
 2023-01-08 04:01


Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

bFaculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau

cFaculty of Education, East China Normal University, China

dSchool of Humanities and Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China

摘要:本研究调查了四个关键因素之间的纵向联系:接受性词汇、社会情感行为、行为自我调节和学习方法,以及幼儿阅读和数学轨迹的个体差异。中国儿童(N = 588)测试三次5和6岁的中国的阅读和数学技能,和他们接受词汇,问题行为,行为自律,学习方法(能力动机,学习策略,和关注/持久性)评估在5岁。潜在的增长模型显示,接受词汇和行为自律发挥了独特的作用在预测中国的水平阅读(词汇:beta;= 0。15, p = .023;自律:beta;= 0。16日,p =措施)和数学技能(词汇:beta;= 0。25, p lt; .001;自律:beta;= 0。36, p lt; .001)。问题行为动机和能力与数学技能的水平有关(问题行为:beta;=minus;0。06, p =。046;能力动机:beta;= 0。16、p lt; .001)而不是那些阅读技巧。此外,能力动机预测中国的增长率阅读技巧(beta;= 0。18, p =。015)。研究结果通过解释早期学校准备技能对中国儿童阅读和数学技能习得的个体差异的独立贡献,扩展了现有的文献。

关键词:阅读; 数学;接受性词汇;问题行为自我调节


虽然幼儿在进入小学之前就获得了重要的阅读和数学技能,但这些技能的发展轨迹在总体技能水平和获得率方面有所不同(Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta, amp; Howes, 2002;Choi, Elicker, Christ, amp; Dobbs-Oates, 2016)。此外,早年学习阅读和数学技能的困难可能会对以后的学业成就甚至成年后的就业机会产生不利的长期影响(邓肯等人)。,2007;里奇贝茨出版社,2013)。因此,确定幼儿阅读和数学发展轨迹中个体差异的来源至关重要。


在文献中,这些要素被认为是阅读和数学习得的基础(Schaefer amp; McDermott, 1999)。然而,阅读和数学轨迹通常是分开研究的;他们很少在一项研究中对学龄前儿童进行评估,尤其是在非西方国家和非字母文字社会。研究与多种学术成果相关的早期常见预测因素将有助于我们理解跨领域学习困难的共同出现(Mazzocco amp; Grimm, 2013)。

本研究是在中华人民共和国进行的。摘要20世纪后期以来,我国进行了一场幼儿课程改革,以实现幼儿学科课程的转型。,语文和数学是作为两个独立的学科来教授的。不同的学科,包括语言、数学、艺术和其他领域,一起上课;胡,富恩特斯,马,叶,罗伯特,2017)。此外,我们鼓励教师尽量减少在整体教学环境下使用直接教学,而采用建构主义教学,以培养幼儿的创造力,并促进他们的主动性。然而,在现实中,中国教师在使用综合课程方法方面表现出了抵制(Hu等人)。,2017)。许多教师提供正规的阅读和数学教学,传统的以教师为主导的整群教学方法在幼儿课堂中经常被观察到(Hu等人)。,2017;Li, Wang, amp; Wong, 2011)。这一点在农村幼儿园尤为明显,因为大多数教师缺乏对各种主题单元格式课程的理解和实践资源(赵,2007)。此外,大多数中国父母在孩子很小的时候就非常重视孩子对汉字识别、算术计算等学术技能的掌握(Tobin, Hsueh, amp; Karasawa, 2009)。因此,许多年轻的中国孩子很早就在学习阅读和计算方面受到了训练。



根据最近对几个基于人群的纵向数据集的分析,与没有语言障碍的同龄人相比,在儿童早期被发现有语言障碍的儿童在几年后的阅读和数学成绩更差(Harrison, McLeod, Berthelsen, amp; Walker, 2009;Johnson, Beitchman, amp; Brownlie, 2010)。这一发现表明,语言在儿童的阅读和数学习得中起着重要的作用。

