
 2023-05-23 04:05

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Muslim customs surrounding death, bereavement, postmortem examinations, and organ transplants

Muslims are always buried, never cremated. It is a religious requirement that the body be ritually washed and draped before burial, which should be as soon as possible after death. Those carrying out this duty should be immunised against hepatitis B and be aware of the hazards of AIDS. Muslim women never attend burials and it is rare for funeral directors to be involved. Muslim jurists from the Arab world can justify organ transplantation, but those from the Indian subcontinent are against it. They are united in the belief of the sacredness of the human body and thus deplore postmortem examinations.

There are over 1-5 million Muslims in the United Kingdom, of whom well over 600 000 are from Pakistan and Bangladesh.Most of the rest are from India. Muslims form the largest non-Christian religious group in the United Kingdom, encompassing 43% of the Asian population from the Indian subcontinent.Behaviour surrounding death as expected by the Muslim faith is generally adhered to in Britain. Most of the customs followed have been laid down in the Shariah (Muslim laws) which are derived from the Hadith (practices and sayings of the prophet Mohammed) rather than the Koran.

Although Islam recognises no intermediary between humans and God, such as a clergy, there are special committees in the Indian subcontinent that decide on matters such as the burial in sacred ground of a person who has committed suicide. Ulamas (high ranking Muslim jurists) guide the Muslim world on the interpretation of the Koran and the Hadith.


Muslims prefer to die in their own homes. They believe in the day of judgment and the life hereafter, and that on approaching ones death it is important to ask for forgiveness of violations against humans before asking for forgiveness from God for sins committed.

It is a religious recommendation that an ill person, whether an acquaintance or a stranger, be visited. This is considered a form of worship and 'mercy' is showered on the visitor. Thus a Muslim dying in hospital will have many visitors. When death is near relatives give holy water (zam zam) to drink, and verses from the Koran are read. The dying person is encouraged to recite and redeclare his or her faith.

Prolongation of life by artificial means (such as a life support machine) is strongly disapproved of unless there was evidence that a reasonable quality of life would result. In hospital a great deal of anxiety may be created by certain beliefs-for example, if a baby has died in utero and if no immediate delivery is effected the mother may believe that she herself is going to die.

When a Muslim dies in hospital a great deal of anxiety may follow as a result of medical attendants being unfamiliar with Muslim rites. Ideally, the face of the person who has died should be turned towards Mecca, but in hospital turning the face towards the right should be sufficient. The arms and legs should be straightened and the mouth and eyes closed. All clothes should be removed by a person of the same sex and the body covered with a sheet. A baby dying at or before birth has to have a name. When a Muslim patient dies it is a religious requirement that the corpse be ritually bathed before burial. A stillborn baby will not require a full funeral service and in theory does not necessarily have to be buried in a cemetery. Neither the ritual wash nor the usual shrouding is required in such cases. For practical purposes in British hospitals stillbirths can be dealt with as live births.


If a postmortem examination has to be performed or death has occurred just before the weekend greater distress is caused because of the extra waiting. Postmortems are not allowed by religion-this is because the body is sacred and belongs to God6-but when the law of the country demands it there is no alternative. Generally, religious opinion is against dissection of bodies for learning and anatomy.For the following reasons attempts should be made to release the body to the relatives as soon as possible.

Firstly, it is a religious requirement that the body be buried as quickly as possible. Secondly, it is felt that any person who died was obviously loved by his or her family and if decay sets in, then that loved one could become repulsive (Muslim bodies are not embalmed.). This is particularly important in the hot countries from which most Muslims in the United Kingdom come. Thirdly, Muslim communities are so closely knit that 200-300 people may visit the home of the deceased, often from long distances-many of them eating and sleeping there. (Within a few hours of the death of a Muslim most of the community of that town and indeed of other towns will become aware of this, through relatives and announcements in mosques.) Thus, the longer the body remains unburied the greater the burden and distress to the family.

Finally, as a mark of respect the immediate relatives may not eat until after the funeral.


It may take up to an hour to wash and drape the body in a simple white cloth, which is in three pieces. This cloth may have been prepared by the deceased during his or her lifetime. Usually two people are needed for this procedure, which is carried out by those of the same sex as the deceased, except for a child up to the age of 8 years. Private parts are covered with a sheet and never exposed during the wash. Gloves are usually worn and a sponge used.

The washing and draping of the body is carried out by respected elders experienced in rules of Muslim burial. It would seem prudent to protect them from hepatitis B by active immunisation. This would beparticularly relevant if death had resulted from an accident and signs ofblood


附录A 译文







这是一个宗教性的建议,一个生病的人无论是熟人还是陌生人,都要享受被探望的待遇。这是给客人的也被作认为是一种崇拜和“慈悲”。 因此,在医院死亡的穆斯林人将会有许多的探望者。当死亡接近他们亲属的时候便提供圣水(扎姆扎姆)给他们喝,并且提供古兰经给他们阅读。垂死的人就会被鼓励背诵并声明他或她生前的信仰。






















在1967年,当Razur Rahman在巴基斯坦伊斯兰研究学院担任主任的时候,他觉得要实施惩罚关于眼睛移植的原则;“活着的人的需要优先于死去的人。”领先的学者对这个表示怀疑并没有同意。虽然,在穆斯林的倡导者的话中,“破坏一个死了的人的骨头相当于在他活着的时候破坏他的骨头。”早在1952年,埃及伊斯兰法学院的最高负责人就表示,如果对人类来说是“好”的话,那么“必要的承认什么是禁止的。”这样的规定允许器官移植,只要满足下列条件:移植是唯一的治疗方式;移植成功的可能性很高;得到供体的同意或者获得近亲的同意;供体死亡已经由一个有名望的穆斯林医生确定;或者对活体供者没有迫近的危险;接受者已经了解手术的操作情况以及手术的意义。捐赠给一个穆斯林应该是为了挽救他或她的生命,除非不能从穆斯林那里获得那么器官就从非穆斯林那里接受。

器官捐献在穆斯林国家是一个理论的问题,因为他们通常有一个非常基本的医疗服务,移植采取非常低的优先级。巴基斯坦高级穆斯林法学家建议,器官捐赠是不允许的。(MY Sacha,个人的交流)然而,在同情和了解情况下下,反对意见常常可以被克服。例如,在骨髓移植过程中没有器官捐献。




附录B 外文原文

Muslim customs surrounding death, bereavement, postmortem examinations, and organ transplants

Muslims are always buried, never cremated. It is a religious requirement that the body be ritually washed and draped before burial, which should be as soon as possible after death. Those carrying out this duty should be immunised against hepatitis B and be aware of the hazards of AIDS. Muslim women never attend burials and it is rare for funeral directors to be involved. Muslim jurists from the Arab world can justify organ transplantation, but those from the Indian subcontinent are against it. They are united in the belief of the sacredness of the human body and thus deplore postmortem examinations.

There are over 1-5 million Muslims in the United Kingdom, of whom well over 600 000 are from Pakistan and Bangladesh.Most of the rest are from India. Muslims form the largest non-Christian religious group in the United Kingdom, encompassing 43% of the Asian population from the Indian subcontinent.Behaviour surrounding death as expected by the Muslim faith is generally adhered to in Britain. Most of the customs followed have been laid down in the Shariah (Muslim laws) which are derived from the Hadith (practices and sayings of the prophet Mohammed) rather than the Koran.

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