
 2023-01-12 12:01







目前促使老年人焦虑的大部分原因是健康和社会保健的成本上升,假如他们的养老需求不得不较大程度上依赖家庭来得以满足,然而家庭的自身能力也受到了人口变化的挑战。Zarit 和Eggebeen(1995)最近确定了几个可能威胁到体弱长者家庭支持的潜在趋势,一些最显著的发展趋势包括预期寿命的提高、与之相随的残疾风险增加、家庭规模变小、妇女提高劳动参与率、高离婚率和高同居率、急诊住院时间缩短等因素都可能改变老年人的需求和亲属支持潜在的利用率。








Litwak ,Kulis 和希尔弗斯坦认为,与老年人需要的援助相匹配的是个体提供给他们的援助。朋友、邻居可能以最小的援助满足老年人的需求,如购物或者交通运送。家庭成员将更深入掌握需要的帮手。





正式支持补充了非正式支持(斯托勒,1989)。家庭照顾者寻求正规的服务来向生病的亲戚一样照顾他或她,为他们增加的需求提供更多的支持。因此,期待接受呈正相关的正式和非正式支持。从这个角度来看,家庭是不能协助提供支持(如由于工作和家庭的竞争责任),还有人认为当家庭没有足够的技能来协助老年人,如提供专业的医疗服务;或者高体力要求的任务,如洗澡和如厕时应在家庭领域补充提供正式服务。(Noelker 和贝斯,1989;希尔弗斯坦和Litwak,1993)









Formal and Informal Community Care to Older Adults: Comparative Analysis of the United States and Great Britain

ABSTRACT: Support to frail elders is of international and growing importance. This article compared receipt of assistance with ADL limitations, home health help, any assistance received, and unmet needs in functionally impaired individuals aged 70 years old or older in the United States (n = 1847, 80% women, Mage = 80 years) and Great Britain (n = 1203, 57% women, Mage = 78 years). Informal and formal assistance levels were higher in Great Britain, and rates of unmet need did not differ across ADL domains measured. Receipt of formal and informal care were associated positively, which is consistent with both supplementary and complementary perspectives on the formal-informal care interface. Few individuals in either country received formal services alone. Results suggest that community-based formal support does not substitute for family help. Implications for family and economic policy are discussed.

KEY WORDS: family care giving, community-based long-term care, gerontology, cross-

cultural, unmet need.

Community-Based Long-Term Care from a Cross-National Perspective

The increasing prevalence of community care policy in western industrialized societies, such as the United States and Great Britain,has forced policy-makers to re-examine the vital link between formal and informal sources of long-term care. Along with aging of the populations in both countries, policies which ensure the continued delivery of health and social care to frail elderly people are increasingly important in the policy domain. Although its role has changed over time,delivery of community-based health and social care continues to be a vital part of the modern welfare state and its sub-components. For example, funding mechanisms, management and delivery structures,and training programs all have undergone fundamental changes over the past forty years. Structural components of long-term care have not escaped nor been insulated from broader social and economic pressures.

Of particular importance regarding home- and community-based care in the United States and home care policy in Britain is the extent to which the informal sector plays a vital role in the maintenance of elders within the community. There have been public concerns about the disappearance of informal caregivers and suggestions that the formal sector play an increased role in providing health and social care to elderly people. However, informal care to elders remains the single largest source of care in all western democratic nations (e.g.Tester, 1996).

Much of the current concern over caring is driven by anxieties over the rising costs of health and social care of older people. The assumption is that their needs will have to be met by a greater reliance on the family. However, the capacity of the family is itself threatened by changing demographics. Zarit and Eggebeen (1995) recently identified several trends which may threaten the potential availability of family support for frail elders. Some of the most significant trends include increased life expectancy with its concomitant increased risk of disability, smaller family size, increased labor force participation among women, high rates of divorce and cohabitation, and shorter acute care hospital stays. Each of these factors may alter the needs of older adults or the potential availability of kin support.

Comparison of the United States and Great Britain

In the U.S., health care is funded from health insurance, and in G.B. it is funded from general taxation. The Medicare program in the U.S.,which is an insurance system providing health care for the elderly,covers primarily acute care rather than LTC (Clark, 1996). Medicaid,a federal-state matching entitlement program, provides medical assistance to low-income persons who are aged, blind, disabled, or members of families with dependent children. It finances home- and community-based care, including home health care, personal care, and home- and community-based waiver services. Home health services usually are the same set of services covered under the Medicare home health benefit and are available to some low-income elderly patients with chronic care needs. Medicaid personal care services, including semi-skilled or non-skilled services, such as assistance with toileting, dressing, and bathing, must be prescribed by a physician under the recipients plan of care. These plans of care are for functionally impaired elderly persons living at home. The final component, home-and community-based waivers, provides services, such as case management, personal care, homemaker and chore services, and respite care. These assist elderly persons who are at risk of entering a nursing home, as determined by functional impairments and lack of informal supports.

The health care system in G.B. is universal and tax-funded. Funding for hospitals, other institutional health services, and long-term care in G.B. is drawn from general taxation. Stays in chronic stay wards are funded by the National Health Service (NHS). Responsibility for providing long-term care to elders is divided along health and social care lines. Home- and community-based long-term health care (i.e., the medical component, including visiting nurses and physiotherapy) is paid for by the NHS, whereas long-term social care (i.e.,the personal care component) such as toileting, dressing, bathing, and meals is funded or provided or both funded and provided by local authorities (i.e., local government). G.B. also has a system of paying cash allowances to very dependent elders and offers a nominal care-givers allowance.

Differing systems of health care in these two countries allow certain questions about the efficacy of LTC policy in the



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