
 2023-01-10 04:01




在瑞典,推行养老服务的总目标是确保老人处于有保障的经济条件下、良好的住房以及根据需要得到相应的照顾和服务。公共帮助应使接受服务者持有一定的选择权和支配权,并且这种权力维持在较高水平上。所有的老人都应该有平等获取福利产品的权力,不因年龄、 性别、 种族、所住之处、购买力的不同而有所差别对待等。(Thorslund 1992)

悉心全面地照顾老人的主要责任在于国家。政府和议会致力于立法,并制定如何照顾老人和谁应承担责任等各种服务的指导方针。瑞典的自治市 (共计286个) 主要负责社会服务,而县议会主要负责卫生保健和医疗服务。这些机构是由当地选举产生的,并且他们享有国际上特有程度的自治权。他们征税,钱主要用在他们自己的自由裁量权上,可以自由裁量。郡议会和市政当局可能就是他们自己,在现行法例规定的范围内,决定给予老年人相较于其他群体的优先程度。

在照顾老人方面,主要有两项法例适用,都是近期制定的。之后,1982年所制定的新《社会服务法》开始生效。这部法案主要强调个人有在人生的各个阶段获得公共服务和帮助的权力。如果他的需求不能以任何其他方式得到满足每一个需要支持自己的日常生活的人都有权申请援助。在基于对需求的评估后,从而具有获得服务的资格,并且没有与经济状况相挂钩的资格标准。与别人同住的人与独自生活的人一样平等地享有服务。1983年,新的《卫生和医疗服务法》开始生效。根据该法,卫生保健和医疗服务的目的是在总体人群中维持良好的健康标准,并为所有人提供平等的帮助。两部法律都是为了使帮助尽可能地正常化设置(Hokenstad ,1988 年)。这意味着老人们应得到帮助,被尽可能地留在家里,而且原则上没有人可以被迫转移去机构养老,这是基于对个人护理的广泛需求而制定的(约翰逊和 Thorslund 1991)。


在瑞典(约 90%)大多数老年人都生活在普通民居中,且大约一半的人是自住业主。住房的总体水平较高,大多数老年人都生活在现代化且温馨的房子里,包含设备齐全的厨房、热的和冷的自来水以及室内厕所。然而,这项政策满足了普通居民的要求,尽可能多地将这些老人留在家里,以适应有特殊需要和残疾人的需求。市政当局因此开展了家庭适应性活动,致力于将功能不完善而带来的困难降低到最低限度。





家庭护理的核心是家务助理服务。1991年,超过286,000 位老年人及残疾人得到家务助理的服务。(瑞典统计局,1992 年)。在这些年龄65岁及以上的老年人中,16.5%的人都得到了这项服务。




与此同时,这种发展为需要服务者和照顾者创造了一个以公众需求为导向的市场,包括私人照顾者、合作社、保险公司等以商业为基础,为新业务概念寻找新的范围。向私人照顾者(营利性) 开放老年护理,实际上都由中央和地方政府通过市场竞争作为一项重要成本遏制战略。同时,这便被视为一项措施,用以增加个人的选择的自由度。


在20世纪的瑞典所建立起来的公共医疗系统的发展,被盖上了有强烈的社会政治野心的烙印,而这种烙印是由于该系统有利于经济的发展而被意识到的。随着需求的增多,融资公共服务产生的越来越多的问题也要跟上其增多的步伐,与其相适应和配套。因此,可以预见的是,老人护理服务的系统肯定会在将来有所改变。我们可能会有一个更为复杂的系统,即由公共、个人和志愿者努力而共同运行并且提供资金。瑞典照顾老人的政策一直以来是指对老人的服务和照顾是在平等的条件下提供给公民,并由公共部门运行并提供资助。而复杂的系统这一安排将代表瑞典照顾老人政策的转变(Thorslund 1993 年)。

当前发展会带来的一个后果是,我们可能会被迫对公共服务的提供设置一定的限制。另一种更显而易见的风险是家庭将不得不承受不断增加的护理负担 (Tornstam,1989 年 ;约翰逊 1991年)。最后,从长远来说,这种转变可能意味着不平等的现象会加剧,而这可能会削弱瑞典的福利制度。


首先,与20世纪80年代相比,20世纪90年代对护理需求的增加是由于人口的变化不会与其增加保持同样的速度。第二,在瑞典,相关和独立的条款中都有一个为高龄老人提供照顾的、非常坚实广泛的体系。第三,国家和地方政府发起的政策倡议应预计对服务的效率产生积极的影响。第四,瑞典将继续保持对普遍性做出基本的承诺,因为还有一个围绕着主要原则所达成的强烈共识,即社会对老年人有照顾的责任,且该服务应受到政府的资助。最后,即使对老年人的护理向私营服务开放,其提供的服务也将永远不会成为体系中的主导。其实,提供服务主体更加多元化,如果这些主体可以得到良好的管制和调控 (渊水獭和索尔特曼 1991年),便可以为瑞典养老事业的发展添砖加瓦。




Promoting home-based elder care:some Swedish experience

ABSTRACT:This paper focuses on the development of public services and care of the elderly in Sweden,with special attention to the development of home-based elderly care.Experiences, outcomes,and current problems related to the slowdown in economic growth are discussed as well as policy initiatives,strategies,and prospects for the future.

