
 2023-07-19 05:07

Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the ecustomer journey


The remarkable growth of e-commerce has defined the recent years of various industries worldwide. Driven by consumers, the e-commerce surge (e-retail in particular) stems from the final leg of the supply chain: the last mile. As the growing flow of e-commerce orders continues to generate new records for annual revenues, key actors in the last mile face the challenges of increasing customer demands and transportation volumes. In response, e-retailers and logistics service providers seek innovative service solutions, often powered by technological advancements. This study consisted of focus group interviews and a usability test that incorporated an innovative technology in the delivery service. The study provides insights into how service innovation affects ecustomer behavior and presents a basic map of the e-customer journey. The findings also provide a foundation for improving management of the customer experience and aiding managerial decision-making when designing new e-commerce last mile services.

Keywords e-Commerce;Last mile;delivery Service innovatio; e-Customer Customer journey Customer experience

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1

2 Theoretical background 4

3 Methodology 8

3.1 Research setting 8

3.2 Sample structure 9

3.3 Data collection and analysis 9

4 Results and propositions 11

4.1 Customer behavior 11

4.2 Customer views on the e-customer journey actors and their roles in the delivery 13

4.2 E-customer journey in the e-commerce last mile 14

5 Discussion 16

6 Conclusions 18

Acknowledgements 19

References 20


The dramatic growth of e-commerce has strongly motivated the development of retail and logistics industries in recent years (IPC, 2015; Moagar-Poladian, Dumitrescu, amp; Tanase, 2017). In 2016, e-retail accounted for 8.7% of all retail sales worldwide and was estimated to be worth 1.86 trillion U.S. dollars. Forecasts predict an increase of up to 15.5% by 2021 (eMarketer, 2018). Enabled by the Internet, retailers can reach more customers, expand much further in the distribution chain, and optimize their resources. Simultaneously, customers can engage in the service encounter at any time and place, and can easily compare available offers. Driven by consumers, the e-commerce surge stems from the final leg of the supply chain: the last mile where the order placement and the service encounter occur.

The last mile is traditionally the most cost-intensive part of the supply chain (Gevaers, Voorde, amp; Vanelslander, 2011) and is currently stretching its resource demands to an even higher level. This is because the market is expanding to include e-retailers that have created an entirely new stream of goods to be delivered and returned, alongside existing retailers that tend to transition into omni-channel retail (Saghiri amp; Wilding, 2016). From the market perspective, the first wave of e-commerce challenges hits e-retailers who operate in this newly forming space, as well as postal and logistics service providers who have to cope with the continuously growing volumes of goods being delivered and returned (European Commission, 2012; Morganti, Dablanc, amp; Fortin, 2014). The research has also consistently indicated an increase in customer demands for service quality, insofar as customers are looking for more personalized service with flexible options for the time and place of delivery, flexible conditions for purchase, and more convenient methods of collecting and returning their parcels (Michałowska, Kotylak, amp; Danielak, 2015; UPS, 2015).

In pursuit of improved performance and responsiveness to these customer demands, the last mile actors are seeking new delivery service solutions (Ghajargar, Zenezini, amp; Montanaro, 2016; Iwan, Kijewska, amp; Lemke, 2016). Industrial reports provide evidence of organizations worldwide testing new trends such as drones, parcel lockers, crowdsourced deliveries, and autonomous vehicle deliveries (Joerss, Schrouml;der, Neuhaus, Klink, amp; Mann, 2016), along with fulfillment models (Kawa, 2017; Leung et al., 2018). Potential solutions carry the promise of tackling the emerging challenges. Their short market history, however, leaves early adopters in unavoidable, time-consuming suspense caused by the uncertainty of the success of the implementations, and of the risks involved that are similar to gambling. To be proven worthy, new service tools have no alternative but to be tested by customers over time.

