
 2023-01-11 10:01



原文作者 Reneacute; Vidal, Member, IEEE, Yi Ma, Member, IEEE, and Shankar Sastry, Fellow, IEEE


关键词:主成分分析(PCA); 子空间分割; 维罗纳地图; 降维; 视频分割; 动态场景和运动分割

1 简介

主成分分析[12](Principal Component Analysis,PCA), 是将多个变量通过线性变换以选出较少个数重要变量的一种多元统计分析方法。这个概念出现在许多不同的领域,例如,识别模式,数据压缩,回归,图像处理等应用程序中,并且可以以一个非常简单线性组合来概括众多指标,解决了变量多且复杂的问题,这种线性代数解决方案具有得到最小化平方距离的特性,从复杂的原始数据点。



在本文中,我们在一个联合子空间内考虑下列基于实例替代广义主成分分析的案例,如示于图1 所示两个子空间。


子空间分割是许多实际应用的基础工作。在计算机视觉(例如,图像/运动/视频分割),图像处理(例如,图像表示和压缩),以及系统的理论(例如,混合动力系统识别),这些通常被认为是许多应用中的一个基本问题“chicken-andegg。”如果数据的分割是已知的,人们可以很容易地识别每个组的单一子空间,以标准主成分分析PCA来研究。相反,如果该子空间被已知的,人们可以很容易地找到最适合每个子空间中的数据点。因为,在实践中,无论是子空间的域,亦或是子空间的分割都是已知的,大多数现有的方法,随机选择每个子空间的基础的数据,然后在数据分割和子空间估计之间进行迭代。这些也可以通过K-子空间[10]来实现,基于K均值的主成分分析PCA [19]。包括子空间的成长和子空间的选择[15],或子空间的期望最大化(EM)的情况下。不幸的是,事实上大多数迭代方法是,在一般情况下,初始化非常敏感;因此,他们可能不收敛到全局最优[21]。

需要初始化的要求激励着algebro几何方法最近的发展,它可以进行子空间的分割但不需要初始化。在[13](见,[3]),它表明,当子空间正交且同维度,并且只相交在原点,这意味着,可以使用的数据的SVD来定义一个从其中的数据的分割可利用光谱聚类技术获得相似性矩阵。不幸的是,这种方法在数据中将对噪声十分敏感,在[13],[27],其中提出了各种改进,并且不能在子空间任意相交[14],[22],[28]。后者的情况已得到解决在特设的方式下通过使用聚类分析法,如K-均值,谱聚类,或EM [14],[28]法去分割数据,并对每个组都打下使用主成分分析的基础。处理任意交点的唯一代数方法是[17],它研究的两个平面中的情况下与[24]它研究余维1,也就是说,在超平面的子空间的情况下,也显示了超平面分割相当于均值项式分解。我们以前的工作[23]将这个问题延伸到假设子空间的数量是已知的并且子空间是不同的多维子空间但自空间数量已知这个框架。本文结合的[24]和[23]的结果,并将研究延伸子空间的数量和维度都是未知的情况下。










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[2] M. Collins, S. Dasgupta, and R. Schapire, “A Generalization of Principal Component Analysis to the Exponential Family,” Advances on Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 14, 2001.

[3] J. Costeira and T. Kanade, “A Multibody Factorization Method for Independently Moving Objects,” Intrsquo;l J. Computer Vision, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 159-179, 1998.

[4] C. Eckart and G. Young, “The Approximation of One Matrix by Another of Lower Rank,” Psychometrika, vol. 1, pp. 211-218, 1936.

[5] M.A. Fischler and R.C. Bolles, “RANSAC Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography,” Comm. ACM, vol. 26, pp. 381-395, 1981.

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[7] J. Harris, Algebraic Geometry: A First Course. Springer-Verlag, 1992.

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[10] J. Ho, M.-H. Yang, J. Lim, K.-C. Lee, and D. Kriegman, “Clustering Apperances of Objects under Varying Illumination Conditions,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp. 11-18, 2003.

[11] K. Huang, Y. Ma, and R. Vidal, “Minimum Effective Dimension for Mixtures of Subspaces: A Robust GPCA Algorithm and Its Applications,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2, pp. 631-638, 2004.

[12] I. Jolliffe, Principal Component Analysis. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986.

[13] K. Kanatani, “Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation and Model Selection,” Proc. IEEE Intrsquo;l Conf. Computer Vision, vol. 2, pp. 586-591, 2001.

