
 2023-08-28 05:08

Project duration 2 cost 2 quality balance optimization

ZhangLianYing, LuanYan, ZouXuQing

Abstract: one of the important contents of project management is the comprehensive and balanced control of the project duration, cost, quality and other objectives, and these three are related contradictory unity, that is, the enhancement of any of the three objectives must be at the expense of other objectives. This paper compared and analyzed the existing literature on the quality of multi-objective optimization model - quality cost model, quality reliability model, duration 2 quality curve model, win

On the basis of the value model, a quality model based on the reliability of network system is proposed, and then the balance optimization model of project duration 2 cost 2 quality is improved. In the optimization process, this paper adopted IGPSO, and the optimization results proved the feasibility and effectiveness of the model and provided effective decision support for project managers.

Keywords: engineering project; Multi-objective optimization; Quality model; reliability

Chinese library classification number: TP 18 document identification code: A

One of the main marks of the success of engineering projects is to ensure the balanced realization of the three objectives of project duration, cost and quality. At present, the domestic and foreign studies on the optimization between the two are mature. Siem ens in map network established on the basis of a simple construction period 2 cost optimization model, determine the expected completion time of each working procedure, and then according to the project construction period, the duration of the work of successive compression on the critical path (not less than the shortest time), in as little as possible to reduce the time limit for a project under the condition of increasing costs, namely direct costs on the critical path selected slope to compression of the smallest work [1]. Ph ilip s et al. put forward another method for cost optimization of construction period 2, that is, optimization is carried out by using the principle of minimum cutting, and the model USES cutting search algorithm to find the minimum cutting set, so that the construction period can be compressed where the cost increases least [2]. P remV rat et al. proposed a goal programming model to solve engineering optimization problems. In this model, the author used piecewise linear function to replace the actual cost curve of the construction period 2, and each segment of the piecewise linear function represented the cost function of the construction period 2 of a process [3]. D eck ro et al. proposed the quadratic relationship between process duration and process cost when optimizing the construction period 2 cost of an engineering project, and verified and solved the model with an engineering project example containing 12 processes [4]. Do Ba Khang and Yin M on M yint apply the multi-objective optimization model proposed by Badu and Suresh to engineering projects. Through case application analysis, it is proved that the assumption of linear relationship between project duration and cost is reasonable to some extent [5]. Am ir A zaron first transformed the dynamic PER T network plan into A random queuing network, and took the duration of each work activity as the service time. Then, he constructed A nonlinear programming model for the cost optimization of the project period 2, and used interaction

Formula ST EM is solved [6]. Senouci proposed a construction period 2 cost optimization model for linear construction projects, including: Cost module; (3) search for multi-objective optimization module with approximate optimal solution [7]. E sh tehardian introduces fuzzy logic and USES fuzzy Numbers to represent the construction period and cost of a process, and proposes a method to solve the cost optimization problem of construction period 2 in an uncertain environment [8]. Chen weiwei, wang zhongmin, et al., use the concept of cut set in graph theory to find the cut set that can increase the cost to the minimum, and solve the cost 2 project duration optimization problem of the project [9]. Yang Xiang task time limit for a project is described by using fuzzy number, by setting an acceptable level of risk Kappa; and membership functions of fuzzy number representation into a common set of uncertain time limit for a project, on the basis of this period 2 cost optimization, then using the genetic algorithm in the fuzzy solution space to find the optimal solution or approximate optimal solution [10].

ecause the characteristics of engineering project quality is not easy to quantify, the time limit for a project cost 2 quality three integrated optimization is becoming more difficult, Badu and Suresh in order to solve this problem is put forward for the first time in three relevant linear programming model to solve multi-objective optimization problems engineering projects, this method is based on the working procedure quality, duration, cost, and the assumption of the linear relationship between respectively three linear programming model is established to study the balance between quality, cost, time limit for a project [11]. Subsequently, Khang et al. applied the linear programming model proposed by Badu and Suresh to the engineering project. Through the analysis of the actual project, it was proved that the assumption of the linear relationship between the project period 2 cost proposed by Badu and Suresh was reasonable, but there was a difference between the assumption of the quality problem in the model and the actual project [12]. T aregh Ian assumes that duration and quality are discrete and proposes three

Date of Xi; abstract: 2011212217

Funded by national natural science foundation of China (70871088)

About the author: zhang lianying (19652), male, born in jingxian county, hebei province, professor, doctoral supervisor, de


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