There are two other key variables in the successful last mile performance equation that have to be promptly addressed by firms: changes in customer behavior and changes in customer experience

resulting from service innovation in last mile delivery and in retail. These changes are redefining the components of the B2C relationship. They also require reflection on existing theories and a call for further theoretical advancements. Lemon and Verhoefs (2016) customer journey theory is one such theory that was determined to be suitable for the topic being studied. Moreover, new services often incorporate new forms of technology that add uncertainty to the B2C relationship, since


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摘 要


关键词 电子商务;最后一公里;交付服务创新;电子客户;客户旅程;客户体验

Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the ecustomer journey


The remarkable growth of e-commerce has been defined globally by the German network in recent years in various industries. Driven by consumers, e-commerce surges (e-retail specifically) from the stem to the last mile: The NAL leg of the supply chain. With Floridaamp;#039;s growth in e-commerce orders continuing to generate record annual revenue, the last mile key players face the challenge of growing customer demand and traffic. In response, e-retailers and logistics service providers seek innovative service solutions, often supported by technological advances. The study consisted of Focus Group interviews and USABILITY testing, a Usability testing that integrates innovative technologies into service delivery. This study provides insight into how service innovation FF credits ecustomer behavior, and presents a basic map of ecustomer journey. The network ndings also provides improved customer experience management and helps lay the groundwork for management decisions when designing new e-commerce last mile services.

Keywords E-commerce; Last Mile; Delivery Service Innovation; E-customer; Customer Journey; customer experience

目 录

第1章 简介 1

第2章 理论背景 4

第3章 方法论 7

3.1 研究环境 7

3.2 研究结构 7

3.3 数据收集和分析 8

第4章 结论与命题 9

4.1 客户行为 9

4.2 客户对电子客户旅程参与者及其在交付中的角色的看法 10

4.3 最后一英里的电子商务中的电子客户旅程 11

第5章 讨论 13

第6章 结论 15

致 谢 16

参 考 文 献 17


电子商务的迅猛发展极大地推动了零售和物流行业的发展(IPC,2015 ;Moagar-Poladian,Dumitrescu和Tanase,2017 )。2016年,电子零售占全球零售总额的8.7%,估计价值1.86万亿美元。预测预测到2021年将增长15.5%(eMarketer,2018 )。借助互联网,零售商可以吸引更多的客户,在分销链中进一步扩展,并优化其资源。同时,客户可以从事在任何时间和地点的服务接触,并且可以轻松地比较提供O FF ERS。在消费者的推动下,电子商务的兴起源于金融供应链的最后一站:下订单和遇到服务的最后一英里。

传统上,最后一英里是供应链中成本最密集的部分(Gevaers,Voorde和Vanelslander,2011年),并且目前正在将其资源需求扩展到更高的水平。这是因为市场正在扩展,包括已经创建了全新的待交付和退回商品流的电子零售商,以及倾向于向全渠道零售过渡的现有零售商(Saghiri&Wilding,2016年)。从市场的角度来看,网络RST波电子商务的挑战命中电子零售商谁在这个新形成的空间中操作,以及邮政和物流服务供应商谁必须应付的商品不断增长的容量输送和返回(欧洲委员会,2012年;Morganti,Dablanc和Fortin,2014年)。该研究也一致显示在客户对服务质量的提高,只要客户正在寻找更多的个性化服务佛罗里达州的交货时间,地点的灵活选择,佛罗里达州的报价灵活的条件,并收集和返回的更方便的方法他们的包裹(米莎ł owska,Kotylak,&Danielak,2015 ; UPS,2015年)。

