
 2023-02-02 03:02

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On the Development of Cross-Border E-Commerce and the Transformation of Foreign Trade Model

Pengyan Wang

Economics College, Sichuan University of Science amp; Engineering, Zigong, China.


In recent years, the international economic development has been continuously sluggish. The market environment has been deteriorating, and the competition has become increasingly fierce. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is restricted by factors such as capital, talents and market. With the development of Internet technology, the emergence of cross-border e-commerce has attracted the attention of Chinese government and enterprises. E-commerce has become a new mode of trade. On the one hand, it can solve the problem of insufficient enterprise resources; on the other hand, it can realize the rational allocation of enterprise resources. E-commerce is of great significance to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises oriented by foreign trade. It can help small and medium-sized enterprises effectively to solve problems in capital, talents and market, and help them develop and grow. The rapid development of e-commerce has given rise to a new form of international trade, namely cross-border e-commerce. Its development has a great influence on the development of traditional foreign trade. Based on the development status of cross-border e-commerce in China, this paper analyzes the influence of the development of cross-border e-commerce on Chinarsquo;s foreign trade mode, and proposes foreign trade pattern transformation strategies in order to provide reference for the development of cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade in China.

1. IntroductionThere are many kinds of e-commerce, and cross-border e-commerce is one of them. Cross-border e-commerce is an extension of e-commerce development. It mainly refers to that the transaction subjects of different countries and regions conduct business transactions with the help of e-commerce platforms, and transfer goods through cross-border logistics. There are three main modes of trade: B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer). Cross-border e-commerce not only shortens the distance between products from manufacturers to foreign consumers, but also has an impact on the value chain of foreign trade, trade market and its market subject, production mode and cost, which as a result changed the traditional modes of foreign trades. The development of cross-border e-commerce breaks down barriers between countries, promotes the development of trade without borders and affects the development of world economy. At the same time, it can help enterprises to establish diversified economic and trade relations, achieve rational allocation of resources on a global scale. For consumers, more information is available. They can buy quality products at reasonable prices and enjoy better service. From the perspective of Chinarsquo;s development, the development of cross-border e-commerce has a great impact on the transformation and development of Chinarsquo;s foreign trade [1] . This paper discusses the existing problems in cross-border e-commerce trade, analyzes the influence of the development of cross-border e-commerce on Chinarsquo;s foreign trade mode, then proposes some foreign trade pattern transformation strategies.2. The Current Status and Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce Development2.1. Development Status of Cross-Border Trade E-Commerce in ChinaCross-border e-commerce started late in China, but it has come to a fierce and rapid development. The Chinese government is acutely aware of the huge impact of cross-border e-commerce on economic growth and corporate competitiveness. Since the early 1990s, a series of “golden” word projects, such as “golden bridge”, “golden card” and “golden gate”, have been implemented successively in important sectors of national economy and industries with relatively developed information foundation (Collectively referred to as the “three golden” projects), which opened the prelude that international trade domain in China uses the electronic commerce technology. The “SARS” in 2003 had a great impact on Chinarsquo;s production and lifestyle. But at the same time, it provides an opportunity for the development of e-commerce in China. After that, as various industries and departments gradually realize the informatization work and various e-commerce network platforms rise, electronic commerce entered the stage of rapid development from 2005 in China. Affected by the global financial crisis, the appreciation of RMB and the continuous rise of labor costs in 2008, Chinarsquo;s traditional foreign trade industry has been hit hard, with import and export growth falling significantly. Many small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises have closed down. By contrast, Due to the advantages of few intermediate links, low price and high profit margin, cross-border e-commerce presents a good development momentum. According to the statistics of Qianzhan website, there are over 5000 cross-border e-commerce platforms and over 200,000 enterprises in China [2] .According to website information of National Bureau of Statistics [3] , Chinarsquo;s cross-border e-commerce import and export volume was 0.8 trillion yuan in 2008, which accounted for 4.6 percent of the total import and export volume of that year. By 2011, Chinarsquo;s cross-border e-commerce transactions reached 1.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 7.5 percent of the total imports and exports volume of the year. In 2013, Chinarsquo;s total import and export value exceeded us $4 trillion (about 25.83 trillion yuan) for the first time, among which t



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