
 2023-01-10 04:01












已有相当多的研究揭示了实习教师或者刚步入职场的教师是怎样为了不同的目的,从不同的角度来理解教与学的。许多研究一开始就假设教师教育的理念可以分开讨论并且不需要讲其学习的概念拿来作为他们教育的概念的基础。比如,Saban(2003)和Saban 等(2007)的论文主要集中在教师教育的理念,而把他们学习的理念当成是他们研究的副产物。同时,许多有心理导向的研究将重点放在教师认知的深层次上,首先调查了教师的认知理念并试图将他们与他们的教学行为联系起来。许多的这类研究将揭示教师认知理念作为他们的主要任务。正如Hofer和Pintrich(1997)年提出的,对认知理念发展的测试能帮助苏我们理解学生和老师关于知识的理念并且了解他们怎样看待知识。而这种信息反过来也能帮助我们更好地理解教与学在课堂上的过程。

该领域其他的研究同样也促使我们将研究的重点直接对准教师的教与学观念。举例来说,Martinez, Sauleda 和Huber(2001)从行为、认知和社会文化三个角度调查了学生和经验丰富教师对于学习的隐藏的构想。Leavy, McSorely和Bote(2007)对爱尔兰和美国的实习教师运用的行为的、构建的和自己指示的理念进行了区别。Cheng , Chan, Tang和Cheng(2009)对以认知理念为基础的传统的和社会构建的教育方法进行了区别。





Impact on student teachersrsquo; conception of learning and teaching from studying a course in educational psychology

Edgar Krull*, Ingrid Koni and Kaja Oras

University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

(Received 12 November 2011; final version received 22 September 2012)

This study investigates changes in the conceptions of learning and teaching among undergraduate student teachers. A qualitative content analysis of ess -ays using metaphors to describe learning and teaching written by 256 stude -nts at the beginning and end of an educational psychology course was used as the main research procedure. It was found that there was an increase in th -e share of students that see learning and teaching from a cognitive- constru -ctivist perspective and a decrease in the share that see learning and teaching from a behaviourist perspective by the end of the course. In addition, the stu -dy revealed that the coherence in the nature of the metaphors describing lear -ning and teaching increased by the end of the course. However, there was pr -actically no increase in the number of essays describing learning from a soci o-constructivist perspective, a fact that points to a need to pay more attention to the manifestations of learning in different communities of students, that is, to a relevant knowledge that teachers need in their everyday work.

Keywords: concept of learning; conditions for learning; educational psychology; student teacher; teacher education


Although it is widely accepted that theoretical pedagogical studies are in pre-service teacher education necessary for developing the relevant pedagogical concepts in student teachers,the effectiveness of these studies often remains unclear. The present study is an attempt to investigate the impact of a typical course in educational psychology – often seen as a tool for educational theorising (Poulou, 2005) – on the pedagogical thinking of student teachers by investigating developmental changes in their understanding of learning and teaching.

However, this task is complicated by the fact that the convictions and beliefs about learning and teaching held by teachers change very slowly and that established conceptions are strongly persistent (Alger, 2009; Pajares, 1992; Richardson, 1996; Richardson amp; Placier, 2001). Student teachers experience more than 10,000 hours of teaching through their school and university years as students, and these older memories may be more persistent and powerful than new experiences (Alger, 2009). Therefore, it is not surprising that a discrepancy could develop between what student teachers learn (mostly memorise) in courses on theory and answer in examinations and what they really think about pedagogical phenomena if they fail to link the theoretical knowledge with their experiences. While the formal knowledge of learning held by student teachers is easily identifiable using traditional assessment procedures, identifying their personal and hidden knowledge, or changes in these, is much more complicated.

Depending on the theoretical frame of reference, learning and teaching may be considered independent or related concepts. In this study we take the latter perspective by conceiving teaching as the creation of favourable conditions for learning (Gagneacute;, 1985; Tyler, 1949), meaning that teaching can be seen as a derivation of the notion of learning. The way a teacher imagines learning processes that lead to different learning experiences, in Tylerrsquo;s (1949) terms, determines his or her approaches to teaching. From this perspective the need to develop an idea of how teachers understand learning emerged as the first task of our study. To find solutions we rely on the established categorisation of concepts of learning in psychology and analysed approaches used in former studies on the conception of learning and teaching among teachers.

Theoretical background

Major psychological concepts of learning

Many definitions of learning have been posited in psychology. A rather broad definition,open to different interpretations, states that learning is any process that leads living organisms to relatively permanent changes in potential behaviour (or capacities) that result from experience (Dworetzki, 1982; Illeris, 2009; Myers, 1992). Yet, depending on the psychological perspective adopted, a change in behaviour as evidence of learning means different things (Wildman, 2008). From a behaviourist perspective, learning is seen as a conditioning of reactions or responses to signals or stimuli in which a learnerrsquo;s information processing is or can be disregarded. The process of learning is conceived as an unconscious and mechanical building of associations between different units of information. The cognitive-constructivist view of learning, instead of focusing on creating specific behaviours or behavioural patterns in pupils, centres on the processes of acquiring knowledge and the constructing of meaning. Finally, the socio-constructivist view of learning that first emerged during the early 1990s focuses on aspects of learning resulting from a participation in meaningful social practices (Wildman, 2008). Therefore, theoretically, these three different although not mutually exclusive conceptions of learning – behaviourist, cognitiveconstructivist, and socio-constructivist – might be expected to be found in student teachersrsquo; understanding of learning.

Approaches to studying conceptions of learning and teaching among teachers

Much research has been carried out to uncover how student and practising teachers understand learning and teaching from different points of view and for different purposes. Many studies proceed from a presumption that teachersrsquo; beliefs about teaching can be discussed separately and without consideri



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