
 2023-01-11 10:01


原文作者 jianhu zheng










交通拥堵,造成旅行时间的增加,交通事故,能源消耗和环境恶化,已经造成了大量的经济损失。据报道,由交通挤塞所造成的经济损失在2003年的北京和上海占其国内生产总值的1 / 3,每年达4000万元。在许多危害中,交通拥堵已被视为经济发展的障碍。


交通拥堵收费的基本经济原则,可以在图1所示。从理论上说,个人用户决定是否使用一个特定的道路的成本权衡他们将承担对自己的利益。社会总效益可以由下图1中的面积测量。 MPC的曲线表示用户成本只反映每个用户负担的成本为新用户(即“边缘”的用户)。然而,边际用户的场合,如空气污染,延迟给其他用户,他不承担额外的社会成本。每个边缘用户和他所造成的社会成本的负担的总成本是每次出行的边际社会成本。

如果有ntilde;车辆在交通运输系统中,意味着用户的成本是由MPC表示,一个边际的用户将增加平均用户成本MPC △MPC。因此,边际社会成本可以表述为:MSC=(N 1)(MPC Delta;MPC) - nMPC = MPC Delta;MPC nDelta;MPC拥挤收费是交通需求管理的重要手段,最初只是影响交通出行的决定。实践证明拥挤收费能有效地规范交通出行时间和空间分布,促进道路资源的有效利用,提高运输业务的效率。在新加坡的拥塞定价实施表明,交通量下降了17%,在高峰时段,伦敦的经验也表明,定价方案是成功的。我们可以得出结论,减少交通挤塞,将促进经济的可持续发展。









可持续发展有三个广泛的目标:经济的可持续发展,环境保护和社会正义,这三个目标都要解决可持续发展这个问题。经济发展和环境保护的投入一直受到关注,但投入给社会正义的关注较少。社会正义(公平)包含的经济权益和环境权益。 经济公平的问题,造成交通拥堵收费是难以完全解决的。有些人认为道路收费是倒退,因为它更多地承担较差的汽车用户,只需短距离行程的用户,或者是生活水平欠佳的用户,不管是什么原因,别无选择,只能乘车。这些参数可以通过制定更加灵活的收费制度,在一定程度上抵消。它已被接受的任何形式的道路收费将引入一些不公平现象。关键是要保持这些最低限度,并找到那些没有受益于交通拥堵收费的补偿方式。在实践中,收入最低的旅客,他们通常乘坐公共交通工具或徒步旅行,是最有可能受益的。










Congestion Pricing and Sustainable Development of Urban Transportation system

Abstract:The rapid growth in urbanization and motorization generally contributes to an urban transportation system that is economically, environmentally and socially unsustainable. The result has been a relentless increase in traffic congestion. Road congestion pricing has been proposed many times as an economic measure to fight congestion in urban traffic, but has not seen widespread use in practice because of Some potential impacts of road pricing remain unknown. He paper first reviews the concept of sustainable transportation system, which should meet the goals of economic development, environmental protection and social justice collectively. And then, based on the characteristics of sustainable transportation system, how congestion pricing can contribute to economic growth, environmental protection and social justice is examined. Examination result shows that congestion pricing is a powerful way to promote the sustainable of urban transportation system.

Key words: traffic congestion;development

1、 Introduction

Urban transportation is a pressing concern in mega cities around the world. Along with Chinarsquo;s rapid development of urbanization and motorization, traffic jams has become a more and more serious problem, resulting in greater time delay, increase of energy consumption and air pollution, decrease of reliability of road network. In many cities traffic congestion is seen as a hindrance to economic development. Numerous methods can be used to add


Congestion Pricing and Sustainable Development of Urban Transportation system

Abstract:The rapid growth in urbanization and motorization generally contributes to an urban transportation system that is economically, environmentally and socially unsustainable. The result has been a relentless increase in traffic congestion. Road congestion pricing has been proposed many times as an economic measure to fight congestion in urban traffic, but has not seen widespread use in practice because of Some potential impacts of road pricing remain unknown. He paper first reviews the concept of sustainable transportation system, which should meet the goals of economic development, environmental protection and social justice collectively. And then, based on the characteristics of sustainable transportation system, how congestion pricing can contribute to economic growth, environmental protection and social justice is examined. Examination result shows that congestion pricing is a powerful way to promote the sustainable of urban transportation system.

