
 2023-01-05 06:01


摘要: 近十多年来,美国国家科学基金会的学生和教师创新技术实验(ITEST)计划资助研究人员和教育工作者建立对最佳实践、背景和过程的理解,以促进K-12学生的学习动机和参与STEM职业发展途径的科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)活动。这些项目的成果为支持和鼓励青年追求STEM职业的战略、成功、模式和干预的国家知识体系做出了重大贡献。虽然本期特刊中讨论的各个项目因地理位置、机构、服务人群、主要焦点和主题而异,但它们由ITEST的计划意图和目标统一起来。这个问题提供了基于研究的见解,这些见解是由十年来ITEST资助的STEM职业发展工作所产生的。这些文章描述了项目设计、评估和实证研究的多种方法。它们共同促进了STEM教育和劳动力创新框架的发展,这些框架对于教育工作者、项目设计者、研究人员和决策者来说息息相关。 ITEST计划在STEM教育和劳动力发展方面实现了创造力、实验和文化响应能力,并扩大了STEM计划对美洲原住民社区、资源贫乏的城市社区、女孩和STEM领域代表人口的参与。通过灵活的研究和评估,作者提供了经验证据,证明了STEM教育的创新方法的价值,促进STEM兴趣和与职业相关的结果,并建立科学和工程人员未来的基础技能。

Abstract:For over a decade, the National Science Foundationrsquo;s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded researchers and educators to build an understanding of best practices, contexts, and processes contributing to K-12 studentsrsquo; motivation and participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities that lead to STEM career pathways. The outcomes from these projects have contributed significantly to the national body of knowledge about strategies, successes, models, and interventions that support and encourage youth to pursue STEM careers. While the individual projects discussed in this special issue vary by geographic location, institution, populations served, primary focus, and topic, they are unified by ITESTrsquo;s programmatic intent and goals. This issue offers research-based insights into the knowledge generated by a decade of ITEST-funded work in STEM career development. The articles describe a multitude of approaches to project design, evaluation, and empirical research. Collectively, they contribute to the development of frameworks for STEM education and workforce development that are increasingly relevant for educators, project designers, researchers, and policy makers. The ITEST program has enabled creativity, experimentation, and cultural responsiveness in STEM education and workforce development and broadened participation in STEM initiatives to Native American communities, underresourced urban communities, girls, and populations underrepresented in STEM fields. By approaching research and evaluation with flexibility and resourcefulness, the authors provide empirical evidence for the value of innovative approaches to STEM education that promote STEM interest and career-related outcomes and that build the foundational skills of the scientific and engineering workforce of the future.

关键词: STEM职业发展*科学教育*劳动力创新* STEM教育* STEM参与度*ITEST

Keywords:STEM career development * Science education * Workforce innovation * STEM education * STEM engagement * ITEST


国家科学基金会(NSF)的使命是“促进科学进步;促进国民健康,繁荣和福利;确保国防;和其他目的”(NSF 2014 p.1)。在面对科学技术驱动下维持我们国家在全球经济中的领导地位的挑战时,2014年,NSF制定了一项新的战略计划来支持这一使命。该计划中概述的目标包括通过整合“教育和研究以支持发展具有尖端能力的多元化STEM工作人员”来改变科学和工程的前沿,并通过建立“研究和教育”来刺激创新和满足社会需求。使用一套正式的、非正式的、可广泛使用的STEM教育机制,应对社会挑战的能力(NSF 2014 p.2)。为此,NSF支持以科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)教育和学习为重点的基础研究和教育计划,以培养能够维持我们国家竞争优势和STEM文化的多元化和具有全球化STEM劳动力的公民。美国国家科学基金会已经确定了实现这些目标的核心战略,其中包括:“整合研究和教育,使STEM毕业生持续流动,保持最新的想法,掌握技术知识和能够联系网络”和“确保STEM多样性处于最前沿”。为此,NSF的所有内部和外部活动,都以发展国家的智力和潜力为目标(NSF 2014,第13页)。