Key Words: elderly care, home-based care, policy, Sweden

The general aims for the care of the elderly in Sweden are to assure the elderlyof a secure financial situation,good housing,and service and care according to needs.The public help shall contain an element of choice and influence for the recipient and maintain high standards.All the elderly should have equal accessto the welfare goods regardless of age,sex,ethnicity,where they live,purchasing power,etc.(Thorslund 1992).

Overall responsibility for the various elements of the care of the elderly rests
with the state.Government and Parliament legislate and formulate guidelines for
how the elderly shall be cared for and who shall bear responsibility for the
various services.Swedens municipalities(286 in all)are responsible for the
social services and the county councils(26)for health care and medical services.
These bodies are locally elected,and they enjoy an internationally unique degree
of autonomy.They levy taxes and spend money at their own discretion.The
county councils and the municipalities may themselves,within the limits
prescribed by the existing legislation,decide the degree of priority they will give
the elderly over other groups.

In the area of old age care,mainly two pieces of legislation apply,both of a
recent date.Thus,in 1982 the new Social Services Act(Social tjfinstlagen)came
into effect.This framework legislation emphasizes the right of the individual to
receive public service and help at all stages of life.Everyone who needs help to
support himself in his day-to-day existence has the right to claim assistance if
hisneeds cannot be met in any other way.Eligibility for various services is
based on assessed needs,and there are no financial eligibility critria.People
living with others are as equally entitled to services as those living alone.In
1983 a new Health and Medical Services Act(H~ilso-och sjukvhrdslagen)came
into effect.According to this Act,health care and medical services aim to
maintain a good standard of health among the entire population and to provide
care on equal terms for all.Both laws stress that help shall be given in as
normalizedsettings as possible(Hokenstad 1988).This means that old people
should be helped to remain at home for as long as possible,and in principle no one can be forced to move to an institution due to extensive needs for personal
care(Johansson and Thorslund 1991).

The Swedish municipalities are mandated by laws and regulations to offer the
citizens housing,service,and care according to needs(Sundstr6m 1987).The
implementation of this policy is decided by the municipality on its own.
Eligibility criteria,service level,and fees for services vary,therefore,from one
municipality to another.If the care recipient is dissatisfied regarding the type or
level of services,he can appeal the decision in court.

Most elderly people in Sweden(about 90%)live in ordinary homes and
around half of them are owner-occupiers.The general standard of housing is
high,with most elderly people living in modern,warm homes with wellequipped kitchens,hot and cold running water,and an indoor toilet.Nevertheless,the policy that as many as possible shall remain at home often creates the
demand for ordinary dwellings to be adapted to special needs and handicap.
Municipalities therefore carry out home adaptions in order to minimize difficulties due to functional disability.

Most municipalities offer chiropody services,hair care,food services(mealson-wheels),help with bathing,snow-clearing,etc.A number of these services
are run and offered at day centers.Day centers function as meeting places where
the elderly in the area can get together for meals,group activities and sometimes
occupational therapy.

Postal services for the elderly may supplement home help in rural areas,After
consultation with the municipal home help service,rural postmen provide
certain services to elderly people who live alone and far from neighbors.

Vital for the well-being of the elderly living at home is the municipal
transport service.The transport service supplements the public transportation
system and is aimed at increasing the mobility of handicapped persons who have
considerable difficulties in using public transportation or in getting around on
their own.

Security alarms are also available in every Swedish municipality to help
persons with functional impediments to call for help in acute need.Disabled
persons in Sweden shall have access to technical aids regardless of their age,
economic means,or place of residence.Virtually all technical aids in Sweden
today,ranging from simple aids such as canes and reachers to more complex
aids,such as electric wheelchairs,are issued free of charge(Parker and
Thorslund 1991).

The centerpiece of home care is the home help services.In 1991,over
286,000 elderly and disabled persons received home help(Statistics Sweden
1992).Among those aged 65 years and older,16.5%of the population received.

To secure the welfare of the graying population,the municipalities are now
developing different strategies.The traditional Swedish strategy,i.e.,to increase
taxes to finance the services,has already been abandoned.Even if,as certain



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