
 2023-08-25 11:08

Research on Key Technologies for Smart Transportation Systems

Abstract: The goal of this study is to give a brief analysis and summary of current key technologies for smart transportation systems in order to facilitate future research. From the perspectives of big data analysis,shortest path algorithm,trajectory data mining and other key technologies,this paper gives an introduction of key technologies for smart transportation systems and points out problems to be solved and prospects for smart transportation systems.

0 Introduction

In 1998, US Vice President Gorre put forward the concept of 'digital earth' , which led to the application of the concept of 'digital city' in the social information movement, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has promoted the construction and promotion of a digital city geospatial framework throughout the country. In 2008, Peng Mingsheng, president and Chief Executive Officer of IBM, put forward the concept of 'smart Earth' , which triggered the construction boom of 'smart city' in countries and regions around the world. The integration of digital city and Internet of things makes digital city develop to intelligent city, and Internet of things will further promote the intelligentization of information collection and control of urban elements, and build intelligent environment, thus the digital neural network system of the city can be fully developed and the behavior of the city system can be intelligentized. Intelligent transportation system is the main part of smart city construction.

1 intelligent transportation system overview

1.1 intelligent transportation system introduction

Intelligent transportation system (its) aims at a series of problems in urban traffic, such as congestion, the contradiction between the supply and demand of parking facilities, the low level of bus and taxi service and supervision, the low level of motor vehicle traffic guidance, the low level of traffic facility management, and the inadequate monitoring of technical conditions of bridges and roads, deploying a large number of mobile sensor network nodes on vehicles and fixed sensor network nodes on roadsides will build a number of intelligent transportation business application systems based on Internet of things technology, through the integrated processing of the Intelligent Transportation Iot for the collection, processing, analysis, management and service of mass information, a widely interconnected perception network of transportation factors is constructed, to achieve a richer, more accurate, more humane public information services, the formation of a smart and harmonious travel environment.

1.2 The relationship between intelligent transportation system and intelligent transportation system

the intelligent transportation system (its) is a service system oriented to transportation based on modern electronic information technology, and its is the intellectualization of its. In the case of car navigation, as shown in figure 1, real time traffic data, historical traffic data, weather data, social media and activity data, sensor data, etc. are taken into account in the intelligent transportation system, through the track mining, traffic decision-making analysis, to provide convenient travel. Therefore, intelligent transportation system (its) is the foundation of its, and its is the next stage of its development.

2 Research on key technologies of intelligent transportation system

With the development of the Internet of things and the arrival of the new information technology computing age, in order to solve the problem of intelligent transportation system, it is necessary to explore the related key technology research of intelligent transportation system, it includes big data analysis, shortest path Algorithm, trajectory data mining, traffic network evolution analysis, traffic network decision analysis, social computing and open source technology.

2.1 big data

With the development of the city, the rapid construction of traffic facilities, the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles, traffic congestion, traffic pollution and traffic accidents and other problems need to be solved. Therefore, to acquire traffic Data in time and accurately is the premise of intelligent transportation system (its) to solve the traffic problem, which depends on Big Data technology. Faced with the big data of intelligent transportation system (its) , it is necessary to study the related technologies deeply. With the maturity of Internet of things technology, sensors, cameras, induction coils and so on will be widely used in the field of transportation, resulting in a lot of big data. The big data analysis technology of its will analyze multi-source data, including GPS data, road sensor data, weather data, congestion data, etc. , thus, traffic conditions can be intelligently identified, time-consuming from point to point can be evaluated, and alternative route suggestions can be provided. These will greatly reduce congestion time and traffic flow, improve road safety and reduce accidents. With the development of Internet of things and its application in transportation system, the traditional database system can not meet the demand of intelligent transportation system (its) analysis with the increase of traffic data, so the NoSQL database management system is produced, includes key-value stores key-value stores, BigTable, document storage databases COUCHDB, MONGODB, graphics databases Neo4j, etc. .

2.2 shortest path Algorithm

The shortest path Algorithm is the basis of path planning and network analysis in intelligent transportation system (its) , and its efficiency improvement is the key to improve the efficiency of its. In recent years, with the in




0 引言


1 智能交通系统概述

1.11 智能交通系统介绍




2 智能交通系统关键技术研究



随着城市的发展,交通设施建设迅速,机动车数量迅速增加,交通拥堵、交通污染和交通事故等问题亟待解决。因此,及时准确地获取交通数据是智能交通系统(its)解决交通问题的前提,而交通问题的解决依赖于大数据技术。面对智能交通系统的大数据,有必要对其相关技术进行深入研究。随着物联网技术的成熟,传感器、摄像头、感应线圈等将广泛应用于交通运输领域,产生大量的大数据。its的大数据分析技术将分析多源数据,包括GPS数据、道路传感器数据、天气数据、拥堵数据等,从而智能识别交通状况,评估点到点耗时,并提供备选路线建议。这些将大大减少拥堵时间和交通流量,提高道路安全,减少事故。随着物联网的发展及其应用在交通系统中,传统的数据库系统不能满足需求的智能交通系统(its)分析流量数据的增加,产生NoSQL数据库管理系统,包括键值存储键值存储,BigTable, COUCHDB文档存储数据库,MONGODB,图形数据库Neo4j等等。.

