The Analysis of the Development Situation and Trend of the City-Oriented Cold Chain Logistics System for Fresh Agricultural Products
The city acts as political, culture, and economic center, with fast development of chain business, e-commerce, and other modern trade industries and urban advance of rural integrationrsquo;s process, the consumption scale and category of fresh agricultural constantly grow, and it must raise urgent needs of city cold chain logistics, while also cause huge of traffic pressure, which makes contradic- tions between external uneconomic nature of city distribution and the sustainability of city eco- nomic development more explicit. Fresh agricultural products are necessities to urban residents, and it is basic guarantee of urban life stability to build a perfect cold chain logistics system for fresh agricultural products, it is also basic conditions supporting the development of the city. This article studies on cold chain logistics system for fresh agricultural products and analyzes the situ- ation of the city-oriented cold chain logistics system for fresh agricultural products, and its devel- opment trend.
City-Oriented, Fresh Agricultural Products, Cold Chain Logistics System, Development Trend
- Introduction
The increasing demand for the fresh agricultural products makes cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural prod- ucts meet the requirements of individual needs of agricultural products both in the technical and operational re- quirements, which results in high cost of agricultural product logistics operations. And fresh agricultural prod-
ucts are necessities to urban residents, and it is basic guarantee of urban life stability to build a perfect cold chain logistics system for fresh agricultural products, it is also basic conditions supporting the development of the city. The novelty of this article is analyzing production processing enterprisesrsquo; cold chain service system, wholesale market cold chain service system, supermarkets-oriented cold chain distribution service system, catering- oriented enterprise cold chain distribution service system, cold chain house distribution service system, cold chain mainline transport services system and commodity reserves cold chain system from the perspective of cold chain logistics service system of agricultural products, and analyze its development trend. Urban development needs large scale of fresh agricultural products supply, supported by more competitive and advanced cold chain logistics system.
The Analysis of Demand Characteristics and Development Situation of the City-Oriented Cold Chain Logistics for Fresh Agricultural Products
With the improvement of the living standard of urban residents, peoplersquo;s personalized requirements on fresh agricultural productsrsquo; diversity, freshness, timeliness of delivery get higher and higher. But property of high water content, short shelf life and perishable makes cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural products need di- versification, high technical, complex operations management, higher operating costs and so on.
The Analysis of Demand Characteristics of City-Oriented Cold Chain Logistics
The Diversification of Demand
As living standards improve, idea and behavior in food consumption of residents are in significant changes. They have greater emphasis on fresh, security, convenience, and nutrition of food consumption, resulting in the diversification of the cold chain logisticsrsquo; needs. One is the diversification of service demand. The property of extending the shelf life of the product of cold chain converts to maintain freshness and improve the quality of their products. Cold chains are mainly used for production, processing and storage of frozen and refrigerated food, and it is a means of ensuring product quality; they are also used for strategic reserves and commercial re- serves of countries of poultry and vegetable food to extend the shelf life of products and sales. With the change of consumersrsquo; quality awareness and improvement, residents not only require the rich variety of products, timely delivery, and also on the quality, safety and freshness of fresh products, so tracking, processing, packaging, and other value-added services of fresh cold chain quality and safety are derived from two basic services around the cold storage and transportation. Another one is the diversification of service demand. Fresh agricultural productsrsquo; distribution channels grow to be diversity with increasing demand scale for fresh agricultural products. Fresh e-commerce business, community chains, supermarkets and other channels led to the evolution of the cold chain of urban service mode.
High Requirements of Security
The cold chain of fresh agricultural products is attached to one end of the city living of urban residents, so qual- ity and safety of agricultural products is more related to the health of consumers, or even threatens life. City management sector should increase supervision of the quality and safety of fresh agricultural products. Cold chain logistics as an important part of the city-oriented circulation of agricultural products, and is also the focus of regulators. The promotion of Beijing food assurance project and the