儿童可能表现出不同形式的语言障碍,而词汇缺陷是这种障碍的典型特征(哈里森等人)。,2009;Johnson et al。,2010)。词汇已被概念化为与阅读和数学习得相关的学校准备程度的一般指标(邓肯等人)。, 2007)和一个指标的一般知识或一般语言理解预测阅读理解,特别是(Whitehurst amp; Lonigan, 2001)。接受性词汇是词汇的一个重要方面,是指一个人能理解的所有词汇。许多研究者研究了接受性词汇与学术技能发展之间的关系,并特别关注阅读。接受性词汇对后续阅读技能的长期影响已经在许多语言中得到证实(参见Whitehurst amp; Lonigan, 2001),包括汉语(如汉语)。,潘等人。,2011)。研究人员引入了语音敏感性假说来进一步解释词汇和阅读技能之间的关系(Whitehurst amp; Lonigan, 2001)。基于这一假设,接受性词汇为语音敏感性的发展提供了基础,促进了儿童阅读技能的习得。与假设一致,Storch和Whitehurst(2002)基于对美国学龄前至四年级儿童的纵向研究,发现接受性词汇通过语音意识对阅读发展有显著的间接影响。在汉语阅读领域,语音意识也被证明是阅读习得的一个重要预测因子。, McBride-Chang和Kail, 2002)。

接受性词汇在数学习得中的作用研究远远少于阅读习得,但词汇对数学学习至关重要。经验证据表明,幼儿的接受性词汇不仅可以预测并发性,还可以预测各种数学技能的未来发展(LeFevre等)。,2010;Negen amp; Sarnecka, 2012;关于中国儿童的研究,见Zhang, 2016;张,胡,任,范,2017)。Negen和Sarnecka(2012)认为强大的通用词汇(例如,帮助幼儿挑选数字词的指称物(如名词)。当孩子们听到“两只猫”时,如果他们已经理解了“猫”这个词,他们就能更好地理解“两只猫”的意思。此外,儿童早期的数学学习通常发生在社会环境中,往往涉及到儿童和陪同的成年人之间的语言交流(Klibanoff, Levine, Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, amp; Hedges, 2006;Susperreguy amp; Davis-Kean, 2016)。接受性词汇是这些儿童-成人互动的关键。


儿童在与成年人和同龄人的社会互动环境中学习和构建知识(Bronfenbrenner, 1979;维果斯基,1978);因此,儿童的社会情感行为对他们学习技能的习得至关重要。社会情感行为是一个广泛的概念,它包含了各种各样的功能性行为,包括但不限于社会技能和问题行为,这些行为都是由个体与社会环境之间的相互作用产生的。在本研究中,我们关注问题行为,它代表了社会情绪行为的消极方面,包括攻击性、犯罪和社会退缩等行为。


支持关系(Ladd, Birch, amp; Buhs, 1999;Zhang amp; Sun, 2011)。有严重问题行为的儿童有可能面临社会排斥或被老师和同龄人排斥(Arnold, Homrok, Ortiz, amp; Stowe, 1999;(Pianta, Steinberg, amp; Rollins, 1995),这限制了他们在课堂上体验互动学习的机会。问题行为也会减少孩子的注意力,从而减少他们学习的时间和精力(Chen, Rubin, amp; Li, 1997)。问题行为已被发现危害儿童的学习学术技能跨越广泛的年龄范围,这可能部分地解释为有限的学习时间和机会造成的问题行为。例如,Bulotsky-Shearer、Fernandez、Dominguez和Rouse(2011)在一个4岁儿童样本中发现,结构化学习活动中问题行为的数量与早期阅读和数学能力同时相关。类似地,Chen等人。(1997)研究了10 - 12岁的中国儿童样本,发现攻击性和破坏性行为会对两年后的语文和数学成绩产生负面影响。尽管如此,问题行为和学术技能之间的联系可能并不紧密。邓肯et al。(2007)分析了6个大型数据集,发现在控制了之前的学业成绩和注意力问题之后,只有两个数据集中的儿童在进入幼儿园时的问题行为与后来的阅读和/或数学成绩之间的相关性很弱。


