出处:《British journal of Educational Psychology》
67名儿童,男女,BGDS在上午12:00至14:00被安置。二十个问题中的一个,都是关于与数字相关联的图像;这些问题中有两个很好地处理了数字的图像。发现数字的图像存在于整个组中的1个SIIR 43中。女孩的比例略低于男孩(40人中有1人,47人中有1人)。然而,这种显著的差异并没有显示出统计上的有效性。除了152个外,整个小组都被应用了一个标准化的算术测试,结果发现那些把图像和数字联系起来的人在这个测试中获得了相对更好的分数。最上面的四分之一。算术能力。包括76%将图像与数字联系在一起的人。这一事实表明,这些图像的存在与机械算术的能力之间存在着某种联系。计算得出的相关系数为67。
L——References to earlier work.
- —The aim and scope of the investigation.
- —The subjects of the investigation,
- —The collection of data.
- —The reactions of the subjects.
- —The arithmetic test.
- —The calculation of the- correlation.
- —Conclusions.
- —Examples of children^ number forms.
I,—References to earlier work.
Galton states1 that number forms are io be found in one in twenty of the general population (adult) with considerable differences (one in thirty as compared with one in fifteen)2 between men and women. This difference he takes to be a particular instance of the general law that womens powers of imagery are greater than mens. Pear in his book. Remembering and Forgetting, for the most part quotes the figures, and summarizes the results obtained by Calkins and Pear, but makes some suggestions which it is the object of this investigation to test, viz., that many people who have no number forms, nevertheless possess some of the rudimentary imagery from which they are built up.4
There are few references dealing with number forms in children. Galton suggests5 on the ground that vivid imagery is characteristic of children, as it is of women, that the incidence in children will be greater than it is in adults, and he states that these number forms are neither so well defined nor so ” ell developed as those of adults. He obtained some information from masters in Winchester and Charterhouse schools, and gives the figures one in twenty as the probable incidence for children.7
That number forms axe useful to their owners is a point on which Galton was not able to come to a definite conclusion ; but he is inclined to believe that they are developed because they are useful,8 and he states
1 and 2 Galton, Inquiries (Everyman Edition), p. 82.
3 Ibid.t p. 69.
- Pear, Remembering and Forgetting, pp. 189-190.
8 Galton, ibid., p. 69.
- 7 and 8 Galton, ibid., p. 87.
explicitly9 that they are an aid to remembering. Muller deals at some length with t
L——References to earlier work.
- —The aim and scope of the investigation.
- —The subjects of the investigation,
- —The collection of data.
- —The reactions of the subjects.
- —The arithmetic test.
- —The calculation of the- correlation.
- —Conclusions.
- —Examples of children^ number forms.
I,—References to earlier work.
Galton states1 that number forms are io be found in one in twenty of the general population (adult) with considerable differences (one in thirty as compared with one in fifteen)2 between men and women. This difference he takes to be a particular instance of the general law that womens powers of imagery are greater than mens. Pear in his book. Remembering and Forgetting, for the most part quotes the figures, and summarizes the results obtained by Calkins and Pear, but makes some suggestions which it is the object of this investigation to test, viz., that many people who have no number forms, nevertheless possess some of the rudimentary imagery from which they are built up.4
There are few references dealing with number forms in children. Galton suggests5 on the ground that vivid imagery is characteristic of children, as it is of women, that the incidence in children will be greater than it is in adults, and he states that these number forms are neither so well defined nor so ” ell developed as those of adults. He obtained some information from masters in Winchester and Charterhouse schools, and gives the figures one in twenty as the probable incidence for children.7
That number forms axe useful to their owners is a point on which Galton was not able to come to a definite conclusion ; but he is inclined to believe that they are developed because they are useful,8 and he states
1 and 2 Galton, Inquiries (Everyman Edition), p. 82.
3 Ibid.t p. 69.
- Pear, Remembering and Forgetting, pp. 189-190.
8 Galton, ibid., p. 69.
- 7 and 8 Galton, ibid., p. 87.
explicitly9 that they are an aid to remembering. Muller deals at some length with their possible usefulness. He adopted a second method of investigation in addition to the mere questioning of the subjects : he set them material to learn, and thus obtained information regarding the development and utility of the various types of imagery that arose in the process of learning. Calkins, as a result of investigations with 525 students among whom she found 65 number forms, an incidence of one in eight, states10 that almost exactly one-half of those with number forms found them useful. She also suggests that there is a strong inherited tendency in some people to have number forms. Pear, discussing their utility, quotes figures11 to show that only a minority of those possessing number forms are convinced of their utility for computation, etc.
Muller,s account12 ?s the most exhaustive ; he deals with number forms only as examples of the larger class of imagery that arises in learning any kind of systematized knowledge. It seems to be his opinion that such imagery is essentially useful, and he suggests that teachers could with advantage appeal to this to produce useful imagery in the learning of almost any body of material. About number forms in particular he makes the following statements : that the majority go up only to 100 : that beyond 100 number forms become vague and ill-defined : that when they change their direction they do so most often at frequently used, important numbers such as 10, 12, 20, 100, etc. ; and that number forms do not remain fixed in all particular details, the general shape alone remaining constant.
There is little doubt but that number forms as described by Galton13 are instances of eidetic imagery as described by Jaensch.14 Galton makes it clear that many of his subjects actually saw their number forms. This, however, is by no means the rule. Muller also, in. dealing with their localization, gives definite indications that in at least some cases they satisfy the criteria of eidetic imagery. If they are a phenomenon identical with, or closely allied to, eidetic imagery, we should expect to find them to be very common in children. (Jaensch gives 65 per cent as the proportion of children who have eidetic imagery.)
These accounts of number forms have been almost all descriptive. The subjects have not in general been an unselected section. of the general population, having been for the most part friends and acquaintances of
8 Galton, ibid., p. 89.
- Calkins, Amer. Jour, of Psy., 1892-93.
- Pear, ibid., p. 196.
- MCller, Leipzig, 1913, Part IH, pp. 72-.131.
- Galton, ibid., p. 79, et seq.
- Jaensch, Eidetic Imagery, passim.
6o Arithmetical Ability in Children
the investigators, or students, or public school boys, who were probably superior to the average, both socially and intellectually. Very few references have been made to childrens number forms, and while much has been said regardin