2.2 最短路径算法

最短路径算法是智能交通系统路径规划和网络分析的基础,提高其效率是提高智能交通系统效率的关键。近年来,随着要处理的路网数据规模的增大,出现了一些成熟的加速技术,可以有效地处理大规模路网数据的最短路径查询。这些方法的目的是减少搜索空间,最具代表性的是R each和层次结构。最具代表性的算法是real算法,它是基于Microsoft Research Asia算法和ALT算法的结合。该算法是基于一组名为contrthierarchies算法的算法,该算法在谷歌基础的支持下,对路网进行压缩,根据路网的拓扑特征生成多层网络拓扑,从而提高查询效率。最短路径算法的综合比较研究有许多成就,其中德尔等分为四个阶段的时间最短路径算法,每个阶段都有一个典型的代表算法,此外,有一个大区别阶段和阶段,所以它是有价值的分析阶段和搜索空间之间的关系。多模态交通最短路径算法的研究也具有一定的研究和广泛的应用价值。

2.3 轨迹数据挖掘


2.4 二维、三维的积分

地理信息系统正处于从传统二维向二维一体化的过渡阶段。交通地理信息系统的施工人员必须积累大量的二维数据在开发过程中,但“1 1”技术体系的“二维系统 一个三维系统”将使技术人员不得不放弃现有的资源和re-accumulate三维数据资源。因此,采用二维与三维一体化的技术体系,最大限度地保护用户的数据资源。利用其快速建模方法,可以将二维数据快速转换为二维模型。国内GIS平台制造商Supermap开发了一系列基于2D和3D集成技术系统的产品,并已应用于交通领域。随着对地观测与导航技术的发展,户外平面导航逐渐向室内立体导航转变,随着二维与三维集成技术的成熟,导航、定位服务等变得更加完善,提供更加便捷的服务。三综合交通地理信息系统(家)将充分发挥其优势,从而以先进技术为指导,以强大的功能为动力,最后将智能转换为智能交通系统的应用服务。

2.5 交通网络演化分析

随着交通网络数据规模的快速增长和交通网络的复杂性,交通网络演化分析对智能交通系统的建设具有重要意义。大多数研究者从宏观、中观和微观尺度分析交通网络的演化及其特征。根据研究规模的不同,交通网络演化分析的结果也不同。从宏观上看,路网具有绒泡菌的特征,从细观上看,路网具有与静脉网相似的网状格局,从微观上看,路网模型具有血管网的特征。基于交通网络机制演化分析的宏观模型的典型模型是基于多头绒泡菌的演化模型。亚达马特兹基安德鲁et Al。(18 - 20)把燕麦片在主要城市的位置,在地图上,然后把多头绒泡菌,发现最有效的运输路线通过燕麦片的道路运输多头绒泡菌,和最终的路线由多头绒泡菌被发现构成了交通网络图,生成的地图有很高的相似性与真正的道路网络。的进化道路网络模型仿真的基础上叶静脉网络是一个meso-simulation方法,主要是基于叶脉网络的原理,巴特尔米等人提出了一个简单的城市道路网络演化模型的基础上叶静脉增长模式[23]研究城市道路网络的进化。作者认为,许多不同的交通网络遵循相似的简单机制,通过比较叶型形成的思想,提出了一种基于叶脉网络的简单局部优化模型。模型的统计特性与经验模型一致。微尺度分析的进化,萨马尼和其他抽象的道路网络作为血管网络城市的形成机制的研究,和克鲁兹等分析研究中的跟踪数据的特点,并得出结论:道路网血管网络的特点。如何提出具有不同尺度的新模型,结合社会统计数据、人口数据、土地利用数据等来模拟真实的交通网络将是下一阶段的研究方向。

2.6 交通网络决策分析


2.7 社会计算



近年来,网络科学的研究逐渐深入,在开源社区复杂网络的研究和应用中,出现了一系列复杂网络分析的开放工具。这些工具为智能交通系统分析提供了技术基础。根据不同的开发语言,将开源网络分析工具分为五类,其中一些工具侧重于具体工具的分析。如图3所示,一些典型的网络图算法工具已经以不同的开发语言发布,如BGL、i graph和GEXF。这些将构成智能交通系统可视化、分析和管理的技术工具集的基础。

3. 结论



摘要: 阐述了智能交通的发展背景、智能交通的概念、智能交通的特点、智能交通建设的目标和主要内容。的基础上,分析当前形势和中国智能交通发展存在的问题,提出了一些建议中国智能交通发展,所以中国智能交通的发展可以结合国情,更好地促进智能交通的和谐发展和社会和经济。


1 智能交通背景


2 智能交通系统及特点

2.1 体系结构


2.2 关键特性


3 智能交通建设的目标和主要内容

3.1 目标




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