原文作者:Heather Macpherson Parrott,Lynn E. Cohen
单位:Long Island University – Post, Brookville, NY, USA
摘要:混合年龄组已被证明在课堂上是有效的,但只有少数研究探索了混合年龄组在起作用。这项研究是纽约一所公立小学的案例研究,该小学非常重视课间休息和混合年龄组。学校每周一天在幼儿园到五年级的学生开学前实施'让成长'游戏俱乐部。我们使用儿童访谈,教师访谈和家长调查来检查Play Club和学校提供的混合年龄,户外游戏的看法。在不同类型的数据中,利益相关者表示支持混合年龄组中的跨年龄互动。这部戏剧被认为对帮助建立友谊和发展社交技能很有价值,因为年龄较大的孩子成为年幼孩子的榜样。正如Vygotsky(1978)的理论所表明的那样,孩子们正在通过非结构化的游戏相互学习并增强他们的发展。
孩子们需要培养一套多样化的技能,正如罗宾逊所指出的那样(2015),标准化程度的提高与儿童通过游戏学习的方式背道而驰。据估计,进入小学的儿童中有65%最终将从事尚不存在的工作,他们将需要关键的批判性思维技能,以便为未来的就业市场做好更好的准备(Krueger,2017).批判性思维是6个C之一 -——协作,沟通,批判性思维,创造力,内容知识和信心 -,越来越被视为儿童未来成功的关键(Trilling amp; Fadel,2011)。这些技能中有许多没有在课堂上明确教授,但可以在孩子们参与非结构化游戏时学习(Hirsh-Pasek,Golinkoff,Berk,amp; Singer,2009),特别是对于不同年龄的孩子。维果茨基 (1978)强调了社会环境和与他人,特别是那些更熟练的人的社会互动对儿童认知发展的重要性。对他来说,玩耍是一种关键的学习体验,它塑造了心理过程,并为孩子们在未来几年最成功的功能奠定了基础(Bodrova amp; Leong,2007).
混合年龄分组,也称为多年龄分组,异质分组,垂直分组,家庭分组和未评分班级,是将年龄至少相差一岁的儿童放入同一组或班级的做法(Katz,Evangelou,amp;Hartman,1990;Pool, Bijleveld, amp; Tavecchio,2000)。与工厂模式不同,这种分组假设儿童在发展和需求方面有所不同,其方式无法按年龄完全预测,并且儿童可以向年龄较大和较小的人学习。混合年龄的教室已被证明是有效的,因为年龄较大的儿童有机会成为领导者和教师(蒙特梭利,1979),年幼的孩子可以从年龄较大的孩子的建模中受益(Kappler amp; Roellke,2002),教师能够为学生范围提供差异化的,适合发展的课程(Kappleramp;Roellke,2002;劳 埃 德1999).然而,只有少数研究(格雷,2013,2017;石头2017;Stone amp; Burriss,2019)特别探讨了混合年龄组在游戏中的好处,主要是因为在教室和操场上继续实行年龄隔离(Gray,2013).更少的研究已经检查了多年龄户外游戏(Beresin,2010;布朗和泰勒,2008;灰色2013;格雷和费尔德曼,2004;福尔摩斯2012;振奋2015),这是第一项专门研究Let Grow Play Club的研究。
本研究是一个单一的案例研究(阴,2018)的一所美国公立小学非常重视课间休息和混合年龄组。单个案例研究调查依赖于多个证据来源来揭示现实世界中的现象。该学区每周一天在开学前为幼儿园至5年级的学生实施Let Grow Play Club(https://letgrow.org)。Let Grow Play Club是一个非营利组织,由Lenore Skenazy共同创立(2010),《自由放养儿童:如何培养安全、自力更生的孩子》一书的作者,旨在帮助家庭和社区将非结构化的游戏带回学校和社区。具体来说,Let Grow Play Club是一个课前或课后计划,学生可以在户外的混合年龄组中进行自由游戏。有游戏工具(跳绳,球,纸板箱),成年人在那里监督活动,但压力在于孩子们在没有成人干预的情况下开发游戏和谈判同伴互动。
维果茨基 (1978)的理论基于儿童相互学习的想法,这些儿童在年龄,能力,性别和特殊需求方面有所不同。维果茨基通过文化历史视角看待游戏的观点意味着,游戏通常是通过与同龄人的社交互动而出现的。在混合年龄的非结构化游戏分组中,年龄较大的儿童通常在幼儿的近端发育区(ZPD)内操作。脚手架发生在混合年龄的游戏中,作为一种支持年幼儿童的方式,使游戏变得愉快,年龄较大的儿童通常不会提供比年幼的孩子想要或需要的更多的帮助(Gray,2013).游戏可以导致年幼和年龄较大的儿童在游戏的社会环境中相互交流时取得发展成就。
Advantages of mixed-age free play in elementary school: perceptions of students, teachers, and parents
Heather Macpherson Parrott amp;Lynn E. Cohen
Mixed-age groups have been shown to be effective in classroom settings, but only a handful of studies have explored mixed-age grouping in play. This research is a case study of one New York public elementary school that places great value on recess and mixed-age groupings. The school has implemented Let Grow Play Club before school one day per week for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. We use child interviews, teacher interviews, and parent surveys to examine the perceptions of mixed-age, outdoor play provided in Play Club and the school more generally. Across the different types of data, stakeholders expressed their support for cross-age interactions in mixed-age groupings. This play was perceived as valuable for helping build friendships and developing social skills, as older children become role models to younger ones. As suggested by Vygotskyrsquo;s (1978) theories, children are learning from one another and enhancing their development through unstructured play.