行为自律是广义自律概念的一个方面。自我调节指的是“控制、指导和计划情绪、认知和行为的技能”(Ponitz等人)。,2008年,p .141)。麦克勒兰德等。(2007)将行为自我调节定义为行为表现(如不同的认知调节过程的整合称为工作记忆、抑制控制和认知灵活性。行为自我调节使儿童能够抑制自动冲动,记住并遵循指示,监控自己的进展,并转向更合适的任务策略。因此,行为自我调节是获得阅读和数学技能以及在许多领域学习的基础。

经验证据表明,行为自我调节与学龄前儿童和幼儿园儿童的同时阅读和未来阅读以及数学技能相关(McClelland等人)。(Becker, Miao, Duncan, amp; McClelland, 2014),甚至将认知调节过程考虑在内(Becker, Miao, Duncan, amp; McClelland, 2014);Clark, Pritchard, amp; Woodward, 2010)。新出现的证据也表明行为自我调节对中国学龄前儿童和小学学龄儿童的阅读和数学技能的重要性(Chung, 2015;Chung, Liu, McBride, Wong, amp; Lo, 2017;万利斯et al。,2011;张,2016;Zhang et al。,2017)。然而,自我调节和学术技能之间的关系模式似乎存在跨文化差异。使用横断面样本的中国和美国学龄前儿童三到六岁的局域网,Legare,伯尼兹,李和莫里森(2011)显示,两个认知过程的自我调节,工作记忆和抑制性控制、预测阅读和数学技能的各个方面在中国孩子只是预测在美国儿童的数学技能。局域网等。认为美国儿童缺乏自我调节和阅读之间的关系。Skibbe et al。研究表明,阅读对年轻的英语读者的认知要求可能比他们的中国同龄人要低。阅读汉字需要复杂的处理,因为汉字是由笔画组成的,而且许多汉字看起来很相似,只有笔画格式略有不同(例如,“亮”/“明亮”vs。“高”/“高”)。阅读中文需要区分视觉上相似的汉字,不仅要识别每个笔画,还要识别笔画之间的空间关系。因此,我们有充分的理由假设语文阅读和数学学习需要自我调节技能。


学习方法涉及儿童处理学习情境的不同方式,包括能力动机、好奇心、主动性、持久性和对学习的积极倾向(Kagan, Moore, amp; Bredekamp, 1995)。学习方法也被称为“学习行为”(McDermott, Rikoon, amp; Fantuzzo, 2014)。学习态度积极的儿童更有可能表现出对学习的渴望和兴趣,积极参与各种学习活动,在面对困难和挑战时保持专注和毅力。因此,大多数研究人员一致认为,学习方法对儿童的学业成功至关重要(Kagan等人)。,1995;麦克德莫特等。,2014)。

学习方法与阅读和数学的学术成果相关(McClelland, Morrison, amp; Holmes, 2000;2004年,McWayne, Fantuzzo, amp; McDermott;Schaefer amp; McDermott, 1999)。例如,McDermott等人。(2014)通过对学前至二年级学前儿童的抽样调查发现,学前阶段的学习方法可以预测二年级的阅读和数学能力。最近一项对中国学龄前儿童的研究表明,学习方法与教师报告的学术能力同时相关(Wu等人)。在出版社)。然而,一些研究结果表明,学习方法与学术成果之间的关系,数学可能比阅读更强。McDermott, Mordell, amp; Stoltzfus, 2001;主席,2009)。数学概念相对抽象和复杂,学习数学与学习阅读相比,可能对认知要求更高,更依赖于儿童的动机和毅力(Clements, Sarama, amp; Germeroth, 2016)。然而,这一推测需要使用更多样化的样本进行测试,特别是包括使用汉语等非字母脚本的儿童,因为阅读汉语比阅读英语需要更复杂的处理过程。



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Sources of individual differences in young Chinese childrens reading and mathematics skill: A longitudinal study

Xiao Zhanga, ⁎, Bi Ying Hub, Lixin Renc, Xitao Fand


Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

bFaculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau

cFaculty of Education, East China Normal University, China

dSchool of Humanities and Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China


