—A.L. Smith
关键词:政府机构; 非营利组织; 居民自主性;监督管理
3.非营利组织能力不足我国非营利组织发展起步晚、起点低,一般来说规模比较小,资金筹措能力比较低,动员社会资源的能力也就比较弱,加上组织管理不规范、不透明、不民主,又缺乏评估和社会监督,使得它们难以得到社会的广泛认同和普遍的社会公信,不能发挥应有的积极作用。另外,我国非营利组织人才短缺,志愿者参与不足,组织能力弱,尤其是一些自下而上的非营利组织还非常弱小,持续发展的后劲不足。 二、美国非营利组织参与社区建设的经验与我国目前的社区建设实际情况相比,国外社区建设拥有完整的社区组织体系和完备的社区设施,这也是国外社区建设发展迅速的原因。
非营利组织具有自身的特点,赛拉蒙 (Lester M.Salamon) 在他的非营利组织国际比较研究项目中提出了六个鉴定非营利组织的特征。
他认为,非营利组织应该具有如下六个特征: (
1) 正规性。指有一定的组织机构,非正规的、临时聚集在一起的人不能被认为是非营利领域的一部分。非营利组织必须具有根据国家法律注册的合法身份。
(2) 私立性。
(3) 非利润分配性。
(4) 自我控制性。
(5) 志愿性。
(6) 公共利益性。
美国霍布金斯大学在42个国家进行的非营利组织国际比较研究项目结果显示,非营利组织的平均收入来源结构为:服务收费49%、政府资助40%和慈善所得11%,其中保健【社会观察】1702009.10理 论 界55%、教育47%和社会服务45%,政府的资助尤其显著。这说明政府的财政支持对非营利组织的发展是必不可少的。政府采购,尤其公开招标的方式,应是非营利组织获得财政支持的重要渠道,但在目前的实际运行中,大部分非营利组织尚未被纳入采购的对象。因而在政府采购的进一步实行中,有必要认识到非营利组织是政府采购的重要面向对象,政府采购需要认真贯彻公开透明、公平竞争、公正和诚实信用的原则,这样才能有利于非营利组织的发展和社会公益事业的开展。另外,政府也要适当放手,这样也可以激励非营利组织在压力中快速成长起来。
非营利组织应积极加强自身建设,以适合社会和社区建设的需要非营利组织的发展除了需要建设一个良好的法律环境外,其内部的建设也是至关重要的。根据法约尔的组织管理思想,社会组织的内部制度建设应该包括最高管理机构的决策制度和计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制等规定的社会组织内部管理制度。 一方面需要通过重新整合资源,创造更好的内部环境,以符合现实需要。同时,通过加强职业培训,提高工作人员的专业素质。另一方面要吸引具有专业知识的人士加入到社区建设当中。这就要解决非营利组织人事体制的接轨问题。非营利组织难以留住人才是目前非常普遍的现象,这不仅在于工资待遇的差距,更重要的在于人事制度上的不规范。由于非营利组织在编制问题上缺乏与其他部门的衔接,非营利组织的专职就业人员在户口、档案管理、人事流动、职称、工资、福利、社会保障等方面的一系列困难,都成为制约非营利组织吸引和留住优秀人才的重要因素。解决非营利组织员工就业和相关的社会保障等问题,关键在于建立非营利组织自己的人力资源管理体系和相关的制度规范,并将之纳入市场经济条件下社会整体的人事、福利、社会保障体系,包括建立人才交
The role of non-profit organizations in community construction
Non profit organizations worldwide to flourish, NPO in the establishment of charity, charity and volunteer of Western cultural tradition, has become a partner, equitable distribution of resources, the government means to deal with social issues of democratic participation of citizens in the form of play in the social life is not important.At the same time, it plays a more and more important role in the process of social development and plays a more and more important role in the process of community development.
With the establishment of market economy and the deepening of government organization reform, non-profit organizations increasingly affect the transformation of government functions and the development of market economy, and also affect the healthy development of community construction.
(1)The role of non-profit organizations in community construction Nonprofit organization has its own characteristics. Salmon put forward six identification characteristics of NPO in his NPO international comparative research project.He believes that the non-profit organization should have the following six features:
normality. People who have a certain organization, informal, temporary gathering of people can not be considered to be part of the non-profit field. Non-profit organizations must have legal status registered in accordance with national laws.
(2) private.
From the organizational structure of the separation of the government. The non-profit organization is neither part of the government nor the leadership of the board of directors led by government officials.
(3) non profit distribution.
A non-profit organization does not accumulate profits for its owners. They may accumulate certain profits within a certain period, but these profits must be returned to the tasks stipulated by the organizations mission, rather than allocated among the owners of the organization.
(4) self control.
Non-profit organizations can control their own activities. An internal management program that is not subject to external control.
(5) volunteering.
Whether it is in the actual activities, or in the management of organizational affairs, there is a significant degree of voluntary participation.
In particular, the formation of the board of directors composed of volunteers and the extensive use of volunteer staff.
(6) public interest.
Non-profit organizations should serve some public purposes and contribute to the public. It is the above characteristics of the non-profit organization that determines its important role in the community construction.
1., non-profit organizations can better meet the needs of community residents. On the one hand, non-profit organizations participate in community construction on a large scale, enabling them to be more direct, specific and humane. For example, foundations, charitable organizations, old peoples associations, etc., are promoting the construction of all aspects of the community in a different way from the government and the enterprise. This approach may be more professional and effective than the service provided by the government.
And the fierce competition between non-profit organizations can also promote its continuous improvement of the quality of service. On the other hand, non profit organizations can promote the potential of citizens to promote the diversity of social development.
The non-profit organization provides the organization form for the social members to carry out activities outside the government institutions and the enterprise system. Citizens can organize themselves independently according to their interests, wishes and interests and creatively engage in various social development activities. Through non-profit organizations, the self-reliance and social responsibility of citizens can be enhanced. The diversity and flexibility of non-profit organizations in form and function have contributed to the diversity of social supply and social needs.
2. nonprofit organizations is an important carrier of government management of social separate affairs in the community construction, due to the governments own financial, material and human resources and capacity constraints, the government can not independently solve some problems all by themselves, need the participation of non-profit organizations; diversified and social governance subject, government and social division of labor and the common governance is the objective trend of social development.
2 non-profit organizations to participate in social construction, launched the civil power, the mobilization of many and great physical and human resources into the community, the government for the social development of the shortage of funds has been filled, promote social attention and help vulnerable groups encounter difficulties in the process of economic and social development, can greatly reduce the burden of government, accelerate the transformation of government functions, promote the establishment of small government, big society 'mode. The participation of non-profit organizations can enhance the consciousness of the residents and truly realize the democratic autonomy of the community. The government only needs to implement macro leadership and grasp the whole
The direction, and the non profit organization, serves as a specific operator and organizer.
3., NPO can drive the full development of all kinds of services, provide sufficient employment opportunities and maintain social stability. Our current employment pressure is very large, and the only way to solve the employment problem is to solve the problem of employment.
It is impossible for the government to achieve it. As the scale of non-profit organizations is very large, there are many jobs, which greatly relieves th