann,2007; Zhu等人,2008; Yung等人,2011)认为,消费者越来越意识到环境问题和对汽油节约的期望,迫使摩托车制造商创新其产品。特别是将“绿色”纳入产品和开发环保型生产计划。绿色产品创新的发展正成为企业减少生产对环境的负面影响,并与竞争对手获得竞争优势的需求和机遇(Dangelico and Pontrandolfo,2010)。换句话说,绿色产品创新已经成为提升大型摩托车企业生产力的关键基础,通过保持竞争优势,实现更大的市场份额。



市场需求是当今商业环境中的关键因素。市场竞争激烈迫使企业为其产品和流程制定灵活的策略(Chang和Chiu,2007)。各种研究都强调客户利益和价格是市场需求的关键因素(Kammerer,2009; Zhou等,2009)。门罗(1990)指出,顾客有不同的价值感知方式,所以他们的需求是多样化和多样化的。周等人(2005)进一步补充说,随着时间的流逝,顾客变得更加敏感和挑剔。因此,企业必须了解其目标客户并预测客户偏好的变化,以适应市场需求并及时获得竞争优势(Desarbo et al。,2001; Zhou et al。,2009)。

周等人(2009)显示,客户偏好可能受价格影响。因此,客户需求有时与价格意识相冲突。例如,客户的“绿色”需求可能迫使制造商引入可持续产品并整合环保生产流程。尽管如此,许多客户并不愿意为产品质量选择产品的质量(Peattie,2001)。此外,顾客对绿色属性的要求可能与他们的实际购买行为不一致(Wong et al。,1996; Kuckartz,1998; Prakash,2002)。因此,如何协调这些因素以满足市场需求是越南所有现有制造企业遇到的大量车辆挑战。 Slater和Narver(1998)认为,当公司及时注意到市场供需缺口时,企业就可以通过成功的创新来克服这一限制。因此,创新正在成为制造业企业生存和提高市场地位的关键手段。

另外,Monjon和Waelbroeck(2003)发现客户合作对产品创新影响不大。 Wei和Morgan(2004)认为市场导向是成功实施新产品的关键标准。 Triebswetter和Wackerbauer(2008)也认为市场需求是环境创新的必要因素。 Chiou等人(2011)指出,越来越多的客户更加关注绿色意识,即寻找节油,环保的产品。因此,创新特别是绿色产品创新正在被用来满足市场需求并获得竞争优势(Reinhardt,1998)。这些讨论表明,客户对绿色价值的需求促使公司进行创新,以便他们能够满足并打败竞争对手。


今天,产品创新已经成为企业生存和保持市场竞争优势的重要手段(Gronhaug和Kaufmann,1988)。良好的产品创新绩效可以帮助公司增加市场地位,确定品牌名称,跨越竞争,创造突破,吸引新客户(Chandy和Tellis,2000; Mu等人,2009)。瓦格纳(Wagner,2005)发现,在减少生产中的(不希望的)产出(即排放)时,注重环境绩效的提高,在环境绩效相对较低后,不可能对经济绩效产生积极影响。然而,无论绿色产品设计是否真正提高经济表现,这一争论仍在继续(Tyteca等,2002)。


此外,EEIG(2004)指出产品创新对环境影响最大(Hoffmann,2007; Kammerer,2009)。发展中国家糟糕的产品设计和环境标准(即产品配置阶段)可能会在未来将浪费问题变成严重问题(Puckett and Smith,2002; Greenpeace,2005)。因此,许多公司将“绿色”融入产品创新中,从而将自己与竞争对手区分开来,并获得竞争优势(Reinhardt,1998)。



声誉和市场地位是制造业企业最重要的竞争因素之一。 Tseng等人(2009)表明,许多公司开始认识到可持续发展的重要性以及全球环境的恶化。尽管如此,将其应用于公司的商业活动并不容易。因此,企业必须整合这些问题来确保市场的生存和发展。在环境问题成为主要关注的摩托车行业尤其如此(Hoffmann,2007)。但是,Berthon等人(1999)表明市场需求和企业绩效之间存在矛盾的结果。市场在企业创新绩效中起着关键作用,但企业的绩效并不一定取决于它。然而,市场需求是市场公司业绩的关键。 Atuahene-Gima等人(2005年)证实,与客户密切合作,特别是有影响力的客户,公司可以发现潜在的客户需求。 Oltra和Jean(2009)认为污染和环境标准对客户的偏好有一点影响。相反,燃料消耗和价格是购买行为中要考虑的重要标准(Meyer and Clavel,2006)。因此,先锋绿色产品的制造企业将获得“先发优势”,并满足客户的绿色需求。