为了追求更高的性能和对这些客户需求的响应能力,最后一刻的参与者正在寻求新的交付服务解决方案(Ghajargar,Zenezini和Montanaro,2016 ;Iwan,Kijewska和Lemke,2016 )。行业报告提供了证据,表明全球范围内的组织正在测试新趋势,例如无人机,包裹储物柜,众包交付和自动驾驶汽车交付(Joerss,Schrouml;der,Neuhaus,Klink和Mann,2016年)以及完整的财务模型(Kawa,2017年;梁等人,2018)。潜在的解决方案有望解决新出现的挑战。但是,由于市场实施过程的不确定性以及与赌博类似的风险,其短暂的市场历史使早期采用者无法避免地,为了追求更高的性能和对这些客户需求的响应能力,最后一刻的参与者正在寻求新的交付服务解决方案(Ghajargar,Zenezini和Montanaro,2016 ;Iwan,Kijewska和Lemke,2016 )。行业报告提供了证据,表明全球范围内的组织正在测试新趋势,例如无人机,包裹储物柜,众包交付和自动驾驶汽车交付(Joerss,Schrouml;der,Neuhaus,Klink和Mann,2016年)以及完整的财务模型(Kawa,2017年;梁等人,2018)。潜在的解决方案有望解决新出现的挑战。但是,由于市场实施过程的不确定性以及与赌博类似的风险,其短暂的市场历史使早期采用者无法避免地费时地产生了悬念。为了证明是有价值的,新的服务工具别无选择,只能由客户随时间进行测试。


服务研究可提供有关客户旅程和客户行为变化的广泛知识,以响应服务创新(Bitner,Ostrom,&Morgan,2008 )。Matthing,Sandeacute;n和Edvardsson(2004)主张在新服务开发过程中将客户包括在内,而Blazevic和Lievens(2008)在后来的研究中提供了对电子服务客户导向型创新管理的见解。最近的研究考察SPECI网络CS的客户行为响应由电子商务浪涌(引发的问题Andersone和盖尔- Sarkane 2009年)。然而,虽然科学的科幻C对焦一直是数字创新物流服务(霍夫曼和奥斯特瓦德,2017年)和普通电子商务的做法,消费者对这些新奇和创新的服务领域响应尚未收到科学的科幻ccedil;解套。此外,现有的研究网络ndings主要基于在线客户体验(的Blazquez 2014 ; Kawaf&塔格,2017年; 瓦格纳,2015年),不提供电子客户旅程的整体画面。由于缺乏知识,市场参与者只能采用基于试错法的新服务实施计划。这可能有负eacute; FF投资回报和ECT结果,因为在传统的送货服务的变化的客户的损失。



服务创新是二FFI邪教德科幻NE,但他们可以与精简的服务,帮助客户,二FF erentiating服务,或有助于经验(马丁,古斯塔夫森,&财年,2016年)。研究和行业中的最新服务创新通常与客户体验相关,因为客户现在被视为服务创新的共同创造者(Howells,2010 ;Randhawa&Scerri,2015 )。在这种趋势下,以客户为中心(线谢斯,西索迪亚,夏尔马和2000年)和参与(布罗迪,Hollebeek,尤里ć ,与伊犁ć 2011)已成为服务创新的重点。实际上,这种对客户体验的新关注转化为服务设计与客户关系管理之间的联系(Teixeira等,2012 )。尽管客户体验给新服务设计带来了挑战(Patriacute;cio,Fisk和Falcatilde;oe Cunha,2008年),但其与服务创新的相关性得到了许多行之有效的营销模型的支持。例如,Parasuraman,Zeithaml和Berry(1985)使用了评估并反映了选择客户体验来构建他们的服务质量模型。对客户体验的评估通常与客户满意度和客户忠诚度相关联,从而将服务创新及其接受度交到客户手中。客户创新的接受源于多个变量(Helm&Conrad,2014年),这使管理人员难以理解。创新可以达到改善服务的一个或多个方面的目的,从而改善客户的体验。客户体验到的所有方面的主观反应网络RM(莱姆克,克拉克和Wilson,2010 )。

创建和管理客户体验是当今业务的重要组成部分(Lemon和Verhoef,2016年)。几十年的营销研究和行业的反复试验已经形成了这样的愿景,即客户体验是一种与商品和服务分开的观念,它是基于公司管理的一系列令人难忘的事件而建立的(Pine&Gilmore,1998 ) 。据柠檬和Verhoef的(2016)理论的角度来看,客户体验在建立网络连接的五个类型的响应:认知,情感,行为,感官和社会反应。它们共同构成基础上与所有的直接和间接的相互作用



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