Key words: traffic congestion;development

1、 Introduction

Urban transportation is a pressing concern in mega cities around the world. Along with Chinarsquo;s rapid development of urbanization and motorization, traffic jams has become a more and more serious problem, resulting in greater time delay, increase of energy consumption and air pollution, decrease of reliability of road network. In many cities traffic congestion is seen as a hindrance to economic development. Numerous methods can be used to address congestion and reduce transport density, including building new infrastructure, improving maintenance and operation of infrastructure, and using the existing infrastructure more efficiently through demand management strategies, including pricing mechanisms.

Congestion pricing has long been proposed as an effective measure to combat traffic congestion. The principle objective of congestion pricing is to alleviate congestion by implementing surcharge for the use selected congested facilities during peak time periods. By shifting some trips to off-peak periods, to routes away from congested facilities, or to higher-occupancy vehicles, or by discouraging some trips altogether, congestion pricing schemes would result in savings in time and operating costs, improvements in air quality, reductions in energy consumption and improvements in transit productivity. There are lots of successful applications in some countries and regions in the rest of the world. Following Singapore in the early 1970s and Norwegian toll rings in the mid-1980s, the city of London introduced its area toll in February 2003; up till now, it is the most well-known example of a large metropolitan area that has implemented congestion pricing.

However, congestion pricing has not seen widespread use in practice due to theoretical and political reasons. Some potential impacts of road pricing remain unknown, and the sustainability of congestion pricing for urban development requires further study. Sustainability is normally taken as basic objectives in the assessment of transportation policy. The idea of sustainable transportation emerges from the concept of sustainable development in the transport sector and can be defined as follows,“sustainable transportation infrastructure and travel policies that serve multiple goals of economic development, environment stewardship and social equity, have the objective to optimize the use of transportation systems to achieve economic and related social and environment goals, without sacrificing the ability of future generations to achieve the same goals”. Sustainable transportation systems require a dynamic balance between the main pillars of sustainable development, economic development, environmental protection and social justice for current and future generations.

In the context of sustainable transport systems, how congestion pricing can contribute to economic growth, environmental protection and social justice is examined in this paper. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2, the impacts of congestion pricing on economic development are described. Section 3 presents the contribution to environment protection, and the relationship between social justice and congestion pricing is analyzed. Some conclusions are given in section 5.

2. Economic development

Traffic congestion, resulting in the increase of travel time, traffic accident, energy consumption and environment deterioration, has produced numerous economic losses. It was reported that economic loss caused by traffic congestion amounted to 40 million Yuan per year in Beijing and 1/3 of GDP in Shanghai in 2003 In many cites, traffic congestion has seen as a hindrance to economic development.

Any sustainable transportation management polices should meet the goals of improving the effects of transport on economic development, and without adversely impacting the environment and the potential for further economic growth.

How effective would congestion pricing strategy be in reducing congestion, lowering pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, cutting fuel use, and reducing other adverse impacts of current transportation system?

The basic economic principles of congestion pricing can be illustrated in Figure 1. Theoretically, individual users decide whether or not to use a particular road by weighing the costs they will to bear against the benefits to themselves. Total social benefits can be measure by the area under D in Figure 1. The user costs indicated on the MPC curve reflect only the costs borne by each user as new users (i.e. “marginal” users) are added. However, the marginal user occasions additional social costs, such as air pollution and delay to other users, which he does not bear.

If there are n vehicles in the transport system, and mean user cost is represented by MPC, one margin



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