Market Demand, Green Product Innovation and Corporate Performance: Based on Vietnam Motorcycle Analysis

Ru-Jen Lin a, *, Kim-Hua Tan b, Yong Geng c

A Graduate School of Business amp; Management, Lunghwa University of ST, Taiwan

b Business school, Nottingham University, UK

c Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinagllao@shufe.edu.cn

AbstractThis study examines how market demand affects green product innovation, and firm performance in the context of Vietnamese motorcycle industry. The paper seeks to answer two key questions: (a) how does market demand influence a firmrsquo;s green product innovation? and (b) how can green product innovation affects firm performance? This study collected a total of 208 valid questionnaires from four leading foreign motorcycle firms in Vietnam. The empirical findings show that market demand is positively correlated to both green product innovation and firm performance; while green product innovation performance is also positively correlated to firm performance. In addition, this study also categorizes three types of green product innovation and discusses their effects on market demand and firm performance.

Keywords- Market demand;Green product innovation;Firm performance


1. Introduction

In recent years, an increased debate and interest in green product innovation was clearly observed. Pujari (2006) points out that green product innovation is increasingly being portrayed as an opportunity; while some also considers it as a winewin logic of being lsquo;green and competitiversquo; (Porter and Linder, 1995). Examples of success stories are the Body Shoprsquo;s range of cosmetic products and Toyotarsquo;s hybrid car. However, Hall and Vredenburg (2003) argue that sustainable product innovation in these companies are either public policy induced or is market-driven. Nevertheless, the debate on what is sustainable or what compose a green product is still on-going (Chen, 2001; Berchicci and Bodewes, 2005).

Although green product innovation does address environmental issues very explicitly, but it is far from certain whether these products can truly achieves market success (Pujari, 2006). Furthermore, there is little empirical support that clearly demon-strates how green product innovation affects firm performance. Some of the empirical findings demonstrated a positive relation-ship between product innovation and firm performance, whereas a significant number of them indicated otherwise

1990; Koellinger, 2008; Tseng et al., 2008). In addition, Wei and Morgan (2004) also disputed that market demand could be an important factor in inducing green product innovation. Berthon et al. (1999) also added that market demand plays a critical role in firmrsquo;s innovation performance. However, they also pointed out that listening too closely to the voice of customers may impair firmsrsquo; innovation performance. Inkpen and Pien (2006) suggested that firms collaborating with rivals are more likely to perform better in innovation than they would otherwise and firms can accelerate their capability development by Ramp;D cooperation which helps them to decrease the time and risk involved in product innovation.

The conflicting findings actually illustrated a gap in green product innovation literature. To enhance our knowledge and understanding of green product innovation and to benefit product designers, marketers, and senior managers, more research is needed. Therefore, this research aims to address this gap i.e. lack of empirical research in understanding the relationship of green product innovation, market demand, and firm performance. More specifically, the study addresses two important research questions:

a) How does market demand influence a firmrsquo;s green product innovation? and (2) How can green product innovation affect firm performance? These issues have considerable significance for the field of sustainable operations and new product introduction. In essence, green pressures may provide a key channel in the 102 R.-J. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 40 (2013) 101e107 evolution of firmsrsquo; operations and new product introduction (NPI) strategy. An understanding of the strategic implications of market demand, green NPI and firm performance is therefore an important aspect in the context of operations management.

There are a number of compelling reasons why Vietnamese motorcycle industry is the focus of this study. First, Vietnam is the world fourth largest motorcycle market. Thus, no operations or strategic theory can claim to be complete without Vietnam. Second, because Vietnam shares many important common development paths with developing countries like Indonesia, Philippine, and China. Hence, the Vietnamese experience can help shed light on future firm growth in Asia. Third, motorcycle industry is one of the main sources of pollution in Asia. Finally, Vietnam is an upcoming economic superpower; improved understanding of Vietnamese firms will have enormous practical implications for Western firms that have business dealings with them.

The paper begins with a discussion on theoretical context and research propositions. Next, the empirical research method is described and the findings are discussed. Finally, the paper closes with implications for future research and practice.

2. Vietnam motorcycle industry e a background

Prior to 1990s, almost all motorcycles in Vietnam were imported and the market was rather small. Motorcycle industry gained signif-icant momentum when foreign firms begun investing in Vietnam after 1990s. In 1992, the first motorcycle company established in Vietnam was Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing (VMEP), a subsidiary of Sanyang motor industrial Corp. DucTho (2011) points out that Vietnam has a huge motorcycle market



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