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Generalized Principal Component Analysis (GPCA)

Reneacute; Vidal, Member, IEEE, Yi Ma, Member, IEEE, and Shankar Sastry, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents an algebro-geometric solution to the problem of segmenting an unknown number of subspaces of unknown and varying dimensions from sample data points. We represent the subspaces with a set of homogeneous polynomials whose degree is the number of subspaces and whose derivatives at a data point give normal vectors to the subspace passing through the point. When the number of subspaces is known, we show that these polynomials can be estimated linearly from data; hence, subspace segmentation is reduced to classifying one point per subspace. We select these points optimally from the data set by minimizing certain distance function, thus dealing automatically with moderate noise in the data. A basis for the complement of each subspace is then recovered by applying standard PCA to the collection of derivatives (normal vectors). Extensions of GPCA that deal with data in a highdimensional space and with an unknown number of subspaces are also presented. Our experiments on low-dimensional data show that GPCA outperforms existing algebraic algorithms based on polynomial factorization and provides a good initialization to iterative techniques such as K-subspaces and Expectation Maximization. We also present applications of GPCA to computer vision problems such as face clustering, temporal video segmentation, and 3D motion segmentation from point correspondences in multiple affine views.

Index Terms—Principal component analysis (PCA), subspace segmentation, Veronese map, dimensionality reduction, temporal video segmentation, dynamic scenes and motion segmentation.


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [12] refers to the problem of fitting a linear subspace of unknown dimension to sample points in . This problem shows up in a variety of applications in many fields, e.g., pattern recognition, data compression, regression, image processing, etc., and can be solved in a remarkably simple way from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the (mean-subtracted) data matrix With noisy data, this linear algebraic solution has the geometric interpretation of minimizing the sum of the squared distances from the (noisy) data points to their projections in .

In addition to these algebraic and geometric interpretations, PCA can also be understood in a probabilistic manner. In Probabilistic PCA [20] (PPCA), the noise is assumed to be drawn from an unknown distribution and the problem becomes one of identifying the subspace and distribution parameters in a maximum-likelihood sense. When the noise distribution is Gaussian, the algebro-geometric and probabilistic interpretations coincide [2]. However, when the noise distribution is non-Gaussian, the solution to PPCA is no longer linear, as shown in [2], where PCA is generalized to arbitrary distributions in the exponential family.

Another extension of PCA is nonlinear principal components (NLPCA) or Kernel PCA (KPCA), which is the problem of identifying a nonlinear manifold from sample points. The standard solution to NLPCA [16] is based on first embedding the data into a higher-dimensional feature space F and then applying standard PCA to the embedded data. Since the dimension of F can be large, a more practical solution is obtained from the eigenvalue decomposition of the so-called kernel matrix; hence, the name KPCA. One of the disadvantages of KPCA is that, in practice, it is difficult to determine which kernel function to use because the choice of the kernel naturally depends on the nonlinear structure of the manifold to be identified. In fact, learning kernels is an active topic of research in machine learning. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first one to prove analytically that the Veronese map (a polynomial embedding) is the natural embedding for data lying in a union of multiple subspaces.

In this paper, we consider the following alternative extension of PCA to the case of data lying in a union of subspaces, as illustrated in Fig. 1 for two subspaces of IR3.

    1. Previous Work on Subspace Segmentation

Subspace segmentation is a fundamental problem in many applications in computer vision (e.g., image/motion/video segmentation), image processing (e.g., image representation and compression), and systems theory (e.g., hybrid system identification), which is usually regarded as “chicken-andegg.” If the segmentation of the data was known, one could easily fit a single subspace to each group of points using standard PCA. Conversely, if the subspace bases were known, one could easily find the data points that best fit each subspace. Since, in practice, neither the subspace bases nor the segmentation of the data are known, most existing methods randomly choose a basis for each subspace and then iterate between data segmentation and subspace estimation. This can be done using, e.g., K-subspaces [10], an extension of K-means to the case of subspaces, subspace growing and subspace selection [15], or Expectation Maximization (EM) for mixtures of PCAs [19]. Unfortunately, most iterative methods are, in general, very sensitive to initialization; hence, they may not converge to the global optimum [21].

The need for initialization methods has motivated the recent development of algebro-geometric approaches to subspace segmentation that do not require initialization. In [13] (see, also, [3]), it is shown that when the subspaces are orthogonal, of equal dimension , and intersect only at the origin, which implies that , one can use the SVD of the data to define a similarity matrix from which the segmentation of the data can be obtained using spectral clustering techniques. Unfortunately, this method is sensitive to noise in the data, as shown in [13], [27] where various improvements are proposed, a



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