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A sequential anode-cathode double-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC), in which the effluent of anode chamber was used as a continuous feed for an aerated cathode chamber, was constructed in this experiment to investigate the performance of brewery waste water treatment in conjugation with electricity generation. Carbon fiber was used as anode and plain carbon felt with biofilm as cathode. When hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 14.7 h, a relatively high chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency of 91.7%–95.7% was achieved under long-term stable operation. The MFC displayed an open circuit voltage of 0.434 V and a maximum power density of 830 mW/m3 at an external resistance of 300 Omega;. To estimate the electrochemical performance of the MFC, electrochemical measurements were carried out and showed that polarization resistance of anode was the major limiting factor in the MFC. Since a high COD removal efficiency was achieved, we conclude that the sequential anode-cathode MFC constructed with bio-cathode in this experiment could provide a new approach for brewery waste water treatment.

一个顺序阳极 - 阴极双室微生物燃料电池(MFC),其中阳极室的流出物被用作连续进料为一个充气阴极室,在此实验中,构建调查啤酒厂废水处理的共轭的性能与发电。碳纤维被用作阳极和滑动碳毡生物膜作为阴极。当水力停留时间(HRT)为14.7小时,-95.7%的下长期稳定运行达到91.7%比较高的化学需氧量(COD)的去除效率。MFC的显示的0.434 V时开路电压,在300Omega;的外部电阻830毫瓦/米3的最大功率密度。为了估计在MFC的电化学性能,电化学测量进行了并且表明,阳极的极化电阻是在MFC的主要限制因素。因为高COD去除率达到了,我们得出结论,在该实验中使用的生物阴极构成的连续的阳极 - 阴极MFC可为啤酒厂废水处理的一种新方法。

1 Introduction

The brewery industry discharges large volumes of highly polluting effluents throughout the year (Braeken et al., 2004; Parawira et al., 2005). Traditional treatments, such as aerobic sequencing batch reactor and up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor,require a high energy input and are thus costly. New approaches for waste water treatment which not only reduce cost but also produce useful side-products have recently received increasing attention. The microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology offers a valuable alternative to energy generation as well as waste water treatment. MFC is a device to treat waste water and produce electricity at the same time (Bennetto, 1984; Habermann Pommer, 1991). A variety of readily degradable compounds such as glucose and acetate, and various types of waste water such as domestic, starching and paper recycling plant waste water, have operated successfully as substrate in MFC (Melhuish et al., 2006; Freguia et al., 2007; Kargi and Eker,2007; Liu and Li, 2007; Min and Angelidaki, 2008; Venkata-Mohan et al., 2008). Most could achieve a considerable chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency accompanied with electricity generation.Among these studies, landfill leachate was treated using MFC at a hydraulic retention time (HRT)of 18.7 h, and biological oxygen demand (BOD) decreased from 630 to 269 mg/L with a low power density of 1.35 mW/m2 (Greenman et al., 2009). A comparable result of 80% in COD removal efficiency was obtained by Liu et al. (2004) using domestic waste water, accompanied with a maximum electrical power of 26 mW/m2. Currently, abiotic cathodes are the most commonly used cathodes in MFCs, which complete the circuit as electron acceptors, but do not perform direct waste water treatment. Since concentrations of organic matters after anaerobic treatment in anode chamber are relatively high, deep aerobic treatment is expected to degrade waste water further to achieve the waste water discharge standard. It is noticeable that MFC is a combined system with anaerobic and aerobic characteristics. It can be regarded not only as an anaerobic treatment process in anode chamber, but also a complete unit with an aerobic treatment process in the cathode chamber. Consequently, a combination of anaerobic-aerobic process can be constructed using a double-chambered MFC, in which effluent of anode chamber could be used directly as the in fluent of the cathode chamber so as to be treated further under aerobic condition to improve waste water treatment efficiency. Freguia et al. (2008) have constructed a sequential anode-cathode MFC to treat artificial waste water, and reported that this configuration could improve cathodic oxygen reduction and effluent quality of MFCs. In this experiment, brewery waste water treatment using sequential anode-cathode MFC, in which the effluent of anode chamber was used as a continuous feed for an aerated cathode chamber, was studied. Degradation of organic matter of the MFC was investigated under long-term stable operation. Peak performance of the MFC was monitored by polarization curves. Electrochemical measurements, including Tafel plots and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), were carried out to analyze the characteristics on polarization behavior of the electrodes and discharge resistances of the MFC.

啤酒业全年(Braeken等,2004; Parawira等,2005)排放大量高污染的废水。传统治理方法是,如好氧序批式反应器中,升流式厌氧污泥床反应器中,需要高能量输入,因此是昂贵的。用于废水处理的新方法,不仅降低成本,而且还产生有用的副产物,最近日益受到重视。微生物燃料电池(MFC)技术提供了一种有价值的替代能源发电以及废水处理。MFC是一个处理废水的同时产生电能的设备(bennetto,1984;赫伯曼Pommer,1991)。各种容易降解的化合物,如葡萄糖和乙酸,和各种类型的废水如国内,上浆和废纸回收厂废水为底物,有MFC成功运行(Melhuish et al.,2006;freguia et al.,2007;卡尔吉和进补,2007;刘、李、2007;民和angelidaki,2008;Venkata莫汉等人,2008)。最能达到一个可观的化学需氧量(COD)的去除率随着发电。在这些研究中,垃圾填埋场渗滤液在水力停留时间(HRT)使用MFC处理18.7 h,生物需氧量(BOD)从630下降到269毫克/升低1.35 mW/m2功率密度(Greenman et al.,2009)。80%的化学需氧量去除效率的比较结果是刘等人获得的。(2004)使用生活污水,并伴随着26兆瓦/平方米的最大电功率。目前,生物阴极微生物燃料电池中最常用的阴极,从而完成电路作为电子受体,但不直接进行废水处理。由于阳极室厌氧处理后的有机物浓度比较高,有望进一步降解废水,达到废水排放标准。值得注意的是,MFC是一个采用厌氧-好氧组合系统的特点。可以认为不仅在阳极室中的厌氧处理过程中,也用好氧处理过程一个完整的单元在阴极室。因此,厌氧 - 好氧处理的组合,可以使用双腔MFC构成,在阳极的其中流出物腔室可以直接在流利阴极室的需氧条件下被用作以便被进一步处理,以改善废水处理效率。Freguia等人(2008)建立了一个连续的阳极阴极MFC处理人工废水,并报告说,这种配置可以提高微生物燃料电池的阴极氧还原和出水水质。在这个实验中,啤酒废水处理使用连续的阳极阴极MFC的阳极室出水作为连续曝气阴极室料,研究了。对MFC的有机物降解为长期稳定运行的条件下。MFC的峰值性能是由极化曲线监测。电化学测量,包括塔菲尔曲线和电化学阻抗谱(EIS),进行了对电极和MFC的放电电阻极化行为的特点分析。

2 Materials and methods 材料与方法

2.1 Microbial fuel cell construction 微生物燃料电池结构<!--



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