
 2023-07-31 03:07

Fixture design process automation for Coordinate Measuring Machines: a knowledge-based approach

Keywords: Knowledge Model, Inspection, Automation, Coordinate Measuring Machine.


Nowadays, the inspection process is an essential part of the manufacturing process, where a product is subjected to verification of the geometric features, dimensions and tolerance specifications with respect to the product design specifications. One of the most interesting topics in the automation of the inspection process is the right fixture design. In the fixture design process we have used the information provided by the part design and manufacturing process. However, the lack of integration and structuring of this information results in one of the most important problems, producing an increase in the time and cost implied in the development of the fixture design and its implementation.

For this reason, this work presents a knowledge model for the inspection fixture design process for a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), which allows the automation of the inspection fixture design process to be made easier, reducing time and cost associated to the inspection process and to the manufacturing process in general.


The different forms and geometric features of the mechanical parts should be inspected to ensure that the manufacturing process fulfils the dimensional specifications, dimensional tolerances and finish tolerances. In the last decade, different research groups have developed frameworks that allow the information associated to the geometric specifications of the product to be defined. This framework has enabled information models to be developed with the objective of automating the inspection process [1]. The main objective of an information model is the description of types of ideas, facts and processes, which together form a model of a portion of interest of the real world. The possibility of implementing these information models in a computer application has introduced improvements in the time, cost and set-up of the manufacturing process.

The main research, in the field of inspection process, has employed information models, mainly in two interest areas: The planning and execution of the inspection operation, and the inspection fixture design. The majority of research has been focused on modelling the information associated to the inspection process using IDEF0 and EXPRESS tools [2] and on the structuring of the information related to automating the fixture design [3].

The inspection process provides a group of parameters (dimensions and dimensional tolerances; forms, positions, geometric tolerances orientations and finish tolerances) that allow to define and verify the specifications of the product design. These parameters can be classified with respect to the measuring elements (CMM, probe head, styli, software, etc.) and with respect to the fixture system employed.

Bearing in mind the importance of the inspection process and the complexity that it can attain, different research groups have been focused on the structuring of the information needed to automate the inspection process [2, 5]. Also using modelling techniques (IDEF0 and EXPRESS),Barreiro has established an information model for integrating the inspection process into a concurrent engineering framework. This framework describes the functional analysis of the flow activity development during the inspection process using a CMM. The information defined in the activity flow has been considered a basic element for the construction of the reference model proposed by Barreiro [6].

Using these elements, several models have been used for describing the information associated to the fixture design process [3, 坐标测量机的夹具设计过程自动化:基于知识的方法















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