Action Editor: Craig Albers Keywords:



Receptive vocabulary Problem behavior Self-regulation

Approaches to learning Chinese children


This study investigated the longitudinal associations between four key elements of school readiness—receptive vocabulary, socioemotional behavior, behavioral self-regulation, and approaches to learning—and individual differences in young childrens reading and mathematics trajectories. Chinese children (N = 588) were tested three times between the ages of five and six on their Chinese reading and mathematics skills, and their receptive vocabulary, problem behavior, behavioral self-regulation, and approaches to learning (competence motivation, learning strategy, and attention/persistence) were assessed at five years of age. Latent growth modeling revealed that receptive vocabulary and behavioral self-regulation played unique roles in predicting the levels of Chinese reading (vocabulary: beta; = 0.15, p = .023; self-regulation: beta; = 0.16, p = .001) and mathematics skills (vocabulary: beta; = 0.25, p lt; .001; self-regulation: beta; = 0.36, p lt; .001). Problem behavior and competence motivation were associated with the levels of mathematics skills (problem behavior: beta; = minus;0.06, p = .046; competence motivation: beta; = 0.16, p lt; .001) but not those of reading skills. Moreover, competence motivation predicted the growth rate of Chinese reading skills (beta; = 0.18, p = .015). The findings extend the current literature by explicating the independent contributions made by early school readiness skills to individual differences in young Chinese childrens acquisition of reading and mathematics skills.

1. Introduction

Although young children acquire significant reading and mathematics skills before entry into primary school, the trajectories along which these skills develop differ in terms of their overall skill levels and rates of acquisition (Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta, amp; Howes, 2002; Choi, Elicker, Christ, amp; Dobbs-Oates, 2016). Moreover, difficulties in acquiring reading and mathematics skills in the early years can have detrimental long-term consequences for later school achievement and even career opportunities in adulthood (Duncan et al., 2007; Ritchie amp; Bates, 2013). It is therefore vital to identify the sources of individual differences in young childrens reading and mathematics trajectories.

In the present study, we examine young Chinese childrens growth trajectories of reading and mathematics skills during their preschool years. We further explore how these growth trajectories are related to child characteristics that encompass four key elements of school readiness: receptive vocabulary, socioemotional behavior, behavioral self-regulation, and approaches to learning.

Corresponding author at: Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. E-mail address: (X. Zhang).

Received 11 February 2017; Received in revised form 7 August 2018; Accepted 30 October 2018 0022-4405/ copy; 2018 Society for the Study of School Psychology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Zhang, X., Journal of School Psychology,

Journal of School Psychology xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

X. Zhang et al.

In the literature, these elements are regarded as foundational for both reading and mathematical acquisition (Schaefer amp; McDermott, 1999). However, reading and mathematics trajectories have usually been studied separately; they have rarely been assessed in preschool-aged children within one study, especially in non-Western and non-alphabetic script societies. Examining early common predictors associated with multiple academic outcomes will facilitate our understanding of the co-occurrence of learning difficulties across domains (Mazzocco amp; Grimm, 2013).

The present study was carried out in the Peoples Republic of China. Since the late 20th century, an early childhood curriculum reform has taken place in China to transform its subject-based curriculum (e.g., Chinese language and mathematics are taught as two stand-alone subjects) into child-centered, integrated curriculum (i.e., various subjects, including language, mathematics, arts, and other domains, are taught together; Hu, Fuentes, Ma, Ye, amp; Robert, 2017). Moreover, teachers are encouraged to minimize the use of direct teaching in whole-group settings, and, instead, to adopt constructivist instruction to cultivate young childrens creativity and promote their initiatives. In reality, however, Chinese teachers show resistance in using the integrated curriculum approach (Hu et al., 2017). Many teachers provide formal reading and mathematics instruction, and the traditional method of teacher-led whole- group instruction is frequently observed in preschool classrooms (Hu et al., 2017; Li, Wang, amp; Wong, 2011). This is particularly true in rural preschools where most teachers lack understanding of and practical resources for teaching various subjects in a thematic unit for



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