KEYWORDS: play;mixed-age;school;recess;VygotskyLet Grow Play Club
Most of us, and even most of our parents and grandparents, grew up in an age-segregated school system, which makes contemporary school systems seem natural and universal. Children are organized by ages into grades and proceed through a school system of sequential grade levels and curricula. According to Stone and Burriss (2019), age-segregation schooling is founded on a factory model and is a product of the Industrial Revolution that has permeated the world for 200 years. Learning is seen as a sequence of discrete skills that became more complex from year to year, and children of the same age are assumed to be the same in terms of development and needs. Children, at least children in US public schools, typically go outside for recess breaks to play with same-age peers in the same class and often do not have opportunities at school to play with children from other grades.
Children need to cultivate a diverse set of skills and, as pointed out by Robinson (2015), increased standardization runs counter to the way children learn – through play. An estimated 65 percent of children entering grade school will end up working in jobs that do not exist yet and they will need crucial critical thinking skills to be better prepared for the future job market (Krueger, 2017). Critical thinking is one of the 6 Crsquo;s – collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, content knowledge, and confidence – that are increasingly seen as essential to childrenrsquo;s future success (Trilling amp; Fadel, 2011). Many of these skills are not explicitly taught in the classroom, but can be learned as children engage in unstructured play (Hirsh-Pasek, Golinkoff, Berk, amp; Singer, 2009), especially with children of different ages. Vygotsky (1978) stressed the importance of the social environment and social interaction with others, particularly those who are more skilled, for childrenrsquo;s cognitive development. To him, play is a critical learning experience that shapes the mental processes and lays the foundations for childrenrsquo;s most successful functioning in years to come (Bodrova amp; Leong, 2007).
Mixed-age grouping, also known as multiage grouping, heterogeneous grouping, vertical grouping, family grouping, and ungraded classes, is the practice of placing children who are at least a year apart in age into the same group or class (Katz, Evangelou, amp; Hartman, 1990; Pool, Bijleveld, amp; Tavecchio, 2000). Unlike the factory model, such grouping assumes that children vary in development and needs in ways not fully predictable by age and that children can learn from those who are older and younger. Mixed-aged classrooms have been shown to be effective, as older children have opportunities to be leaders and teachers (Montessori, 1979), younger children can benefit from the modeling of older children (Kappler amp; Roellke, 2002), and teachers are able to provide differentiated, developmentally-appropriate curriculum to the range of students (Kappler amp; Roellke, 2002; Lloyd, 1999). Yet only a handful of studies (Gray, 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料