原文作者 Jeffrey H. Greenhaus and Nicholas J. Beutell
关键词:工作; 家庭; 角色冲突; 来源
一些研究发现,年幼儿童的父母(他们可能对父母的时间特别苛刻)比年长儿童的父母经历更多的冲突(Beutellamp;Greenhaus,1980;Greenhausamp;Kopelman,1981;Pieck等人,1980)。可能比小家庭更需要时间的大家庭也与高水平的工作-家庭冲突有关(Cart wright,1978;Keithamp;Schafer,1980)。
此外,Jones和Butler(1980)发现工作-家庭冲突与任务挑战、多样性和重要性呈负相关,与任务自主性呈正相关。然而,Burke等人(1980b)发现几个工作范围变量与冲突之间没有关系。 其他发现消极的工作范围-冲突关系的研究将进一步支持基于压力的冲突,因为一些从事非挑战性的、常规的、不重要的任务的员工会经历高水平的压力(Brief等人,1981),进而反过来又可能产生工作-家庭冲突。Jones和Butler所报告的自主权与冲突之间的积极关系更难解释,特别是因为他们研究中的自主权与工作和组织的满意度等积极结果有关。虽然过高水平的自主权可能会造成质量上的负担过重和压力(因此也是冲突),但确定自主权和自由裁量权对压力和冲突的影响还有待进一步研究。
Sources of Conflict Between Work
and Family Roles
Drexel University
Seton Hall University
An examination of the literature on conflict between work and family roles suggests that work-family conflict exists when: (a) time devoted to the requirements of one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; (b) strain from participation in one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another; and (c) specific behaviors required by one role make it difficult to fulfill the requirements of another. A model of work-family conflict is proposed, and a series of research propositions is presented.
The relationship between employees work lives and their nonwork pursuits has undergone recent scrutiny (Kanter, 1977; Voydanoff, 1980). One element of the work-nonwork interface is the conflict a person may experience between the work role and other life roles. Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, and Rosenthal (1964) identified such interrole conflict as a significant source of strain for nearly one third of the men in their national sample. Yet the bulk of their pioneering research focused on conflict within the work role, and later writings (Katz amp; Kahn, 1978) continued to devote little attention to the dynamics underlying interrole conflict.
Recent literature reviews have examined work and nonwork roles from a number of different perspectives (Burke amp; Bradshaw, 1981; Kabanoff, 1980; Kanter, 1977; Near, Rice, amp; Hunt, 1980; Staines, 1980; Voydanoff, 1980). However, none of these reviews has systematically evaluated the empirical research on conflict between work and nonwork roles. Consistent with Kanters (1977) observations, it is proposed here that rising numbers of two-income households (Gordon amp; Kammeyer, 1980; Johnson, 1980), a heightened concern for employeesrsquo; quality of work life (Walton, 1973), possible changes in the meaning of success (Tarnowieski, 1973), and changing expectations regarding self-fulfillment (Yankelovich, 1981) suggest the need to review and integrate this steadily growing body of literature.
Boundaries and Organization of the Review
The present paper examines sources of conflict between the work role and the family role. Therefore, interrole conflict that does not directly involve the work role is omitted from the review. (The one exception to this rule is the inclusion of conflict between nonhome and home roles—conceptually similar to work and family roles——that was identified in Halls, 1972, research on married women.) In addition, conflict between the work role and the leisure role is excluded from the review. Although several studies have addressed the possibility of conflict between work and leisure (Staines amp; OConnor, 1980) or between work and “self” (Holahan amp; Gilbert, 1979a, 1979b), the majority of the literature has examined interference between work and family responsibilities.
The review is generally limited to studies in which work-family conflict is directly assessed and empirical data are presented. Nonempirical research and studies that measure related phenomena (e.g., marital satisfaction, social alienation) are occasionally included to highlight convergences with the more directly relevant research on work-family conflict.
The review is concerned with sources or antecedents of work-family conflict. Although the impact of work-family conflict on coping strategies (Gilbert amp; Holahan, 1982; Hall, 1972) and psychological well-being (Pieck, Staines, amp; Lang, 1980) is unquestionably important, an extensive treatment of this literature is beyond the scope of this paper.
The focus here on sources of conflict between work and family domains does not imply that work and family cannot be mutually supportive. Nevertheless, the opportunities for interference between these domains need to be examined and understood more thoroughly. Moreover, despite the blurring of work and family activities in some situations, work and family roles still have distinct norms and requirements that may be incompatible with one another. Thus, the analytical separation of work and family is maintained in this review.
The Meaning of Work-Family Conflict
Role Conflict
Kahn et al. have defined role conflict as the simultaneous occurrence of two (or more) sets of pressures such that compliance with one would make more difficult compliance with the other” (1964, p. 19). They identified different types of conflict within the work role: intrasender; intersender; and person-role conflict. In each form of conflict, one set of role pressures is in some sense incompatible with the other set of pressures.
Interrole Conflict
Interrole conflict is a form of role conflict in which the sets of opposing pressures arise from participation in different roles.
In such cases of interrole conflict, the role pressures associated with membership in one organization are in conflict with pressures stemming from membership in other groups. Demands from role senders on the job for overtime or take-home work may conflict with pressures from ones wife to give attention to family affairs during evening hours. The conflict arises between the role of the focal person as worker and his role as husband and father (Kahn et al., 1964, p. 20).
Kahn et al. (1964) described a specific instance of interrole conflict in this passage. In a more general sense, interrole conflict is experienced when pressures arising in one role are incompatible with pressures arising in a