
 2022-12-22 06:12

Self-Sacrifice, Inspiration, and Evocation in Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment

Carl Ross Beideman


We last left Raskolnikov, following an appellation from nature, appealing to God for resolution of alienation. Obviously, the act of murder is an attempt (however inadvertently) to “improve Gods arrangement.” As such, through murder Raskolnikov is not simply testing a new theory of utilitarianism, but probing the abyss for the absent creator. In murder, Raskolnikov is asking, even taunting the creator for a rebuke. If God exists, then murder is perhaps Raskolnikovs way of calling out from an alienated existence. The murder could then be understood as an act of frustration as well as an act of logical reasoning—the lesser of two evils. From this perspective, we may begin to understand Raskolnikovs murdering as sacrifice. Superficially, he sacrifices one soul (the pawnbroker) for the benefit of humanity. As she had intended to donate her hoarded money to a church as a form of indulgence, Raskolnikov murders from the side of realism in which he feels that humanity could use the money more than a greedy church.

However, since that money becomes, in a sense, a connection to God as an indulgence, we may interpret the murder as partly cued by hard feelings toward the creator (since through murder and stealing Raskolnikov withholds—the indulgence—from an absent and thus undeserving creator). He states in confession to Sonya, “I decided to dare and I killed...I just wanted to dare, Sonya, and that was the whole reason”. In daring Raskolnikov dares to challenge creation. As such, his dare was an effort to act subjectively, to confirm his separation. The pseudo-indulgence symbolizes that in murder Raskolnikov is stealing from God or Gods plan. As such, Raskolnikov also sacrifices his self in that he is willing to give up salvation for a chance to know God: to know his will on earth, even if it be through punishment. The murder is therefore not a simple rationalization of the greater good, but a desperate attempt to seek ontological understanding. This sacrifice is important if we are to understand how Raskolnikov moves toward infinity; by divining Dostoevskys recipe for responsible existence we more clearly understand how alienation functions for each novelist by comparison, and therefore learn whether or not some universal design for the human home may be extrapolated, or whether alienation (specifically half-brotherhood) functions differently across time, space and cultures/societies.

Concerning murder, Raskolnikov relies on both his rational mind, and his lsquo;nocturnal perambulations.rsquo; Porfiry states “...reality and nature, my lad, are very important things and my goodness, how they sometimes undermine even the best-laid plans” ! For all of Raskolnikovs calculations, the murder is a blunder, and Raskolnikov gets away only by chance when he hides in an empty apartment as men discover something awry in the apartment of the late pawnbroker. “Not for anything in the world would he have gone back to the trunk now, nor even the two rooms. But gradually a kind of absent-mindedness, or perhaps even pensiveness, began to come over him; for minutes at a time he would forget himself . Immediately following the murder Raskolnikov realized that his rational egoism, based in utilitarian motives, was nevertheless morally unjustifiable. Faced with the realization of the failure of his rational logic, he resigns himself to revelry and sickness, like Dulouz faced with the void.

There was something epiphanic following the murder in which Raskolnikov just knows that his act of murder was an affront to creation; he no longer believes in his theory of Napoleons. The following morning he admits, “Truly my reason must be going” . This realization of the error of his logic in providing a recipe for existence falls in line with Dulouzrsquo;s understanding of the teachings of Buddhism as leading away from the celebration of separation—humans are always already “desolation angels.” As such, there is a latent primordial function for each character that undermines the mastery of human logic. In such a state, Raskolnikov is now tortured not by the alienating perception of an absent creator,but suffers from the shame of the realization that his murder was in fact wrong. He states, “What, has it started already, is the punishment beginning” ? Levinas describes this knowledge of evil in relation to the manifestation of infinity stating, “This infinity, stronger than murder, already resists us in his face, is his face, is the primordial expression, is the first word: you shall not commit murder . Hence, the infinite as epiphany presents itself in the implanted internal realization that murder is unethical. In contrast to Dulouz who retreats into himself and society through Americana and adolescent sterility instead of subverting shame through the embrace of rational egoism and reversion, Raskolnikov outright rejects human systems that he perceives contradict nature. This transition fittingly occurs on yet another bridge:

On Nikolayevsky Bridge he was forced fully back to his senseshellip;.When attending the university he had usuallyhellip;happened to stop, perhaps a hundred times or so, at this very spot and gaze at this truly magnificent panorama, and to wonder almost every time about this one indistinct and unfathomable impression of his. The magnificent panorama always sent an inexplicable chill through him; this sumptuous picture held for him a mute and muffled spell. He had wondered every time at this gloomy, enigmatic impression of his and, distrusting himself, had postponed its resolution to the future. Now, suddenly, he was sharply reminded of those former questions and perplexities of his, and it seemed no accident that he recollected them nowhellip;there was a painful contradiction in his breast. Far, far away, somewhere belowhellip;he now had a vi







关于谋杀,拉斯柯尔尼科夫既依赖他理性的头脑,也依赖于“夜间巡视”。波尔菲里说“hellip;我的孩子,现实和自然是非常重要的,而我的善良有时甚至破坏最好的计划” ! 据拉斯柯尔尼科夫计算,这起谋杀是一个失误。他只是偶然逃走,因为当他躲在一间空荡荡公寓里的时候,人们在已故老太婆的公寓里发现了一些不对劲的东西。世界上的任何事情都不能让他现在回到后备箱,回到那两个房间。但是一种心不在焉的甚至沉思的情绪渐渐开始在他的脑海里浮现,让他出神了好几分钟。拉斯柯尔尼科夫在谋杀案之后立刻就意识到,他基于功利动机的合理利己主义在道义上并说不过去。面对他理论失败的现实,他向狂欢和恶心自首,就像杜鲁兹面临空虚一样。




请注意这一段顿悟历程,它上升到高潮,仿佛“他以前的种种问题”都被一次又一次地否定,就像一幕接一幕地摘下面纱。在那里,他发现“一切”和宇宙的本质,无所不包,没有极限。也就是说,一旦消除了因知识获取的狭隘、理性、分类、顺序而阶级化的倾向,世界只有到那时才会向拉斯柯尔尼科夫开放。因此,他以这种对现实的新认识为武器,通过摆脱那枚硬币(它本身就是人类阶级的象征)象征着放弃人性的总体倾向。陀思妥耶夫斯基通过硬币掉进了源源不断的河流,表明了主人公的愿望:让自然冲走人类阶级的残余。在跨过这一门槛之后,拉斯柯尔尼科夫从自我主义中脱离了出来。他确实在和警察玩猫捉老鼠,但这是出于本能并不是理性。在小说的其余部分发生的都是自我保护的本能欲望和顺从上帝之间动摇矛盾。本质上,拉斯柯尔尼科夫必须先了解罪恶,然后才能被唤醒去顿悟真理。因此,谋杀本身就是一个门槛,跨过这个门槛,拉斯柯尔尼科夫终于能够否定自己的理论。通过谋杀和随后的悔恨,拉斯柯尔尼科夫开始像其他人一样“了解自己”并不是“拿破仑”。因此,通过确认谋杀实际上是一种罪恶,是违反理性的。拉斯柯尔尼科夫不得不面对自己的罪恶,不再做功利主义的拥护者。对他理性的头脑丧失信任之后,拉斯科尔尼科夫必须想出一种彻底消灭利己主义的方法。因此,谋杀也是自我牺牲,因为放弃了人格(拿破仑),这也是传统上确认自我个性的主动行为。拉斯柯尔尼科夫后来在向温顺的索尼娅供认他的自我牺牲时说:“我杀了那个老妇人吗?”我杀了我自己,不是那个老女人!我就这样离开了自己...” 。当然,人们可能会认为这是一种无处安放的自责,在一定程度上这确实是。然而,通过把谋杀的焦点从老太婆的死亡转移到自我的毁灭上,陀思妥耶夫斯基巧妙地描述了两者的联系。如果所有的存在都是相互依存的话,那么谋杀一个人的同时也就意味着在杀害凶手。这种自我牺牲与人类在环境恶化方面的罪行如出一辙,既损害了人类的繁荣,也促进了人类的异化。因此,陀思妥耶夫斯基利用谋杀来揭示人类感情和生态主义在整个人类伦理道德中的重要性:相互依存。陀思妥耶夫斯基借用了自然中介来阐述启示意义,证明了这种相互依存的关系不仅仅存在于人类之间,而且存在于人类和环境之间。



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