摘 要:在论文中,代理人在伊朗改革形势下从他们的作风行为角度(如问题解决和决策制定)进行了分析。这份评估是基于一个修改版的科顿关于适应者和创新者的理论(修改的KAI)。本研究的目的是看改革代理人是否被认为足够创新以在伊朗的官僚机构带来根本性的变化。工作行为研究影响人们如何对付、解决和沟通问题,因此,它可能会影响改革代理人的成功。虽然结果表明改革代理人不像预期那样成功。然而,约75%的伊朗代理人可以被认为是创新倾向性。
应用 |
适应者 |
创新者 |
问题解决 |
倾向于把问题定义和生成新颖,创意旨在把事情做得更好。直接高效是高适应者的主旨。 |
倾向于普遍定义已经同意的问题,打破先前已有的限制,生成旨在做不同事情的解决方案。 |
应对措施 |
适应者通常产生几个精心挑选和相关的解决方案,他们通常能够找到足够多,但有时候不能包含完全打破现有模式的想法。 |
创新者会产生很多可能不明显或不被人接受的想法。这样一个水池通常包含很多想法,如果他们能够被识别,这可能是迄今为止很棘手的问题。 |
政策 |
喜欢已经建构好的、结构化的情景。在将新数据和事件纳入现有的结构和政策中比较野蛮。 |
喜欢非结构化的情景。使用新的数据作为机会来设置新的结构或数据以接受随之而来的更大的风险。 |
组织匹配 |
必不可少的功能。但遇到出乎意料的变化时可能有困难走出他们已经建立的情况。 |
在遇到改变或危机时十分必要。但在使自己适应不间断的组织要求时可能会有一些麻烦。 |
潜在的创造力 |
科顿目录是一种风格的测量,但不能衡量创造力水平。适应者和创造者都是能产生原始的、创造性的解决方案的人。但这反应其整体解决问题的不同方法。 |
合作 |
适应者和创新者并没有真正相处,特别是如果他们是极端的得分手。中间得分手在他们不容易达到的高度或像极端的得分手一样创新时存在劣势。这一点,刚好是在一个团队中绝对的优势。他们可以更容易的充当桥梁,形成团队意识和得到最好的(如果熟练的话)极端冲突的得分手。 |
行为控制 |
被创新者所认为:是健全的,遵守的,安全的,可预测的,相关的,呆板的,执着于这个系统,不能容忍模棱两可的。 |
被适应者所认为:是不健全的,不切实际的,危险的伤人感情的;通常震惊他们的对手以及创建失调。 |
外文文献出处:Public Organization Review: A Global Journal 2: 141–164 (2002)
Administrative Reform and Style of Work Behavior: Adapters-Innovators
Key words: administrative reform, adapter, innovator, Iran
Abstract:In this paper the situation of Iranian reform agents from their style of work behavior point of view (such as problem solving and decision making) is analyzed.
The assessment is based on a modified version of Kirtonrsquo;s theory of adapters and innovators (modified KAI). The purpose of this study is to see whether the reform agents were seen as innovative enough to bring about fundamental changes in Iranian bureaucracy. The study of work behavior makes a difference in how people approach, solve and communicate problems, and therefore, may influence the success of reform program . Although the results indicate that the reform program was not perceived as having been as successful as expected, however, about 75 percent of Iranian reform agents could be categorized aslsquo;lsquo;innovative-inclinedrsquo;rsquo;. The level of education and age account for little of the variance in the responses.Differences in the (modified) KAI mean scores of the agents of reform working in different organizations may explain some communication problems.
Kirtonrsquo;s theory of adapters-innovators
The items in the questionnaire, used for this study are based on Kirtonrsquo;s theory
(Kirton, 1961, 1976) of adapters and innovators. The theory posits that individuals
have characteristically different styles of creativity, problem solving and decision making.
This theory contended that all individuals can be located on a continuum ranging from an lsquo;ability to do things betterrsquo; to an ability to lsquo;do things differentlyrsquo;
(Thomson, 1980, p. 383). The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI), as a measure
of the Adapter-Innovator continuum, evolved as a result of a study of corporate
management initiative (Kirton, 1961) and aimed to investigate the ways in which ideas that had resulted in major changes within companies were developed and put into practice. KAI is designed to measure at which point an individual falls on the continuum with adapters at one extreme and innovators at the other.The theory has been extensively tested and developed in the private sector, and studies had some testing within the public sector (Hayward and Everett, 1983).
In Kirtonrsquo;s typology, the adapter tends to operate within the confines of the appropriate consensually agreed paradigm(Kuhn , 1970) within which a problem novel
stimulus) is initially perceived (Thomson, 1980; Kirton, 1980).Adapters have characteristics which are more consistent with the attributes of the bureaucratic
personality or in Whytersquo;s (1957) word, an lsquo;lsquo;organization manrsquo;rsquo;. They could more
easily be fitted in bureaucratic organizations which lsquo;lsquo;exert a constant pressure on
officials to be methodical, prudent, disciplined . . . [and to attain] an unusual degree
of conformityrsquo;rsquo; (Merton, 1957, p. 198). Innovators, by contrast, are more liable to
treat (formally or intuitively) the enveloping paradigm as part of the problem(Kirton, 1980, 1984; Thomson, 1980). lsquo;Innovative manrsquo; is less conforming to rules, social norms, and accepted work patterns (Kirton, 1976, p. 624).
Briefly, extreme adapters lsquo;lsquo;tend to solve problems frequently by applying conventional solutions while extreme innovators . . . tend more often to try novel
approaches to the problemrsquo;rsquo; (Mudd, 1995, p. 241). Table 1 sets out Kirtonrsquo;s characterization of adapters and innovators with respect to the implications of
those two extremes on the (AI) continuum on seven relevant organizational behavior dimensions (Mudd, 1995, p. 241).
The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) consists of 32 items and uses
a 5-point scale from Ver y Hard to Very Easy, giving a theoretical mean of 96
and theoretical range of 32–160. The observed range is slightly more restricted
(46–146) based on 1000 subjects from different corporations, as the first subjects
of the study; the observed mean is near to 95 (95.33) and the distribution conforms
almost exactly to a normal curve (Kirton, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1990; Hayward and Everett, 1983).
As explained by Kirton (1977, p. 15) lsquo;lsquo;against each item is a line of 17 dots along
which the respondent places a cross to indicate the degree of his responsersquo;rsquo; (in
KAI inventory of 1984 version, the lines of 14 dots were applied)1.
Adaptors and Innovators in different occupations
Table 1. Characteristics of adapters and innovators.
Implications |
Adapters |
Innovators |
For Problem Solving |
Tend to take the problem as defined and generate novel, creative ideas aimed at doing things betterrsquo;rsquo;. Immediate high efficiency is the keynote of high adapters. |
Tend to redefine generally agreed problems, breaking previously perceived restraints, generating solutions aimed at lsquo;lsquo;doing things differently.' |
For Solutions |
Adapters generally generate a few well-chosen and relevant solutions, that they generally find sufficient but which sometimes fail to contain ideas needed to break the existing pattern completely. |
Innovators produce numerous ideas many of which may not be either obvious or acceptable to others. Such a pool often contains ideas, if they can be identified,that may crack hitherto intractable problems. |
For Policies |
Prefer well-established, structured situations. Beast at incorporating new data or events into existing structures or policies. |
Prefer unstructured situations.Use new data as opportunities to set new structures o 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料 资料编号:[287563],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word |