最近,在寻求STEM劳动力教育议程时,NSF已经提出了十个“重要思想”,专注于该机构的前沿研究,其中三个与STEM教育直接相关:(1)在人类技术前沿工作时优先考虑教育和终身学习;探索技术如何改变我们在工作场所生产的产品;提供服务和协作的方式;(2)多元化地促进科学和工程学,旨在使STEM途径更具包容性并反映美国社会文化的多样性;(3)利用21世纪科学与工程数据,促进创新学习机会和教育途径,建立在基于教育研究的基础上,理解21世纪具备数据能力的劳动力所需的知识和技能(Mervis 2016; NSF 2016)。

十多年来,NSF的学生和教师创新技术经验(ITEST)计划资助了研究人员和教育工作者,以建立对K-12学生的动机和参与的最佳实践、背景和过程的理解。 STEM核心领域以及其他STEM同源领域(例如,信息和通信技术、计算、计算机科学、数据分析等)指向STEM职业的途径的研究促成了有关支持和鼓励青年追求STEM职业的战略、模式和干预的广泛建设。


NSF的ITEST计划支持研究和开发创新模型,让K-12学生参与真实体验,从而建立他们未来参与STEM和信息通信技术(ICT)工作的能力。 ITEST计划有三个总体目标,每个项目都以不同的方式解决问题:


· 鼓励学生通过必要的教育培养丰富的技术经验,以参与STEM和ICT职业;

·为学生提供丰富的技术经验,培养他们进入STEM劳动力所需的相关内容和技能(包括批判性思维技能)的知识(NSF 2015)。


· 通过有效的外展和接触战略,帮助扩大信息技术和信息技术培训项目的参与,这些战略针对目前在信息技术和信息技术培训项目中任职人数偏低的机构;

· 提供技术支持,以提高信息和通信技术评价系统和评价人员在全国同步和传播其研究结果的能力;

· 将研究与实践循环地联系起来。

ITEST特别关注通过直接与青年或STEM教师合作的项目,在STEM劳动力代表群体中建立STEM兴趣、动机和持久性。 以青年为基础的项目在博物馆、社区组织和校外环境中开展;而以教师为中心的项目直接在正规学校环境中开展,并与实施创新性STEM学习的教师合作。项目注入了先进的STEM内容,使青年和教师能够参与以下任务关键领域的各种STEM体验:









bull; 预计的工作机会:STEM工作的增加远远超过了填补这些职位空缺的现有工人,导致许多高科技行业缺乏受过STEM教育的工人,这些行业正日益成为21世纪劳动力的定义(Cover et al. 2011)。

bull; 国家意义:为了在全球市场竞争,美国必须能够生产和保留足够的合格STEM工人来填补这些职位(Maltese amp; Tai 2011;2015年国家科学委员会;施密特等,2012)。

bull; 战略意义和本土STEM劳动力的需求:国家科学研究实验室中的许多STEM职位只能由美国公民填补(Xue amp; Larson 2015)。

bull; 公平和多样化劳动力的增值:除了STEM短缺之外,还有一个更大的赤字,即有色人种和来自贫困和工人阶级背景的人进入STEM教育专业和职业(美国人口普查局2013;美国国会联合经济委员会2012)。同质的劳动力缺乏产生下一波技术创新所需的经验和思想的多样性,而技术创新将服务于日益多元化的人口(克鲁格曼2012)。

除了促进STEM职业发展的国家层面的意义之外,学习STEM内容和技能对单个学生也有显著的好处。在STEM方面掌握相关技能的学生在工作场所中占有优势,拥有更多的职业机会(Russell amp; Atwater 20



