
 2023-01-06 11:01


原文作者 Barbara Thomlison


关键词:社会工作; 实习; 形式


























外文文献出处:The social work practicum: an access guide 2nd ed /​ Barbara Thomlison/Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock, c1996.6-10



Your practicum is a required core course in your social work program. Accredited social work programs require that students spend a minimum number of hours in real-life practice settings, supervised by qualified practicum instructors; many programs require more than the minimum, however. Your practicum(s) can range from one-quarter to one-third of your total social work educational experience.

Depending on your particular program, you may have two or more distinct practicum courses and/or practicum settings. Social work programs vary in the format that their practicums can take, the places where “social work” is done, the way in which the practicum process is administered, and the phases in which the practicum unfolds. The most important thing to remember at this point is that practicum formats vary as much as social work programs. Let us now turn to the different formats that practicums can take.

Practicum Formats

Your practicum may be taken as a block placement, in which you go to your practicum setting full time for a term, quarter, or semester. During a block placement, you may take only a practice methods course or a practicum tutorial course(to be discussed shortly). A second possibility is that you may take your practicum in a concurrent format. This means that you may take your practicum setting for part of the week and continue to take classroom courses—such as human behavior, research, social policy, interviewing, electives, and so forth—during the other part of the week. Generally speaking, both practicum formats provide you with the same total number of hours in your practicum setting.

Preference for one format has nothing to do with hours: rather, it is concerned with the advantages and disadvantages of a total immersion in your practicum as compared with a part-classroom, part-practicum setting format. For example, a student who exists half in school and half in a practicum setting (not to mention the “third half” which goes home occasionally) might feel torn between the demands of classroom course work and the demands of the practicu


The social work practicum: an access guide second edition(6-10)

Barbara Thomlison

Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock, c1996.


Your practicum is a required core course in your social work program. Accredited social work programs require that students spend a minimum number of hours in real-life practice settings, supervised by qualified practicum instructors; many programs require more than the minimum, however. Your practicum(s) can range from one-quarter to one-third of your total social work educational experience.

Depending on your particular program, you may have two or more distinct practicum courses and/or practicum settings. Social work programs vary in the format that their practicums can take, the places where “social work” is done, the way in which the practicum process is administered, and the phases in which the practicum unfolds. The most important thing to remember at this point is that practicum formats vary as much as social work programs. Let us now turn to the different formats that practicums can take.

Practicum Formats

Your practicum may be taken as a block placement, in which you go to your practicum setting full time for a term, quarter, or semester. During a block placement, you may take only a practice methods course or a practicum tutorial course(to be discussed shortly). A second possibility is that you may take your practicum in a concurrent format. This means that you may take your practicum setting for part of the week and continue to take classroom courses—such as human behavior, research, social policy, interviewing, electives, and so forth—during the other part of the week. Generally speaking, both practicum formats provide you with the same total number of hours in your practicum setting.

Preference for one format has nothing to do with hours: rather, it is concerned with the advantages and disadvantages of a total immersion in your practicum as compared with a part-classroom, part-practicum setting format. For example, a student who exists half in school and half in a practicum setting (not to mention the “third half” which goes home occasionally) might feel torn between the demands of classroom course work and the demands of the practicum setting. It might be tempting to skip class to accommodate a new client or to spend the day reading to finish a term paper. On the other hand, you might find it easier to integrate your practicum experience with your classroom courses when both are occurring simultaneously. If you are taking a class on group work, for example, it might be helpful if your practicum setting does group work of some kind.

Practicum Tutorials

As we mentioned earlier, some social work programs use the block practicum formal and others use a concurrent format. Some programs use one format for the undergraduate program and the other for the graduate program. Most tailor the format to the needs and resources of the local social service agencies that are affiliated with the social work program. A majority of social work programs ensure that practicum and classroom courses are integrated by providing practicum tutorials that are sometimes called integrative practice seminars or field seminars.

Your practicum tutorial will help you to build theory from practice, apply theory to practice, and transfer and generalize your learning through exploration, reflection, and application. Your tutorial may be taught by your practicum liaison, your practicum instructor, or one of the instructors in your social work program. It may take place on your campus or right at your practicum setting, but its purpose is always the same: to help you to make sense of what you are experiencing, to integrate practice issues with theory, and to become an effective social work practitioner. Its main purpose is to integrate practice issues with practice theory by allowing you to discuss your practice experiences with your classmates. Preparation in the form of reading, reflection, and discussion is critical to achieving integration within this very important course.

Practicum Settings

As you know from your classroom courses, social workers function in many different settings. Some work only with individuals who have problems in a specific area, such as substance abuse, parenting, homelessness, or having too intimate an acquaintanceship with the criminal justice system. Some social workers work with groups, such as in anger management, self-help, and with foster parents. Some work with families, such as in family support or family preservation programs. Some work with organizations, such as coalitions of agencies, or interdisciplinary collaboration in service delivery. Some do research and some write books. Some social workers do all of the above, and some may specialize in one particular area.

We work in environments that range from our own offices, to small two-person agencies, to business offices, to large and complex bureaucracies and organizations, hospitals, schools, courts, neighborhoods, and many other places. We are known as social workers, probation officers, counselors, clinical social workers, family therapists, group workers, street workers, community workers, researchers, program planners, and policy analysts. Thus, practicum settings can take on a wide variety of contexts. Your actual setting may be a community, a program or department within an agency or organization, or a project within a program or department.

Practicum Processes

Most social work programs have offices where everything to do with practicums is administered and managed. Depending on the size of an individual program, an office can be staffed by several persons and a hive of humming computers or it may be a single person, working in a small area. Regardless of its s



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