Innovations and Challenges in Project-Based STEM Education: Lessons from ITEST

Abstract: For over a decade, the National Science Foundationrsquo;s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded researchers and educators to build an understanding of best practices, contexts, and processes contributing to K-12 studentsrsquo; motivation and participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities that lead to STEM career pathways. The outcomes from these projects have contributed significantly to the national body of knowledge about strategies, successes, models, and interventions that support and encourage youth to pursue STEM careers. While the individual projects discussed in this special issue vary by geographic location, institution, populations served, primary focus, and topic, they are unified by ITESTrsquo;s programmatic intent and goals. This issue offers research-based insights into the knowledge generated by a decade of ITEST-funded work in STEM career development. The articles describe a multitude of approaches to project design, evaluation, and empirical research. Collectively, they contribute to the development of frameworks for STEM education and workforce development that are increasingly relevant for educators, project designers, researchers, and policy makers. The ITEST program has enabled creativity, experimentation, and cultural responsiveness in STEM education and workforce development and broadened participation in STEM initiatives to Native American communities, underresourced urban communities, girls, and populations underrepresented in STEM fields. By approaching research and evaluation with flexibility and resourcefulness, the authors provide empirical evidence for the value of innovative approaches to STEM education that promote STEM interest and career-related outcomes and that build the foundational skills of the scientific and engineering workforce of the future.

Keywords STEM career development * Science education * Workforce innovation * STEM education * STEM engagement * ITEST


The mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for other purposes” (NSF 2014 p. 1). Facing the challenge of maintaining our nationrsquo;s leadership in a global economy driven by discoveries in science and technology, in 2014, NSF developed a new strategic plan to support this mission. Goals outlined in that plan include transforming the frontiers of science and engineering by integrating “education and research to support development of a diverse STEM workforce with cutting-edge capabilities” and stimulating innovation and addressing societal needs through research and education by building “the capacity of the Nation to address societal challenges using a suite of formal, informal, and broadly available STEM educational mechanisms” (NSF 2014 p. 2). To do that, NSF supports fundamental research and education programs focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and learning to prepare both a diverse, globally competent STEM workforce capable of sustaining our nationrsquo;s competitive advantage and a STEM literate citizenry. NSF has defined core strategies to meet these goals that include the following: “integrate research and education to equip the continuous flow of STEM graduates with the latest ideas, technological know-how, and networks of contacts” and “ensure diversity is at the forefront of all of NSFrsquo;s internal and external activities to develop the Nationrsquo;s intellectual potential” (NSF 2014, p. 13).

More recently, in pursuing the STEM workforce education agenda, NSF has called out ten “big ideas” on which to focus the agencyrsquo;s cutting edge research, of which three are directly relevant to STEM education: (1) Work at the Human-Technology Frontier prioritizes education and lifelong learning to explore the ways that technologies are changing how we produce products, provide service, and collaborate in the workplace; (2) NSF INCLUDES: Enhancing Science and Engineering Through Diversity aims to make STEM pathways more inclusive and reflective of the diversity of US society; and (3) Harnessing Data for 21st Century Science and Engineering promotes innovative learning opportunities and educational pathways, grounded in an education research-based understanding of the knowledge and skills needed by a twenty-first-century data-capable workforce (Mervis 2016; NSF 2016).

For over a decade, NSFrsquo;s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded researchers and educators to build an understanding of best practices, contexts, and processes contributing to K-12 studentsrsquo; motivation and participation in the STEM core domains along with other STEM cognate domains (e.g., information and communication technology, computing, computer science, data analytics, among others) that point to pathways toward STEM careers. These projects have resulted in broad knowledge-building regarding strategies, successes, models, and interventions that support and encourage youth to pursue STEM careers.

The ITEST Program

NSFrsquo;s ITEST program supports the research and development of innovative models for engaging K-12 students in authentic experiences that build their capacity to participate in the STEM and information and communication technology (ICT) workforce of the future. The ITEST program has three overarching goals, which each individual project addresses in diverse ways:

· Increase student awareness of STEM and ICT careers

· Motivate students to pursue the education n



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